(09-16-2005) U2 feeling the effects of Vertigo - Jam!

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ONE love, blood, life
Sep 22, 2001
new york city
U2 feeling the effects of Vertigo

Ed. Note -- Uh oh, Oz and South America.

By JANE STEVENSON -- Toronto Sun

There's been some talk of U2 continuing their Vertigo tour after their last scheduled date on Dec. 19 in Portland.

But U2 guitarist the Edge told The Sun in a Canadian newspaper exclusive at the Air Canada Centre last weekend that nothing's been decided.

"At a certain point, we're going to have to get back and start thinking about the next record," said the 44-year-old guitarist, whose band plays the third of their four sold-out shows tonight at the ACC.

The Edge says he does write on the road but he's not as focused as when he's in one place.

"I do, but for every 10 songs I write there's probably only one that will end up going anywhere," he said.

"To start really getting into the material for the next record, it's going to take a lot of time off the road. There's a couple of things that I've done that I hear (and think), 'That's special, that's going to make the next record,' but I'd still need some time off, I think, to make a great U2 record."

U2, whose latest album is 2004's How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, wrap up their four-night-stand at the ACC tomorrow night and head to Chicago.

At their second show on Wednesday night, they were joined by Canadian producer Daniel Lanois on stage.


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