July 11th 2011 - Rogers Centre - Toronto, ON (Part 2)

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I understand exactly what you're talking about, and I actually had a couple attempt to steal my spot last night while I was saying hi to someone a few rows back. It was pretty funny what happened when I got back, but suffice to say I didn't say much and they left pronto.

I have no problem with self-policing, it's necessary. But take a person like me. Did you see me in the line? Probably not. What if I left the pit before you arrived, went to the bathroom, and then came back after you had set up? You wouldn't have known me from a person who had lined up, and you'd likely assume that I just popped up out of nowhere. I'm passing you, going straight back to my spot on the rail, front row! Do you see what I mean here?

K - I don't think ppl are seeing my point.

When U stand and wait for like 3 hrs, U get to know the ppl around U - U talk to them and know who is with them, etc.

Look at my earlier post from where I was - this couple tried to bring in 2 others that they supposedly knew with like 5 mins to go - AFTER we stood for 3 hrs. Should I have allowed it - NOT A CHANCE. We stood there and waited.
I don't think that's accurate at all to be honest. Many people passed me last night, like probably 50 or so. Only on two occasions were they people who were up to no good, and exactly what I said would happen happened, once they got where they were headed they were dealt with. So it all worked out.

All I know is where I was was 2nd in line behind the rail. At that spot, 99% sure they don't need to get in front of us. :sexywink:
K - I don't think ppl are seeing my point.

When U stand and wait for like 3 hrs, U get to know the ppl around U - U talk to them and know who is with them, etc.

Not necessarily. I went for a bathroom break before Interpol came on (left my bag in my spot, three people deep between Bono and Adam), and when I returned, some rude woman behind me tried to cause issues. An approximation of our conversation:

Her: Uh...excuse me? *gives me a dirty look*
Me: What? I just went to the washroom.
My GA line friend: Yeah, that's her bag right there.
Her: Well, she wasn't standing there when *I* got here.
Me: Uh, yeah I was. I was just in the washroom. I've been standing in line since 8am.
Her: Yeah? Well I've been standing in line since 5am.
Me: :rolleyes: *turns around*

Funny thing is, I glanced behind me a couple of times when looking for the lads on the catwalk, and she didn't seem to be enjoying the show at all. Hardly sang along, was texting on her phone at various points... I find that more offensive than someone leaving briefly for a bathroom break, but whatever. I didn't let it phase me.

Awesome show, overall. Better than the Sept. 17th show in 2009, I thought. The setlist was fantastic, and I had an absolute blast. I had a sign requesting Bad... While they didn't play it, Bono did see it and acknowledge it, which was pretty cool. :) And it was nice to finally meet you, Gabe! :wave:
:yes: And it was ABSOLUTELY my pleasure to step back a bit to let you pass between my spot in row 2 and the front rail, on your way out and back. In fact, that's how we finally met! :D You coulda done it 10 times and I woudn't have blinked.

awwwwwwwww isn't that nice.....:hug:
I'm with Sancty. I don't smoke weed, but fully expect to be smelling/inhaling it at a concert. It's unreasonable to expect anything else. It has happened at every single concert in the history of concerts. I also don't particularly like sweaty people rubbing up on me out in the streets, but at a concert, it's going to happen.
I agree with GVOX that people should be able to go to the washroom without scorn or ridicule. The GA experience can be testing and trying. At one point or another you have to secure your place and stay. Whether it be after 5pm after the Gates open or at before the show.

We all know the types that drop in just before the show and expect things. But really, it being GA, this is going to happen. When someone is searching indefinetly, that is a problem.
awwwwwwwww isn't that nice.....:hug:

It actually really, really was. GibsonGirl and I have had convos on here for years, havent always agreed in fact somewhere in distant memory I think I probably pissed her off a few times...but at a U2 show? The words on the screen mean nothing, we're family! I love bumping into someone that says "so-and-so from Interference??" It's great :)
A) I practice common sense and go early and often if I have a good spot on the floor

B) If I'm in the back of the floor or in seats, I go when I damn well please, even if that means leaving during Pride to go piddle.
A) I practice common sense and go early and often if I have a good spot on the floor

B) If I'm in the back of the floor or in seats, I go when I damn well please, even if that means leaving during Pride to go piddle.

He's being silly/sarcastic.

I personally time it so I don't have to go once U2 starts. But not everyone can do that. Not my place to belittle them or prevent them from passing on thru. I want them to enjoy the show as much as I will :up:
He's being silly/sarcastic.

