19 November 2006 Melbourne Telstra Dome

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Well this thread is full of negative vibes from Dolphyu2 so i'm gonna have to change that because this was one hell of a show. I can't understand what show Dolphy was at but it wasn't mine.....think you should have been in GA, you might have had a heart beating at least....

Trance Ending and I arrived at GA, Pen II at 9.30am, thankfully we managed to get the shade till at least midday which believe me was a god send. The heat for the remainder of the day pretty much made me drift into dozes of sleep with what time I was awake listening to Damien Rice (Oh god did I really say that?? At least i heard him do a cover of ISHFWILF....honest!!!), reading trashy gossip mags, making strategies for locations with TE and listening to U2’s soundcheck!!!

The stadium seemed to open a bit earlier this time – GA line was a bit more organised and there was no serious gatecrashers today. TE nearly had a disaster just before we entered the ticket area - someone standing on the back of her shoe and ripping it off her foot - of course some people took advantage of this and pushed and shoved past us nearly trampling her in the process, until the security man realised what was going on and stopped the queue.

From that point on we got into the stadium without to much fuss and totally threw our strategies of “location location” out of the window. We got seriously seduced by an open barrier spot on Edge’s side about half way down the runway stage…hmmm is this stage b to the left …I’ve not got the technical jargon of all these stage terms yet? I think we just looked at the spot and went ‘OH YEAH” and bypassed our plans of getting into the central part. I think it was probably the best view of all the three shows we saw (sydney III we had a similar spot but a little bit closer to the main stage, but we were separated and I had two people in front of me. Melbourne I we were in front of the speakers to the right near Adam– good location still but could have been closer). The GA crowd were absolutely fantastic with some serious U2 fans around us - I had one girl that had been to all 7 shows next to me - so it was good to think that if they played some early songs at least the people around me would know them - at Sydney III I almost felt like I was the only one that knew Party Girl and I will follow.

So we had a great atmosphere in GA (particularly after Kanye left the stage) bit disappointed the wave never seemed to really take off but there was other things going on around that seemed to entertain everyone. Particularly loved the three boys going on stage and posing for photos with the guitars – what a reception they got and what a memory to recall in years to come. Anyhow at this point of the day I was in sheer agony with lower back pain from standing/lying on concrete floor (that will teach me to fall asleep) and I seriously wondered how I was going to manage the show. Amazing what U2 can do though, miraculously my pains disappeared when I heard ARCADE FIRE over the speakers and then before I know it I’m jumping up and down no problems to COBL.

To be honest, the first 7 songs from Sydney III were probably one of my my highlights of the tour, so when I heard a similar beginning at Melbourne I I was mighty pleased. I guess I knew it would have to be a mix up at Melbourne II but at the time I just was not thinking about it – so I’m getting ready for IWF and they replace it with UTEOTW…Oh wow that caught me off guard but how magical was that. I realised from that point that the show was not going to be what I expected at all.

Okay in brief because as per normal I’m rambling again….

•The First Time totally took me by surprise – think I literally was spellbound - what a performance....i had to keep pinching myself is this for real....
•SBS – magic as ever. Definelty standing the test of time and so it should. Have to admit I was disappointed not to hear NYD tonight (being a fave of mine) but y’know I think i't was a fair exchange for the other tracks we got suprised with.
•Party Girl – oh god I was more than happy to hear what I did at Syd III but to hear it in full – WOW. Had an absolute ball with this song live – thank you U2 for playing it…thank you Bono for remembering the words….at this point in the show you pretty much had made my night with this one song.
•Miss Sarajevo – Bono you bloody nailed this song....you brought tears to my eyes once again
•Kite – beautiful – oh god I was dreading hearing this song knowing it would be the final song of my final concert, esp the part “I know that this is not goodbye”

So you can imagine my surprise when just as I thought the show was all over, the guys are still on stage and I start to think they are not wanting to leave….then I hear BAD….I looked at TE and must have had this shocked look of “I can’t believe this” …. The girl at the side of me started crying...it was all pretty emotional....…..absolutely mindblowing, what a performance, what an ending…. I’m feeling so blessed that I got to hear this live again.

