US Politics XVIII: the illegitimate partisan sham thread

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So hey, good job embarrassing my state last night, people :|. Stop fucking things up so badly and making our party look like a laughing stock, my god. Do they not seem to get just how important it is to NOT screw up this election, or what?
:hug::hug: my friend.

The boring white guy is also gay and married to a man. That wasn’t possible in 2008. Or even 2012.
Definitely true! More changed minds along the way.

Right now, Pete's only competition is comprised of the carcass of Biden's campaign that's low on cash and shaky bangs Klobuchar who is basically done outside of the midwest.

When we get to actual delegate-rich states, Pete is going to push up against Bloomberg who has essentially infinite funds and will likely siphon off a good portion of Biden's votes.

Two strong issues from Mayor Mike.

1) Gun Crontrol.
I think there are enough reasonable gun owners out that can offset the worse of what the NRA has become.

2) Climate Change.
While I'd have to research what else he proposed (got started on?) - he did have the Million Trees Campaign. Yes, 1 million trees were planted here to help offset the rise in heat and humidity in our NYC Summertime (i will not quote a certain person :D ). Not all of them took, and i just read an article saying tree plantings have almost doubled in $$ cost in nyc. :( Planting and replanting ave also slowed down as a result of that.

He's certainly got some smarts about it. Hopefully would get a lot more input and ideas from serious environmentalists, ecologists, architects, renewable energy experts etc!
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unless he can figure out a way in the next like 2-3 weeks to steal basically all of joe biden's support from minorities, he's going to get demolished in every state that isn't 91% white.

People said much the same thing about Bernie in 2016,
As much as Pete's lack of appeal to minority voters concerns me. You have to think of the options voters will have.

If Joe goes the way of the dodo, you've got Bernie, Warren, Pete, Possibly Amy K, and Bloomberg. None of them are exactly a shining beacon to minority voters. Especially if Joe's supporters are more in line ideologically with Pete, Amy Or Mike.
Minority voters obviously have political views and concerns that white voters may not, but in the end, everyone is still united by the removal of Trump. That will be the biggest driver of turnout.

His running mate would be a more vital a choice than anyone else who is running.

I still think Bloomberg would fare much better than Pete, and Warren somewhat better than Pete as well. We'll see who makes it past super tuesday.
:hug:s my friend.

Definitely true! More changed minds along the way.

Two strong issues from Mayor Mike.

1) Gun Crontrol. I think there are enough reasonable gun owners out that can offset the worse of what the NRA has become.

2) While I'd have to research what else proposed (got started on?) - he did have the Million Trees Campaign. Yes, 1 [/I]million[/I] trees were planted to help offset the rise in heat and humidity in our NYC Summertime (i will not quote a certain person:D ). Not all of them took, and i just read an article saying tree plantings have almost doubled in $$ cost in nyc. :( Planting and replanting ave also slowed down.

He's certainly got some smarts about Climate Change. Hopefully would get a lot more input and ideas from serious environmentalists, ecologists, architects, renewable energy experts etc!

I think his biggest 3 issues that he is involved with are Gun violence, climate, and voting rights.
Those are all big for me. Haven't really heard his healthcare stance other than lowering drug costs, blah, blah...
I'm looking forward to him on the debate stage. Especially his responses back to the others when they hit him on being a billionaire. Should be fun.
The boring white guy is also gay and married to a man. That wasn’t possible in 2008. Or even 2012.

this is true, and it is historic. i respect that he is blazing a trail, even if i want him to lose and go run for governor or congress or something.
And for something completely somewhat different!


...SOTU Drinking Game!

We've got 27 mins for ideas!

OTOH we all could ignore it in RT, and catch public radio, and MSNBC's review later. :up::up::up:
That's my suggestion! :D

Oh, annnd I'm HOPING he's gonna screw up by going off-message and start crowing about how he's going to be :sad: acquitted tomorrow.
The Repugs are afraid of this.
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I think his biggest 3 issues that he is involved with are Gun violence, climate, and voting rights.
Those are all big for me. Haven't really heard his healthcare stance other than lowering drug costs, blah, blah...
I'm looking forward to him on the debate stage. Especially his responses back to the others when they hit him on being a billionaire. Should be fun.

