US Politics XXIX: The Final Thread Before XXX

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If Nevada hadn’t said that they will finish over the weekend, I definitely thought we might get there tonight if Arizona definitely went for Biden.

I didn’t understand if Nevada meant we won’t hear from them until the weekend or if they intend to finish up over the weekend. It is possible the race is media-callable if they’re releasing votes and Biden expands his lead. Possible.
I didn’t understand if Nevada meant we won’t hear from them until the weekend or if they intend to finish up over the weekend. It is possible the race is media-callable if they’re releasing votes and Biden expands his lead. Possible.

Very true. And maybe if it’s obvious that Arizona is going by then, then they will just call Nevada. Or Georgia could always go Biden.

Luckily I’ll be preoccupied with the Packers making the 49ers 4th string running back look like Barry Sanders tonight.
Stupid CNN commentary:

“Donald Trump needs PA. Without it there’s no way he gets to 270. There’s just no way.”

Yeah no shit, because Joe Biden would be at 273.

These were the geniuses that said late in the evening that FL still needed to count the mail in ballots. ?
Luckily I’ll be preoccupied with the Packers making the 49ers 4th string running back look like Barry Sanders tonight.

Every 49ers WR has been put on the Covid list and are out. Kittle is out, Jimmy GQ is out. If the Pack doesn't win this game you should pack up Leo and move to Chile.
Every 49ers WR has been put on the Covid list and are out. Kittle is out, Jimmy GQ is out. If the Pack doesn't win this game you should pack up Leo and move to Chile.

Thankfully I live in De Pere which is a suburb of Green Bay. [emoji16]
I have so many tweets at my fingertips showing that Biden is kicking ass in PA but don't want to fill up the thread with them. Here's another sign that Trump has no realistic chance of stopping JOEMENTUM right now:

Some back of the envelope calculations: with 47K votes left in Georgia and assuming Biden gets, say, 65% of them (which I think is conservative given this is early vote from blue areas), he would be ahead by a few hundred votes.

If he gets 68% of that vote he should get ahead by 4,000 or so.
I don't put a lot of stock in Michael Moore but I do think that he's right that this counting needs to get done quickly because there is a lot of anger simmering and the longer you allow these crazies to organize into militias to cause real problems on the street, the worse it will be.
Some back of the envelope calculations: with 47K votes left in Georgia and assuming Biden gets, say, 65% of them (which I think is conservative given this is early vote from blue areas), he would be ahead by a few hundred votes.

If he gets 68% of that vote he should get ahead by 4,000 or so.

A few just got dumped on NYT... NYT looks like they updated accordingly.

This might boil down to how red the absentee ballots are in the two remaining very-trump counties.
The reality that the Georgia race will likely come down to <1,000 votes has taken the immediate urgency away for me somewhat. There are so many provisional/cured/military/overseas ballots still to go and the possibility of a recount looms. The result will very likely be contested.

I just hope we don't lose this one like Florida in 2000.
The reality that the Georgia race will likely come down to <1,000 votes has taken the immediate urgency away for me somewhat. There are so many provisional/cured/military/overseas ballots still to go and the possibility of a recount looms. The result will very likely be contested.

I just hope we don't lose this one like Florida in 2000.

GA has to be just icing for Biden, can't be the deciding state. If it is we got serious problems.
AZ, NV and PA have to make GA a non factor.
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