13 November 2006 Sydney Telstra Stadium

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Cool... I get to post the first review again.

Not the adventurous setlist many of us would have wanted. I was hoping for a few of The Electric Co, All Because Of You, Bad, All I Want Is You and Crumbs From Your Table.

But absolutely no complaints. We got a "party" setlist. For the first time on the Australian tour they played I Will Follow, Mysterious Ways and Party Girl. I Will Follow and Angel Of Harlem were part of the main set. We got a variation on the Zoo TV encore: Until The End Of the World (normally in the main set) and Mysterious Ways. Party Girl was 2nd last prior to Kite and Bono completely forgot the lyrics but we were all in party mode by then so who cares. The champagne came out during Party Girl too.

Bono invited a kid onto the stage during Sunday Bloody Sunday and he danced with a lady on stage during Mysterious Ways and the start of WOWY.

The setlist changes made it pretty light hearted and stacks of fun. I was in the fenced off GA section again (same as Saturday night) about 10 rows back from the front and the crowd were just as good as Saturday. The highlight was WOWY when we were just so unbelievably loud. Great moment. All smiles from Bono and the boys.

Roll on Adelaide. 4 U2 shows in 7 days and 3 to come in the next 7 days. What an absolute priviledge this is! I am indeed in a place called Vertigo and I never want to leave.
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In my opinion this was by far the most cohesive show so far. (Ok, other than party girl, but that was just fun!) Transitions were spot on, the music was played amazingly. The crowd was so loud and you could see the boys responding to it with their 'wows' and many smiles.

I enjoyed Angel in the middle of the set list and the return to Boy with I Will Follow. I feel that the first encore with UTEOTW and MW was a lot smoother than ZS and The Fly.

Party Girl made the night for me. Bono forgetting the lyrics just made it all the more impromtu and then we had a chance to see the boy jam b/c you could see they were playing around and figuring it out on the spot.

Just a quick review in passing. Loved it, one of my favorite shows from the tour!
It was my first U2 concert I've been to cause I only got into them really last year when i was 16 and i thought it was amazing, probably the best concert I've ever been to. The pricing was really good too I thought for the standing area. At the Rolling Stones concer earlier this year you had to pay $400 or something to get right up the front but in this one it depended on how long you were willing to stand in line for the gates to open so the biggest fans got the best view. I got at the front of the second standing area and it was awesome anyway; I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Everyone was really into it around me, both the older couples in front of me and the girl round my age next to me. Yeah overall an awesome concert. All the songs were really well done and set list was perfect! Can't wait till they come again.
oops...I think I was meant to post on this thread only..sorry a newbie!
Just got back to sunny Brisbane after a mad week in U2land.

Sydney 3 was by far my favourite show out of the 4 so far. Amazing setlist, real party atmosphere and we were on the front rail!

My wife held a sign and Bono spotted it, smiled, and came right down to us in Until the End of the World! He came into the crowd and we were all wired for the rest of the night!!

I Will Follow was fantastic...full of energy. Streets was amazing as always. Mysterious Ways sounded great, especially considering it sounded crap in soundcheck!

Party Girl was a bit of a mess with Bono forgetting most of the lyrics. However, it was a brilliant, unique version and it fit in perfectly for the 'party' night. Kite was again beautiful and brought a tear to my eye.

So Sydney 3 ends my U2 adventure. I didnt think they could top the great performance in Brisbane but they did....twice!!

The best band in the world.
Location Location Location....

4 shows, & three front rows....

We had B reserve tickets for Syd 2, & we thought it was the weakest of all the gigs.....yet that was "OUR" blinded opinion due to our poor seats.....for others, that gig rocked....Im sure it did.

Last night again, we were on the front barrier (Must of seen you bono_man) & it was the show of our lives!!! Still havnt washed the champagne off of us it was sooo sweet....

Brisbane was great & so were all 3 Sydney shows.....Its what you make of them & take away from them that counts...

U2 ALWAYS rock!!!
Just have to say..iI don't think that Bono' forgot' the words to 'Party Girl'..I think he was just ad libing..especially seeing that alot of the crowd did not initially recognise it..and therefore he was just working in those boundaries.
Anwyay I will get him to clarify it, when I meet him for lunch tomorrow LOL!
Fionna said:
Just have to say..iI don't think that Bono' forgot' the words to 'Party Girl'..I think he was just ad libing..especially seeing that alot of the crowd did not initially recognise it..and therefore he was just working in those boundaries.
Anwyay I will get him to clarify it, when I meet him for lunch tomorrow LOL!

didn't forget the lyrics??

Check Axver's site and watch it again:
just scroll down a bit and there you'll find a youtube link.
enjoy!! :lol:

gosh..i missed the 'oh dear bit' thanks for pointing that out...we all thought they were just deciding to ad lib it a bit more!
13 November Sydney

I also went to the Monday concert and although it was a great concert I must say that the acoustics of the stadium were not very good. Or maybe it was were we were sitting.. However I enjoyed every minute eventhough I couldn't understand a word Bono was saying. Having been a U2 fan from way back and seen them live in Holland during the Joshua Tree tour I must say that they are ageing beautifully!! LOL. Looking forward to the next time....
Can anybody tell me who the children were that came on stage at some point during the concert. There were 4 fairly young children, who were they?

Ok been offline for nearly two weeks….so I’m busy catching up on the news, the photos and now I’m finally getting to post on some threads.

Trance Ending and I decided to go to Sydney III after getting caught up with the excitement of our first Setlist party thread(Brisbane) ……hmmm bit of an impulse decision…it scares me to think what may happen at another set list party!!!!!

