Random Music Talk CXXII: 2018 It Is

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yea you people are messed in the head. i use cilantro like lettuce on mexican dishes. occasionally you get an off-tasting batch but 95% of the time it's delicious.
It’s complicated.

Have you ever had a nickname?
My artist name is my nickname. My surname is Kozalla, and then they called me Koze.

While we’re here, what’s the correct way to pronounce ‘Koze’?
Originally, it is Kot-zuh – really hard. But people changed it to Koh-zee. Then in Japan they say Koh-zuh or Kowze. Now I’ve let go, it’s wonderful, you can say it how you want.

I read it was pronounced Ko-zay and thought I'd been saying it wrong all these years.

Which I had, but at least his name doesn't actually sound like a cheap wine brand.
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I would NEVER name myself after something as vile as cilantro.

Coriander at least sounds pleasant. Had I known it was the same thing, I would have thrown Find the River into the trash and never listened to it again.

Damn it, Stipe.

Plus if you were Cilantrostem, we couldn't call you Cil because we already have one
Plus if you were Cilantrostem, we couldn't call you Cil because we already have one

I don't think I realized her name had anything to do with Find the River until she mentioned it at one point, pretty sure I thought her actual name was Cori Anderstem.

I also recently realized I'd been mishearing / singing the lyrics to Man on the Moon as "Annie did you hear about this one" until a few weeks ago. How I never realized I was "Andy" when I knew the song was about Kaufman, i have no idea. Maybe I assumed it was the same Annie from Smooth Criminal.

I'm bad at REM related critical thinking.
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I would just like to point out, to my understanding, that cilantro is the top part of coriander, so I don't think you need to say cilantrostem. I think it's a given.
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