Random Crack Music Talk XC: The Infatuation Of Yeezus' Yayo By The Blowhard Rob Ford

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So did I. I'll have to listen to it later.

I see U2.com is giving its subscribers a digital version of the soundtrack song.
Didn't you all say their Were Mandela soundbites mixed in?

Because of that, I had REALLY low expectations, so this only kinda sucked....

Thought Bono sounded good on it until the chorus, when his voice practically cracked with how high he was trying to sing.

Reminded me of how much I love the original, though, which I haven't heard in ages.
I think what bothers me the most is the mispronunciation of quinoa, which, admittedly, is a word that a lot of people don't know how to pronounce--even people who regularly eat it. And something about a black man mispronouncing it made it worse to me, like white people eat and know quinoa, but black people don't.
The last thing marketing people want to do is stereotype racially. There's a concerted effort to make every minority in every major commercial as upper middle class as possible, specifically to avoid such an accusation.
I'm concerned with Bono heading into this album now, just because I think he hasn't sounded good on either of the two things we've gotten.
Wow, U2 owes me 4 minutes and 3 seconds of my life back.
Glad I didn't bother trying to grab this yesterday. If it really limited, should be able to get somebody to pay you $20 on ebay to take it off their hands if you really want it.

(I suppose folks in "the other place" are raving about how great it is)
Yeah the new Breathe is kind of boring. I do like Ordinary Love as well though. I think it's a really good tune.
I'm kind of indifferent to both of them. I like the guitar work in Breathe a lot, but the vocals leave something to be desired. Similarly, I think the atmospherics in Ordinary Love are promising, but again the vocals weigh down the song.
I don't know what's so difficult about lowering the key a couple of steps. He sings so far above his range these days, he's not even giving himself a chance.
Seems to me he's trying too hard to carry the songs. I'd like him to be more willing to let the voice act as an accompanying instrument rather than the centerpiece of whatever track he's singing on.
Seems to me he's trying too hard to carry the songs. I'd like him to be more willing to let the voice act as an accompanying instrument rather than the centerpiece of whatever track he's singing on.

Like the TUF days :heart:

Not going to happen though. Bono won't even let Edge solo these days without bellowing over him about something or other.
I'm spinning Plastic Beach for the first time in a while right now, and I'm fairly certain my #1 live show regret is not biting on Gorillaz tickets in October 2010 due to being a little poor kid. I can't think of anything else that comes close. Maybe The Throne.
I like Plastic Beach even more than Demon Days, and that's high praise.

Damon Albarn is surely one of the most talented musicians of the past 25 years or so.
Any fans of Cocteau Twins might also enjoy Damon & Naomi, formerly of Galaxie 500. I'm listening to their Sub Pop compilation and liking it quite a bit.

Also, who was it that was promoting Lucius a while ago? I think it might have been Mofo. Looks like I should give that album a spin.
I'd say Plastic Beach is their best as well.

Never saw Gorillaz either, but at least I saw Blur on the Parklife tour (with Pulp opening).

Seeing the Hives tonight. Haven't heard much of anything since Click Click Boom, but Veni Vidi Vicious and Tyrannosaurus Hives were wicked start to finish. I've been waiting to cross these guys off my concert list for a long time
I've seen parts of their show from a distance on a few festivals. The leadsinger is the most irritating frontman I've ever witnessed.
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