I personally time it so I don't have to go once U2 starts. But not everyone can do that. Not my place to belittle them or prevent them from passing on thru. I want them to enjoy the show as much as I will :up:


OK - what I am referring are the ppl that try and sneak in at the last minute - NOT the ppl in line that have to leave to go piss, change a diaper or adjust their wig.

JUST TALKING about the last minute assholes that push and shove at the last minute.
You guys are talking about guys who are trying to stop in front of you, right?

Because there's no need to interfere with people who are legitimately just passing you to get somewhere else. If they don't belong where they eventually stop, those people in that spot will deal with it.

There are alot of people who are passing just to go to the bathroom, grab a drink, whatever. There is no reason to interfere with their movement.

yes. it was actually...group of 8 or so in same black T-shirts, same red U2 slogan....began to move to centre of the pit....stopped at wall next to me and my wife....me..."I really do not hope you do not plan on stopping in front of my wife"...response, "we are going to meet friends further in"....my response...."well, then get going"....then the tough drunk guy stare. it just so happened that our point about 8 o clock to the centre of the stage was where literally, the space RAN out....there was no place to go.

never waited so long for a good spot in the pit only to them take a wee since i drank too much beer. perhaps with some poser fans, they might run into said problem. that said, once the concert starts, if you are leaving to wee after 4 songs and trying to get back to the pit...fail.

thanks for the kind words gabe. we actually thought about going to Montreal for the shows.

i think the hot humid weather made the smoke in the pit worse.
I used the 'should' word when I shouldn't have. Personally, just to avoid problems I practice planned peeing in the GA line.

Oh and by the way. When my body is in concert mode, I can endure without eating for quite some time. I have no doubt that when being on tour doing multiple GAs and multiple cities, the body goes in to a different mode.
For sure, and Montreal of course was completely open air, so the smoke didn't linger. I hope your wife is feeling better!

seemed groggy at lunch.

i generally do not drink at a concert with GA unless i expect to be back at the sound board. this one, had friends in the pit for the first time. in fact, guys first U2 concert - made sure they pissed before interpol finished to get back to our spot in the pit just as interpol ended and told them if they had to piss again, they could meet us at the stairs to see the boys walk off the stage...even pointed out where they could get a good shot of the fourt.

so yes, i am party to blame. to suggest one should not think that it should not have happened, is rather unfortunate.

in any case, no one died as my father said.
If you go this route I suggest that the men do it in a slow and incremeantal manner. Slow and hold technique. Not in a fast and gushing way. Not if you want to have any friends left in the GA.

Ladies, I really don't know what to tell you on this one.
made sure they pissed before interpol finished to get back to our spot in the pit just as interpol ended

This is my M.O. completely. I can't just stop eating or drinking from 3 pm onward or some silly thing, I'm way too skinny I'll pass out or something what with my high metabolic rate. So I eat drink and be merry all day...and right around that 8:30 mark I get my last bathroom break taken care of and good to go for the entire U2 set. I don't die of malnutrion or dehydration. Honestly, there were people being led out on stretchers. Not a good look.
It actually really, really was. GibsonGirl and I have had convos on here for years, havent always agreed in fact somewhere in distant memory I think I probably pissed her off a few times...but at a U2 show? The words on the screen mean nothing, we're family! I love bumping into someone that says "so-and-so from Interference??" It's great :)

Heh. :) It WAS a nice experience. I remember a few years back, just after the Vertigo tour or so, we didn't see eye-to-eye on a number of things (and this was back when I went through my ridiculously stupid overly-critical-of-everything-U2-does phase, so I totally take the blame for that :wink:). At the end of the day, we all love the band to bits. It's always great meeting people from Interference for that very reason.

It's almost funny how much I've grown to enjoy HTDAAB after blasting the band as much as I did here during that period. Taking a bit of a break from Interference helped, I think. To go all Kubrick on you... Interference Hiatus, or: How I Learned to Stop Bitching and Love the Bomb. :wink:

Anyway, back to the topic at hand... Staying hydrated is SO important, especially on days that were as hot/humid as yesterday was. It's senseless to not drink anything for fear of needing to pee later during the show, only to then pass out or vomit from exhaustion when 10pm hits. If people are going to get snippy about a bit of movement in the pit for pre-show bathroom breaks, that's their choice, I guess...but really, there are worse things than having to step aside for a second to let someone pass. You could have puke down your leg, for one thing. Or someone could faint next to you during the show, and distract you from the action on stage.
saw several girls in the mens washroom. fwiw, i bet they couldn't stand the lineup for the ladies room.

in montreal, you just had to head to the bushes if brave enough.

at the sound board in toronto and montreal, there was a more distinctive hash scent, more tolerable than skunk weed.
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