So apart from my fave moments - throw in the fact that we had the most amazing view of Bono, The Edge and Adam coming less than a few metres away from us every now and again. I could not believe how close we truly were (check out TE’s amazing photos) . At times I totally forgot that I was in a crowd of ‘whatever numbers were there’ and that we were in an intimate show, U2 have this ability to almost make you believe this and then you just happen to glance at the stands and think “oh god where did all these people come from”.

The Edge was just absolutely amazing, I was mesmerised by him – what unbelievable focus he has . I was slightly embarrassed by all the cameras going crazy around him (can't seem to recall it ever been that bad in previous tours) that I actually stopped taking photos in the end because I just wanted to capture the moments with my eyes not a lens. Bono, hell what can I say about him without sounding like this review should really belong in PLEBA , I’m just thankful I did not get chosen by him to get up on stage because I just don’t know what I would have done. He has such an engaging presence about him - he walks past you and you feel that you have been touched by something incredibly special. The times that he was near us when he was scanning the crowds it almost looked like he was in an entranced state then he'd hit reality again and be almost overwhelmed by the crowd ....that look will remain with me forever.

One classic moments was when he gazed down at TE, she thought she was in trouble - TE it must have been your camera, you were going a bit mental with it at one point (!!!) Bono must have been thinking “Enough is enough” but y’know I think it may have been that poster from Sydney III that may have triggered his memory ( sorry this is a private joke because if I tell you what I really mean, TE will absolutely kill me) .

So the parting words of the 'GOODBYE SYDNEY' incident.....oh how hilarious, the look on Bono's face priceless....god i think i even saw Larry laughing his head off....FANTASTIC...!!! I never see Larry....never mind seeing him laugh so much ....my god priceless moment!!!

So Melbourne II , this was just the most magical show for me, I loved my GA experience, the crowd I was in, having the perfect location, TE at the side of me, with the most amazing band ever giving me one hell of a show, with a set list to die for….what more could I honestly want. In all …it just felt like all the pieces fit to make the perfect show.

After getting out the stadium TE and I had to have a quiet moment to focus back to reality– we watched the thousands staggering out of the stadium. We cried, we laughed, we had a giggle, we were speechless but then in the same sense a blubbering mess of words - whatever, for me it was up there as one of the best U2 shows I've ever seen.
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FUCKING BRILLIANT! You have just summed up what I've been trying to say to people for a week now! I enjoyed reading your post because it gave me tingles and just made me relive the night all over again in my head! :D Thanks oh and also.. we were in the same pen!

U2 Bliss, God what a great summing up of that night! I feel so lucky to have been there myself, making the trek from Adelaide (and convincing reptile that he needed to make the trek too :wink: ). I'd never been to the Dome before and frankly the place made me claustrophobic, but as you said, the first notes of Wake Up and all those thoughts flew out of my head. And being privileged to hear First Time and Bad :drool: I'm sure I freaked a few people around me :D

No wonder I've been depressed this last week! Oh well....
U2 Bliss...great review...no rambling...you just captured everything.

I always find it really difficult to judge a show. For me is less about the quality of the performance and more about the atmosphere, especially of those immediately around.

I was with some great people that night, people that could sang along with Party Girl and Bad. I had a brilliant night and it was certainly my favourite show of the Oz leg.
^ Thanks everyone :)

Thought I'd reresh our memories with two photos from that show. I know its a bit late in posting but I've only just got the photos downloaded.


^ I wish i could delete those people at the front :mad:


This is my fave shot - I'm actually a crap photographer but this i think turned out half decent :)
I Was there as well. i was on the ground floor. I was so close for a while it was amzing. This show was so good at the end i nearly started crying because i didnt want them to go. I was upset they didnt play NYD but some of the suprises thy played made up for it.
I Hope U2 come back downunder again. This was deff worth every cent. i'd give anything to see them again.

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