US PolitIX - Michael Cohen Ruined Infrastructure Week

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“I thought that the public, America, needed to know how close this was, and that the evidence was overwhelming,” Duncan said. “I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty, but he was, and no one’s above the law.”

"I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty" is an odd thing to say. And she says nobody's above the law...yet she plans to vote for Trump again come 2020. Eh?
It’s funny because nobody freaks out about a unanimous requirement for the courts, because one would expect them to not be partisan (even though this one clearly was).

Yet, to impeach a president, they need what? Two thirds?

An impeachment will never be nonpartisan, yet it’s over a crime. Go figure. Just goes to show you that Congress thinks it is above the law.
Hey don’t hate on Anderson Cooper.

Who will ever forget him interviewing the Church people who wanted to load all the homosexuals on a helicopter and drop them off in a fenced in area so that they couldn’t reproduce?

Hey don’t hate on Anderson Cooper.

Who will ever forget him interviewing the Church people who wanted to load all the homosexuals on a helicopter and drop them off in a fenced in area so that they couldn’t reproduce?

I'm not. I'm actually giving him credit - but want to know why it took so long.

Guy's a wannabe mob boss, has been forever, and is connected with real ones. It's not a secret, and it's now showing in real time.
It took him so long because it’s not his job to have a strong opinion.

At this point there’s just not really a place for not having an opinion - not even professionally.
I didn't know till next morning that Manifort had also been convicted -was binge-watching POI DVD from library, so never turned on any news!

What a couple of days!

While drumpf can't be criminally charged for now he can be brought up on civil charges.I

Maybe criminal charges in NYS- because the founders during determined the States would have a certain domain.
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Guy's a wannabe mob boss, has been forever, and is connected with real ones. It's not a secret, and it's now showing in real time.

You really have to wonder what happens to his so-called empire when this all comes to light.

The wonderful bonus that he has unwittingly delivered to the world is to expose the stench of hypocrisy of the evangelical voters in the US. Not that I think they ever had any kind of moral high ground, but whatever benefit of the doubt they may have been afforded by well-meaning and/or naive people is now gone. They are fully exposed. No bleach like sunlight.
You really have to wonder what happens to his so-called empire when this all comes to light.

The wonderful bonus that he has unwittingly delivered to the world is to expose the stench of hypocrisy of the evangelical voters in the US. Not that I think they ever had any kind of moral high ground, but whatever benefit of the doubt they may have been afforded by well-meaning and/or naive people is now gone. They are fully exposed. No bleach like sunlight.
I honestly have no idea what will happen, and I do think he'll likely skate on a lot of things because it's just so hard to believe when it's all said and done. And I'm not even getting into Russia - just his decades long money laundering and mob related schemes is hard enough to wrap your head around.
In other news...

John McCain announcing that he is going to stop treatment for his brain cancer.

Like him or not, this is sad news. :sigh:

Ugh, trying to arm teachers is really hashing my mellow from all the good this week.
Ugh, trying to arm teachers is really hashing my mellow from all the good this week.

Exactly, considering the funding for that could easily used for better things - like, better salaries, supplies that are not paid for by the teachers, better textbooks. But no, push the gun agenda because they put money in Republicans' pockets.
It sounds like they'd be cutting funding to the poorest schools to do this, too?
It sounds like they'd be cutting funding to the poorest schools to do this, too?

The entire gun issue and culture is why we have repeatedly turned down job offers to move to the US. Especially the ones originating in places like Texas and Florida. Sorry, my kids don't need to be target practice at school.
I worry that he will make himself dictator for life if he makes it to 2024. Please keep feeding him KFC.

This. If he survives all of this, he is King

Followed by his daughter taking over

Absolutely. And what is really worrisome is that his followers are OK with this. They want to dictatorship because anything is better than liberalism to them.
Wow! Came across this HuffPo piece just now. Is Cavuto of all people turning against Trump?

Fox News' Neil Cavuto Shreds Donald Trump: 'The Problem is You'

The Fox News host then listed some of the president’s most “worrisome and tiresome” lies, calling out Trump for changing his story on controversies ranging from “hush money” payments to women who said they had affairs with him to his knowledge of a 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in hopes of gathering damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

“You are right to say that some are out to get you,” Cavuto said to Trump. ”But oftentimes, Mr. President, the problem is you: what you say, and how you keep changing what you say.”
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