Voting rights? :hmm: That has not come to my mind as one of his issues. How has that seemed to come up for you as something he's concerned about.

It's something important to me.
If Biden continues to perform this low, does that open the door for Bloomberg? Would Hillary get the itch?

Would Biden sue Trump and the GOP for defamation?
"Our country is highly respected again."

OK, non-Americans, shall we do a roll call?
If Biden continues to perform this low, does that open the door for Bloomberg? Would Hillary get the itch?

Would Biden sue Trump and the GOP for defamation?

I would say wide open for Bloomberg. No way on Hillary. Also heard John Kerry made some comment about jumping in. Either one would be an absolute disaster. I've never heard of anyone say - if only John Kerry would run! LOL.

A lawsuit would be a pretty good idea. The damages would be off the charts
I would say wide open for Bloomberg. No way on Hillary. Also heard John Kerry made some comment about jumping in. Either one would be an absolute disaster. I've never heard of anyone say - if only John Kerry would run! LOL.

A lawsuit would be a pretty good idea. The damages would be off the charts
Yeah I like the idea of Bloomberg. I want nothing to do with Bernie. The more I read about his past, the more dangerous I think he is.

I'm not a Hilary fan but there's just a very tiny part of me that would love to see her stick it to Trump.
Yeah I like the idea of Bloomberg. I want nothing to do with Bernie. The more I read about his past, the more dangerous I think he is.

I'm not a Hilary fan but there's just a very tiny part of me that would love to see her stick it to Trump.

Oh yeah. I am a Hillary fan, and would love nothing more than to have her take him down But, if she was going to do it. She should have done jumped in at the beginning. Now it would not be a good look and would garner much more ill will than support.

I kinda stand where James Carville does on Bernie. I'd of course vote for him against Trump, but that's about it.
Ah, well running out of battery. i was able to blow up screen, so i got NP and just drumph's arm. She shook her head several times with i guess a semi-wry smile. And she mouthed something about ? 2 mins maybe "i don't know" [about that] .
Will be back for a bit later.
I’m not watching, but I’m hoping this is a hoax — he gave the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh?

Not a hoax. Limbaug has got stage 4 lung cancer just announced yesterday.

A little part of me feels bad for him - my mom suffered from terrifyingly [I was 5 1/2] severe asthma back in the late 1950's eventually more under control.

OTOH wih all the poisonous vitriol he spewed about POC, feminist women, liberuls etc, i'm also having <sp> schaedenfreude.
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this is true, and it is historic. i respect that he is blazing a trail, even if i want him to lose and go run for governor or congress or something.

Fully agreed on that :up:. That is very cool indeed.

There is no possible way i could watch that mess. Just seeing his face starts a rage bubbling up inside me.

Same. That, and his voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

I’m not watching, but I’m hoping this is a hoax — he gave the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh?

Birds of a feather, and all that.
If you want to be entertained while you wait out the speech by the Marmalade Molester, head over to your favorite social media sites and watch as Berniebots melt down over Pete, and run wild with conspiracy theories and how the DNC is at it again! Even Clinton is in on it. They are all connected to the app developer. Cheating and stealing the primary again!!!!!!
It would be humorous if it weren't so pathetically unhinged.
Amazing that anyone vaguely progressive even wants to entertain the idea of crypto-Republican billionaire Bloomberg buying his way into the Democratic leadership and by extension, the Presidency.

Yeah I like the idea of Bloomberg. I want nothing to do with Bernie. The more I read about his past, the more dangerous I think he is.

I'm not a Hilary fan but there's just a very tiny part of me that would love to see her stick it to Trump.

I'm sorry, but yikes to this whole post.
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