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The Fly
Feb 16, 2013
So I officially once again HATE my real name I mean my nick name of Detters isn't bad. But when your first name is Destiny your doomed. I mean you'll have to deal with everyone saying Destiny it is your Destiny and crap it's so annoying. Anyone else hate there name? Or nickname? I mean I like my nickname because it means You are strong in material matters, determined and stubborn. You have good business ability. You are a good worker, steady and practical, a builder who takes responsibility well. These qualities may bring you a position of authority and power. You are a doer, down-to-earth, serious-minded, reliable, and self-disciplined; have good power of concentration. You have an eventful, exciting life. You are versatile and have the ability to learn easily, but may be nervous and temperamental. In critical situation you can become nervous, and it may interfere with your sound judgment. In critical situation you can become nervous, and it may interfere with judgment. You want to look decent, but it is easier for you to escape the situation and disappear than take a lead.
Position and social status is very important for you and you are always looking for way to improve your position in society. You have power and ability to chose your own destiny and achieve anything you want in life. You can expand in any direction according to your will and the set of values. You have passion for justice and belong to the position of authority. You have an inherent courage and endurance to accomplish "The Impossible Dream". With the power comes responsibility. You hold keys to the material world, but with this gift comes high spiritual responsibility to be fair and true to others. You are philosophical and mature, determined and intense with a desire to endure, often religious. once upon a time ago my mom called me Oreo until some one told her it was rassist. Because I'm half Irish half Philippino.
Do you plan on legally changing your name? Its not written in stone that you have to go by Destiny forever.

You could do that, or insist on using your nickname in all situations - work, school, social life.
Yes I have very much considered it since I was 13.. but it's too much work. I had my last name changed from my mom's maiden name to my step dads last name. It may have been since I was younger when that happened. But I've always found it more trouble than its worth. I've tried going by Detters/Dettersree in High school that didn't work. I've also tried going by my middle name I didn't it like it that much either.:doh::reject:

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