We flew in from Melbourne about 11am, I was slightly dazed and confused from serious sleep deprivation over that w/end. I think this may have effected my behaviour at the show, my god most of it is a blur I felt like I was almost possessed so I apologise if I was the one who blocked your view from being a mad woman, or if I screamed/ yelled/sung in your ear, stood on your toes, banged into you. U2 Live have this very strange effect on me and I just can't seem to control it...AT ALL.

So in brief, entered the stadium – totally spun out by the fact that I was in the stadium that hosted the Olympics……then I see the stage set up and it just freaks me out. I’ve not been to such a huge show like this for a hell of a long time and the moment just took hold of me. So I’m hearing the security say “no running or you are out ” so TE and I start “power walking” to the stage, we are rewarded on the Edge’s side near the corner of the runway. I could not of wished for a more perfect location…...THEN the worst GA scenario happens…. just before Kayne comes on I’m desperate for the loo. So I plead with the people around me who we have become quite friendly with – help me get back to this position. True to their word these beautiful people kinda got me back to my position with just a teenage boy and his sister nicking my original spot – I’m slightly mad with myself but figure they are smaller than me so I still had a good spot.

So finally onto the show (sorry I do tend to ramble)….Kanye comes on……I remember a thread asking us all to give Kanye a bit of a chance…so I do…my mind is slightly elsewhere but I do honestly kinda listen and clap at the appropriate places.

Finally U2….oh my freakin’ god…I had no idea how I would react when they came on stage. I’ve been a fan of this band for nearly 23 years, I do have a reputation (amongst those that know me) of slightly going insane at their shows and this has been an eight year wait for me. I hear Arcade Fire and I’m literally jumping up and down with excitement….I don’t know what happened but I just completely freakin’ lost it when I heard COBL….I became a teenage all over again!!!! So Vertigo follows……then elevation… I distinctly remember at this point yelling out aloud “ oh my god you are gonna f******g kill me” (with excitement but i just never got that word out) ….the teenage boy in front of me turns around and gives me a glare of “you’re one crazy woman” and do you know what it gives me that much needed energy to keep going…..I hear I will follow and I look over at TE and we both have the hugest grins on our faces...…..oh then my dear dear fave New Years Day is played …at this point I feel that if I die from to much excitement then at least I will die happy. ….beautiful day follows………oh and the rest...well you must all know the setlists by now....

Highlights for Sydney III… because I’m ramblin’ now

* Those first seven songs…..f****** awesome, that’s all I say, absolutely amazing. I could not of dreamed up a better beginning even if i tried.
* Loved SBS...esp bringing the little boy out on stage. This sounded so fresh live….despite NYD being a firm fave of mine live it paled in comparison with SBS live. Oh god, I'll live to regret saying this but i think NYD sounded a bit tired and worn (more so at Melbourne I) .....oh god i'll be cursed for this and probably will never ever hear it live again....!!!
*Streets - still as magic as ever live
* Miss Sarejevo - Bono...wow...you left me gobsmacked!!!
* Party Girl – Bono I totally forgive you for your stuff up – it was hilarious . The sheer fact you gave us a little bit was enough to satisfy me.
* The Saints – not a huge fan of the studio version but god it ROCKS live...who needs Greenday its U2 all the way for me
* Kite – oh what an ending ...just beautiful.

Other highlights
* The little girls with the “Larry Mullen Band” t-shirts…how cute were you all!!! I hope you remember your moment on stage with Bono.....what a moment.
*The Mexican wave – just loved it...Thank you Sydney audience you were just amazing.
* the two lovely Austrian tourists at the side of me who despite not knowing a lot of the songs just totally went crazy. You are closet die hard U2 fans I’m sure of it…you just rocked.
*The woman at the left front of the stage (in the middle section) with the signs “I love dirty roadies’ “will you belly dance with me” ……oh god I loved your signs….they were hilarious.

In all...I have to say, for the sheer atmosphere or was it just being caught up in the sheer madness of the moment…… I have to say this is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen them do. U2 just looked so happy, so fresh, so living the moment....what a show.

Saying that Melbourne II won me over days later as the best show of the ones i saw. I still stay true though that this sydney show was unbelievable.:drool:
I was back in b reserve for ths show,but i had my binocs, and an excellent view of the screen, and people around , whilenot entusiastic themselves, didnt mind my singing and dancing and shouting and jumping up and down. This was another great show, with interesting changes in the set. This to me wasa show that got better as it went on... by the end it was crazy.... unbelievable.
Highlights for me from this show -
Beautiful day
Sunday bloody sunday
with or without you
until the end of the world
mysterious ways

a special word of praise for mysterious ways which for me was the nights best song, unfuckingbelivable, great artwork and powerful music, especially at the end... i loved it!
:up: nice work! awwwwww .. so glad we went!!! :hug: See, it does pay to be stoopid sometimes!!!

U2 Bliss said:

Trance Ending and I decided to go to Sydney III after getting caught up with the excitement of our first Setlist party thread(Brisbane) ……hmmm bit of an impulse decision…it scares me to think what may happen at another set list party!!!!!

hahahahaha .... you know, I've always fancied going to HAWAII !!!
*runs to apply for new passport*

BTW, I'm not gonna bother getting my boot fixed, I'll keep it for a hilarious souvenior :wink:
blueeyedgirl said:
Great story Bliss and Trance! :applaud: As for Hawaii, I think I heard reptile say sumthin similar......:ohmy:


oh please, don't get me excited! :ohmy: :hyper: I'm starting to think this is actually a real viable idea, hehe! :wink:

Hmmmm .. ya know, Jetstar are starting cheap(er?) flights to Hawaii soon, arn't they ......



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