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Blue Crack Supplier
Aug 22, 2002
the great beyond
And I hope not to hear sarcastic nonsense like “Lord help us” or “That’s hell in a hand basket”. I just would like a mature and meaningful discussion here.

Just a warning ahead of time: You're going to be extremely disappointed. This is the forum that shits on threads of bands/artists that don't appeal to them, instead of simply ignoring said threads which would be the mature way to go about it. It has become so bad that genuine fans end up starting their threads with a "I hope I don't get flamed" or "this is for my friend, really" coupled with an uhoh or reject smiley etc. What a joke!

As for the topic, I really don't think she can ever become as big as Madonna or even Britney Spears. Just a personal opinion. That said, I don't know much from Avril. Maybe 3 or 4 songs. I do like her I'm With You song.
Really, Zoots, is it necessary every thread to bash on B&C members?
Really, Zoots, is it necessary every thread to bash on B&C members?

Some members, yes, who don't get a fucking clue that they're acting like immature adolescents. This forum just ain't what it was pre-2007 but I still post here because some of the bands/artists discussed here interest me.
Just a warning ahead of time: You're going to be extremely disappointed. This is the forum that shits on threads of bands/artists that don't appeal to them, instead of simply ignoring said threads which would be the mature way to go about it. It has become so bad that genuine fans end up starting their threads with a "I hope I don't get flamed" or "this is for my friend, really" coupled with an uhoh or reject smiley etc. What a joke!

Some members, yes, who don't get a fucking clue that they're acting like immature adolescents. This forum just ain't what it was pre-2007 but I still post here because some of the bands/artists discussed here interest me.

Okay, I tried to resist replying to this, but I just can't, because seriously, Zoots, it's getting old.

Music is a divisive art form; not everybody likes the same bands/artists/songs. As several people tried to explain to you in the DI thread, most music forums tend to swing towards "indie" tastes, which is just how it goes. Now, I'm sure there have been plenty of instances of people putting down pop artists on here, but how is that any different from out in the real world? It fucking isn't. People express their opinions on music when prompted to (such as when a topic is started in B&C) regardless of whether or not it's going to be a positive reaction. And, take GAF, for instance, who loves that sugary pop stuff and is completely unapologetic about it, as is a professor of mine who loves the Spice Girls and stuff like that. They're both also willing to say why they enjoy that music, which most of the people who post on here aren't...after getting their feelings hurt, they run away, which isn't fruitful for discussion at all. I'd personally give people more respect if they stood behind the artists they like, regardless of what others say. That's what really matters, even after somebody puts down your music, do YOU still love it?

Also, nostalgia for the "good ol' days" never helped anybody...and, this is an honest inquiry: Zoots, don't you think that by attacking B&C members, you're just doing the same thing they're supposedly doing to people who have different musical tastes, but making it a personal attack instead of a musically related one? That's what has been pissing me off most about your posts lately.
Okay, I tried to resist replying to this, but I just can't, because seriously, Zoots, it's getting old.

Music is a divisive art form; not everybody likes the same bands/artists/songs. As several people tried to explain to you in the DI thread, most music forums tend to swing towards "indie" tastes, which is just how it goes. Now, I'm sure there have been plenty of instances of people putting down pop artists on here, but how is that any different from out in the real world? It fucking isn't. People express their opinions on music when prompted to (such as when a topic is started in B&C) regardless of whether or not it's going to be a positive reaction. And, take GAF, for instance, who loves that sugary pop stuff and is completely unapologetic about it, as is a professor of mine who loves the Spice Girls and stuff like that. They're both also willing to say why they enjoy that music, which most of the people who post on here aren't...after getting their feelings hurt, they run away, which isn't fruitful for discussion at all. I'd personally give people more respect if they stood behind the artists they like, regardless of what others say. That's what really matters, even after somebody puts down your music, do YOU still love it?

Also, nostalgia for the "good ol' days" never helped anybody...and, this is an honest inquiry: Zoots, don't you think that by attacking B&C members, you're just doing the same thing they're supposedly doing to people who have different musical tastes, but making it a personal attack instead of a musically related one? That's what has been pissing me off most about your posts lately.

i think he's referring more to people starting innocent threads or making innocent comments - more so those who don't post here as often - and then either getting completely derided for them or not being able to indulge in a discussion. :)
i think he's referring more to people starting innocent threads or making innocent comments - more so those who don't post here as often - and then either getting completely derided for them or not being able to indulge in a discussion. :)

Yeah, I know, but still, if they have the initiative to make a thread about an artist, then stay to back it up. Part of living in the world is being able to disagree and having to discourse with people about disagreements. :shrug:

Oh, and as for Avril Lavigne, I don't know a ton about her, but I can say that she definitely knows how to sing a catchy-as-hell song. I sort of despise "Girlfriend," but damn, it is a fucking catchy song, and that does take talent, so :up: for her.
Yeah, I know, but still, if they have the initiative to make a thread about an artist, then stay to back it up. Part of living in the world is being able to disagree and having to discourse with people about disagreements. :shrug:

What happens in this forum is not just a polite "let's agree to disagree" thing and you know it! It's usually along the lines of extremely mocking posts, downright spamming with unrelated pictures and inside jokes and basically giving that Oasis, Coldplay, Bon Jovi or whatever unpopular artists' fan absolutely no room to even explain his/her tastes. It is childish bullying and nothing else. So how can you expect the actual fan to even give a shit to wade through all the spamming and bother to stay around to explain why he/she likes said band??? You seem to condone the gang bullying that takes place in this forum by saying that people should stand up for their tastes.
Some members, yes, who don't get a fucking clue that they're acting like immature adolescents. This forum just ain't what it was pre-2007 but I still post here because some of the bands/artists discussed here interest me.

