June 17 & 18, 2011 - I'm not #1 in the GA line in Anaheim...carry on...

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Took a while to catch my breath.

We went through the first checkpoint and got to turnstiles. I ended up first one of them.

I heard Lenny soundchecking so I didnt go through. One veteran line starter-upper tried to sprint through. Idiot.

5 minutes or so later when Lenny was done, I heard a guy say go ahead. I looked at the lady in my turnstile and took off. When I got to stairs I didn't see anybody on floor, it was great.

Took off down stairs. Ran to spot with arms raised yelling "whooooo!"

Got my spot on rail. More center than usual.

Hope it's a great night!
Took a while to catch my breath.

We went through the first checkpoint and got to turnstiles. I ended up first one of them.

I heard Lenny soundchecking so I didnt go through. One veteran line starter-upper tried to sprint through. Idiot.

5 minutes or so later when Lenny was done, I heard a guy say go ahead. I looked at the lady in my turnstile and took off. When I got to stairs I didn't see anybody on floor, it was great.

Took off down stairs. Ran to spot with arms raised yelling "whooooo!"

Got my spot on rail. More center than usual.

Hope it's a great night!

woohoo! wtg Dan!!! :rockon::hyper:
I was on Edge's side and what happened is some guy peed in his pants and the floor, some girl that was wearing flip-flops felt it go on her foot and told security. They escorted the guy out.
The guy then snuck back in and the girl let security know. This time the guy saw security coming and pushed back into the crowed and 3 guards went into the crowed after him.

This happened Right in front of me, so I saw it go down.
I was not wearing shoes so yeah safe to say my feet needed a scrubbing when I got home.
Felt sorry for the girl who got peed on.

ummm. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... seriously.:huh:
I was on Edge's side and what happened is some guy peed in his pants and the floor, some girl that was wearing flip-flops felt it go on her foot and told security. They escorted the guy out.
The guy then snuck back in and the girl let security know. This time the guy saw security coming and pushed back into the crowed and 3 guards went into the crowed after him.

This happened Right in front of me, so I saw it go down.
I was not wearing shoes so yeah safe to say my feet needed a scrubbing when I got home.
Felt sorry for the girl who got peed on.

Oh gross. :down:
I was on Edge's side and what happened is some guy peed in his pants and the floor, some girl that was wearing flip-flops felt it go on her foot and told security. They escorted the guy out.
The guy then snuck back in and the girl let security know. This time the guy saw security coming and pushed back into the crowed and 3 guards went into the crowed after him.

This happened Right in front of me, so I saw it go down.
I was not wearing shoes so yeah safe to say my feet needed a scrubbing when I got home.
Felt sorry for the girl who got peed on.

FWIW it was a PITA to get to the port o johns

Props to you, Shoeless Joe, for reporting on the incident
I mean there are various things they could do to make me piss myself, but come on... They weren't even on stage yet!

Which leads me to the question. What could U2 do to make you piss yourself at a show?

Van Diemen's Land for me.
What a great couple of days! :love: No flat crowds anywhere from where I was which was under Edge's shoes night one and tip of the front rail RZ Adam's side night 2. Everyone had the best time, and yeah we went crazy night 2!
I had so much fun meeting so many people, and seeing people again I hadn't seen for a while.
DRay special thanks to you for the concert after the concert :drool: and thanks to the lovely hotel room hostesses. :cute:

And nice meeting you. :wave:

Red Zone line Adam's side was the most kickback chill line I have ever been in. For one I was the only one in it for a long time. :lol: 2 more awesome people showed up early like me and we didn't even stay in the "line" for most the day, we just chilled in the shade nearby. Even right before we were let in it was the shortest line I've ever seen yet, and we got our perfect spots on the rail with plenty of room around us all night. (Well except for one guy who came up right before Lenny and was leaning into my back :huh:, but I told him to back off and he left.) Otherwise everyone there was supercool. :D
I was on Edge's side and what happened is some guy peed in his pants and the floor, some girl that was wearing flip-flops felt it go on her foot and told security. They escorted the guy out.
The guy then snuck back in and the girl let security know. This time the guy saw security coming and pushed back into the crowed and 3 guards went into the crowed after him.

