the things you missed

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
there are a lot of inside jokes on Interference. sometimes, you step away for a week or two, or more, and you come back and everyone's talking about something but you don't know what it is, and it seems funny, but you feel totally left out and unable to contribute so you stand quietly in the corner waiting for the subject to return to Old Mercy vs. New Mercy so you can, again, contribute to these critical matters of discussion.

i imagine there are quite a few of these, and since no one has the internet time to research everything from Shuttlecock to Battlestar Galactica to Lance's Mom and what she may or may not have going on, my sincere hope is that we can post the questions we've been too scared to ask.

for me, it's Leo. someone please explain.
BTW: Appreciate this thread. A few people have pushed to get a stickied thread like this for a few years, I feel like. Might as well just make one and keep it up top, lol.
Why did Sting2 get banned?

What happened to Maoilbheannacht?

Were they the same person? They were both very knowledgable in touring data.

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Were they the same person?

while a mod should probably answer, i believe the answer is yes.

STING returns under different names every few months. you can spot his posting style a mile away.

not sure why he was banned, but i believe it had to do with his posting style/behavior in FYM. it was never profane or nasty, but amounted to trolling.

again, a mod should probably answer.
A lot of older memes like "I know people" or "is Bono okay?" or the Kunstmuseum can be found in the Interference's best thread competition in lemonade stand. There all the original threads are linked I think for each meme.
No, not at all, that was already years ago, and there's definitely more stuff missing.
I'm really surprised some tabloid hasn't picked up on this yet, honestly.
It was all downhill after U2Man got permabanned for insinuating that the members of U2 were gay.
Wow....I thought it was a little crazy now but those were some nut ball threads!!!!

I'm glad I stick to this's scary out there :)

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That was a great time. There has been a lot of demand for another one as well, so maybe in 3-4 years we'll give it another go. Assuming we're all still on here, of course, which is a terrifying but at this point realistic thought.
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