2018 Oscars

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
Anyone around?

I want to talk about how happy I am that Sam Rockwell is now an Academy Award winner.
It's the 90th awards, so there's been a lot of fun stuff like that, so far.
I didn't want to think you could buy an Oscar, but apparently you can. Dear Basketball was pretty much trash.
I legit just learned Sam Rockwell and Sam Elliot are not even close to being the same person.
I don't particularly care about who wins the Oscars - it's rarely a film I enjoy - but I'm baffled at the choice of The Shape of Water.

As Richard Brody said somewhere, the three enduring nominees from this year are Ladybird, Phantom Thread and Get Out. They combined for 2 awards, which I guess is better than nothing.
Anyone around?

I want to talk about how happy I am that Sam Rockwell is now an Academy Award winner.

I didn't watch too much, but watched the early parts and really enjoyed Rockwell's speech. Always liked him in his quirky roles like in The Way Way Back and Mr. Right.
He's been considered a "That Guy" for *way* too long. This isn't even my favorite role of his, but he definitely deserved the win.
Kobe Bryant, Oscar winner

Suck it, Michael Jordan!

Didn't actively dislike any of the winners, even if a good number weren't my first choice. My favorite win of the night was Roger Deakins's cinematography for Blade Runner 2049, which shockingly got a standing ovation. What a genius. Too bad it didn't win Production Design as well.

Bummed about Jonny Greenwood but at least he's an official nominee now. His score for Phantom Thread is the only one I'd like to hear outside the film.

Not a Sufjan Stevens fan but it's bullshit that they only gave him like 2 minutes when the other performers seemed to get twice as long.

I loved The Shape of Water and am so happy for Guillermo del Toro but Get Out would have been a cooler win in Best Picture. At least the latter got Original Screenplay, my second favorite award of the night. As for Phantom Thread, in a vacuum of course it deserved Best Picture and Director but for me, the nominations were the reward because I didn't expect it to show up in either category. A masterpiece.

The actors who won were all great to varying degrees even if none were best in their category. But hard to be mad about Oldman finally winning, a great guy like Rockwell having one, same with Alison Janney. And Frances McDormand already won before, but damn she's brilliant and a force of nature.
I love Del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies ever and I thought Crimson Peak was gorgeous) but I would have preferred to see Lady Bird, Get Out, or Call Me By Your Name win over it. Still really happy for him, even if it isn't my favorite of his movies.

And Saoirse should have won Best Actress.

And Adam Driver should have been nominated for Supporting Actor based on the topless Force Skype scene alone.
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