This happened Right in front of me, so I saw it go down.
I was not wearing shoes so yeah safe to say my feet needed a scrubbing when I got home.
Felt sorry for the girl who got peed on.

I saw that! The guy was escorted out and what I heard was, he returned undeterred and proceeded to harass the girl, grabbing her and such. She told security and they pushed past me to get to him and drag him out.
I saw that! The guy was escorted out and what I heard was, he returned undeterred and proceeded to harass the girl, grabbing her and such. She told security and they pushed past me to get to him and drag him out.

Yeah, sad thing is he only had 2 beers and got that drunk.
But yeah that had to be the same guy because he did come back and stand right back in the same spot next to the girl. I did not realley watch to see if he was messing with her, I just noticed he suddenly took off and saw 3 security guards jump the wall and take off after him.
Night 2 there was a woman who got ejected from the inner pit because she had smuggled her dog in her purse! :coocoo:
Tim and I were so stunned neither of us took a picture of this as it was happening in front of us. :lol: the type of crowd you get in SoCal... :D

I had an amazing time both nights. First night I had a seat with a direct frontal view of The Claw. I was surrounded by huge local fans who, despite not knowing the setlist beforehand, KNEW the lyrics to Zooropa and HMTMKMKM. We sang on top of our lungs, and the only time I sat down was during Walk On because I needed a breather.

Second night I was #66 in line, and when they split the line into Adam or Edge sides, I chose Edge's side despite the chaos on Friday. It bumped me to E15 in line. I was the first person in one of the turnstiles. They held us up because Lenny hadn't finished with his soundcheck yet. I chatted with the ticket scanners, one of them a supervisor. At first he was very gnarly, probably because I looked very impatient, and a bit pissed off at the douchebag of a security guard that purposefully held up our line as we were rushing to the turnstiles. The ticket scanner said we should really settle down and there's really no rush because everyone will have a chance to get inside. I told him the only reason why I want to get to the front is because I'm short. And finally after talking and joking back and forth, he was actually very friendly. My ticket scanner, Carlos, a wonderful stocky man in his late 50's who has been scanning tickets forever, told me stories about how in the past they didn't use to have a scanner, and things were much, much slower. They had to read each ticket one by one to ensure it's not fraud. :lol: God bless him... So after this bonding, as soon as the music stopped, I looked expectantly at him. He whispered "just need to hear the go-ahead now" and I nodded. I didn't even hear the "go", but he did, and he grabbed my ticket and scanned it and I was the first 10 people running towards the stadium from the gate. Of course I lost this lead by the time I got to the field... :D but I still managed to get a great spot on the outer rail between Bono and Edge.

As far as the show itself.... OMG is not even enough to express how I felt! The setlist change was awesome, and the energy was so palpable in the crowd, and in the band.
My body is sore, voice is still hoarse and my back is completely sunburned... BEST U2 WEEKEND EVER

I'm completely useless at work. I swear those shows felt like they flew right by. Seriously , I blinked and it was over.

Why must time fly by when you're having fun??? :grumpy:

Both nights blew me away. Night two had it's incredibly emotional moments for me but it was a good thing.
I will never forget this weekend
My voice is a raspy mess, a body bruised and sore U2's got me with, I have nothing to win and nothing left to lose but.... That was definitely the best U2 weekend ever!

Tired. U2 hangover. Terrific blur of a weekend, except for last night when my wife ended up in the E.R. (long story, but she appears to be ok). Sounds like everyone had a blast as well. Saw/met a few of you, sorry it wasn't more of you. Did I mention I'm tired? :D
Was there the 1st night and I thought it was a bit better then Pasadena. I knew they would change the setlist for the second night but man.... you guys got treated!!! 5 straight songs from Achtung!?!?! Wow.... nice!:drool:
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