Do us all a favour and grow a thicker skin. It's the Internet, for crying out loud. :shrug:

Why are you getting so bent out of shape for? Do you sit around all day and lament how things used to be on this board? Something as fluid as an online message board, with new members every day, and old ones that no longer post, is never going to be the same as time goes by. It's just a fact.

People tease others about their musical preferences all the time out in the real world, so why should it be any different online?
Why are you getting so bent out of shape for?

Cos it is just irritating to see perfectly good threads completely ruined time and again by the boorish clique of this forum.

People tease others about their musical preferences all the time out in the real world, so why should it be any different online?

Light teasing once or twice is one thing. Being a total douchebag and post whoring spamming the hell out of every thread with the regular gang of hooligans, and not letting genuine music fans get a word in edgeways, is very pathetic in my opinion. I don't know about you.
Zoots, I know what you're talking about, and the way I see it, you have two options:

1. Ignore the people who annoy you and just go on talking about whatever the hell you want to talk about anyway.

2. Keep complaining about it.

I know what option I'd go with.

I don't get it, Zoots... how were they "perfectly good threads"? They were about Bon Jovi!

Ha Ha funny.

And it is not limited to Bon Jovi threads either. It's damn near impossible to get an on-topic word in edgeways in those random music and movie threads in between all the shuttlecock lance's mom bullshit. Why would anybody who doesn't belong to this clique even bother posting random thoughts about music or movies if they are just going to be ignored?
Oh, the random threads? Eh, you're better off just starting a new thread about whoever/whatever you want to talk about. More people will probably see it in the list of threads than would see it in the random thread.
Ha Ha funny.

And it is not limited to Bon Jovi threads either. It's damn near impossible to get an on-topic word in edgeways in those random music and movie threads in between all the shuttlecock lance's mom bullshit. Why would anybody who doesn't belong to this clique even bother posting random thoughts about music or movies if they are just going to be ignored?

1. Ignore the people who annoy you and just go on talking about whatever the hell you want to talk about anyway.

If it really does bother you that much, then politely personally address the people you consider to be the main perpetrators and tell them what it means to you, rather than storming into threads and breaking discussion up.
Oh, the random threads? Eh, you're better off just starting a new thread about whoever/whatever you want to talk about. More people will probably see it in the list of threads than would see it in the random thread.

Agreed. But that was not my point.

If it really does bother you that much, then politely personally address the people you consider to be the main perpetrators and tell them what it means to you, rather than storming into threads and breaking discussion up.

Oh I should politely address them to stop their childish bullshit? This is hilarious. I really don't wish to derail this thread much longer. Keep doing what you want to do in this forum, guys. The mods obviously don't give a shit.
Cos it is just irritating to see perfectly good threads completely ruined time and again by the boorish clique of this forum.

Light teasing once or twice is one thing. Being a total douchebag and post whoring spamming the hell out of every thread with the regular gang of hooligans, and not letting genuine music fans get a word in edgeways, is very pathetic in my opinion. I don't know about you.

I know what you're talking about and it used to get up my goat a fair bit, but I'm kinda over it now...the thing is, most in this gang i find quite pleasant, aside from one horrid character.

Just respond by bagging Radiohead. Fair dinkum, there's plenty to bag them about. They wrote a song called We Suck Young Blood (Avril, Bon Jovi and Oasis never wrote anything that bad), and Radiohead weren't good enough to sustain any mainstream appeal, bunch of posh-school misanthropic, introverted hacks. Also, Wilco, Arcade Fire and LCD Soundsystem might be fair game too. :wink:

Don't let it all get to you...I think you've got quality music taste.
some of these last few posts and quotes have been brilliant :lmao: zoots i see where you're coming from, that's why i stay the hell out of the random music thread and a few others. but you kind of have derailed this thread.

Nothing about Avril Lavigne so far has given me any indication that she's capable of that kind of major reinvention. Bratty pop-punk princess stuff is IMO what she's best at, at least it's fun. Whenever she tries to go for something with more depth she just ends up exposing her limitations.
this. but damn she wrote a catchy tune or three.
Avril's my favorite Canadian.



though i'd still take robin.
Poor HBK is probably sitting in front of his computer, scratching his head and saying ".... I don't ... what ... I can't even ..... I just want to know what they think about Avril!!!!"
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