Anaheim II Setlist Party

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///walks back onstage
////picks up mic

We're all watching the show in the hotel!

/////drops mic
//////walks offstage
//picks up mic, lobs it at your head(intentionally misses, but I think my point is clear!)

:mad: :wink: :sexywink: :madwife:
i haven't got the fucking CHILLS hearing something in a long time, but The Fly just sounds...unbelievable. glad he's back on a STRAT instead of all that bollocks playing in on an acoustic guitar!
WOW - that is easily the fastest tempo they have ever played it at...

Wonder if that was a conscious band decision or if they just let it rip and it came out like that...

Also, Edge was wailing at the end...never heard him end it exactly like that!

Curious though as to why Bono is not attempting any of the falsettos (except the end of "One" sometimes) for the Achtung stuff such as Fly and EBTTRT...

They really added to the songs...and I know he can still do it!
redhill said:
Curious though as to why Bono is not attempting any of the falsettos (except the end of "One" sometimes) for the Achtung stuff such as Fly and EBTTRT...

They really added to the songs...and I know he can still do it!
Because he doesn't have a decent falsetto anymore.
Curious though as to why Bono is not attempting any of the falsettos (except the end of "One" sometimes) for the Achtung stuff such as Fly and EBTTRT...

They really added to the songs...and I know he can still do it!

Do you think it's a nod to the fact that Morrissey doesn't sing in a falsetto much?
yeah was always Edge live, as for EBTTRT i'm assuming Bono did the 'Take Me Higher' part in falsetto because it was in a higher key, and luckily doing it falsetto really did add to it live! now it's back in the key of A he can just sing it how he did on the record! still a bit gutted they started playing it in it's original key live :lol:
That was AMAZING seeing The FLY tonight! My first time seeing it live so I pretty much lost it when they started it. Plus I freaked when I saw the guitar! I had just asked Dallas in Oakland when Bono was going to start playing it! He told me we weren't supposed to know about it... yet. :wink:

I'll have tons of pics to upload later when we go through them but I grabbed this one real quick before the camera battery died. :love:

niiiiiiice, Bono playing Rhythm guitar...not the way god INTENDED obviously but he definitely needs to do more.

but i still LOVE the fact that they opened with a nice, sexy chunk of five Achtung Baby songs :drool: :drool: especially One, great place to have it. Gets it out the way without a load of pomp and ceremony. just 'hey is One, check it out. okay lets move on'

I wasn't listening to the stream or anything with you guys (if there was one?), so have no idea how it must have sounded to have Streets suddenly pop up as song SIX but that's the only problem I have with that set on paper. That song just needs to come a bit later in the set...(and put in HMTMKMKM along with UV obviously :wink:)
The Fly falsetto was always Edge, wasn't it?

Live, yes. Except for the Elevation versions where Bono sang that verse, but not in falsetto.

Anyway, this sounds to be on pair with the Vertigo versions, which were the greatest ones IMO. Fucking amazing. I wish I was there.
niiiiiiice, Bono playing Rhythm guitar...not the way god INTENDED obviously but he definitely needs to do more.

but i still LOVE the fact that they opened with a nice, sexy chunk of five Achtung Baby songs :drool: :drool: especially One, great place to have it. Gets it out the way without a load of pomp and ceremony. just 'hey is One, check it out. okay lets move on'

I wasn't listening to the stream or anything with you guys (if there was one?), so have no idea how it must have sounded to have Streets suddenly pop up as song SIX but that's the only problem I have with that set on paper. That song just needs to come a bit later in the set...(and put in HMTMKMKM along with UV obviously :wink:)

The Fly had us :hyper:, One made us go :ohmy: but Streets made us :panic:. It was WEIRD having it there. I mean it was great because I was at a U2 show that I had no idea wtf was going on, when you come in kind of expecting things, so that was insane.
One of U2's security crew walked up to me after the show and handed me a setlist too, kind of a neat one to have! :D
:up: Cool. 6 songs off AB.

Nostalgia rocks.

1. Pretty clearly a run through for a set that is, and has every right to be, a pure Greatest Hits/Nostalgia set.

2. It's their own fault for these days only being able to write 'rockers' that can't hold a fucking candle to those Achtung songs.
The Fly = :drool:

This version of The Fly seems to combine cool aspects of all three versions. A guitar tone somewhere between Elevation and Vertigo, the sweeping Edge falsetto of Vertigo, and the drums of ZooTV and Elevation... wow.
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