Looking to trade for rare stuff

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The Fly
Apr 7, 2005
Hey everybody,
I have the following shows that I'd like to trade for other rare material. I know a couple of these have already been mentioned by other members, but here they are anyway if anyone's interested:

1. Chicago 05-10-05 2CD - excellent audience
2. Philly 10-17 2 DVD - with Bruce
3. Pittsburgh 10-22 DVD

I am looking to trade these for other non-torrented and low-circulated material. E-mail me at one_cool_dude17 (at) juno (dot) com.

Hoarders suck, torrent that stuff for everybody to share and love and molest. No rare trades allowed.

So its rare if you post it for open trade on a public board? :eyebrow: :laugh: :wink:

I think "rare" needs to be defined. These shows are definately making the rounds. I'm sure soon someone will go against the tapers wishes on 5-10 and post it on a torrent as well. :shrug:
Ok, rare, IMO, would mean anything that has not been torrented or widely circulated. I think that's a no-brainer. Perhaps I should've worded it differently. If someone chooses to post it on a torrent site, they will only be screwing themselves as far as tapers releasing their material in the future. But I'm not going to beat a dead horse. This has been discussed many times. If you want rare - or rather - "uncirculated and non-torrented" material - and don't have anything to trade, do as others have said. Go tape a show yourself. I just happen to have some stuff that others want. I've been collecting for a long time and as a result, I have some material that hasn't been widely circulated. You know, it seems there's not much anyone can say on this board without being attacked! I haven't even said much until this point, but come on! Some of you are ridiculous. I don't necessarely agree with the idea of tapers holding on to their shows for "uncirculated or non-torrented" trades only, but I respect their wishes because they have done the work and it's their recording. I might even consider trading some of these shows for some not-so-rare stuff that I haven't bothered to get yet, but to those of you who do nothing but complain, I know you'd just throw it on a torrent site out of spite for the tapers. I trade with those who share the same respect for tapers. Ok, here we go - let the arguments begin. :banghead:
one_cool_dude17 said:
Ok, rare, IMO, would mean anything that has not been torrented or widely circulated. I think that's a no-brainer. Perhaps I should've worded it differently. If someone chooses to post it on a torrent site, they will only be screwing themselves as far as tapers releasing their material in the future. But I'm not going to beat a dead horse. This has been discussed many times. If you want rare - or rather - "uncirculated and non-torrented" material - and don't have anything to trade, do as others have said. Go tape a show yourself. I just happen to have some stuff that others want. I've been collecting for a long time and as a result, I have some material that hasn't been widely circulated. You know, it seems there's not much anyone can say on this board without being attacked! I haven't even said much until this point, but come on! Some of you are ridiculous. I don't necessarely agree with the idea of tapers holding on to their shows for "uncirculated or non-torrented" trades only, but I respect their wishes because they have done the work and it's their recording. I might even consider trading some of these shows for some not-so-rare stuff that I haven't bothered to get yet, but to those of you who do nothing but complain, I know you'd just throw it on a torrent site out of spite for the tapers. I trade with those who share the same respect for tapers. Ok, here we go - let the arguments begin. :banghead:

Hey, I was joking with you. Thats what the laughing smilie with the wink was for in my post. I certainly wasnt attacking you? :huh: I'm not accusing you of possibly torrenting 5-10 against the tapers wishes either. I can just see its starting to get wide circulation and its probably only a matter of time. Thats all I was saying.
Hey sorry all. I guess it was a moment of frustration. I thought I was being accused of being a hoarder. Believe me, if I had the taper's consent, I would share it. I am more than willing to do b&ps of anything I have that hasn't been limited by the tapers. Again, I apologize if I was out of line. I don't want to start any more arguments. :silent: - :shame: on me
one_cool_dude17 said:
Hey sorry all. I guess it was a moment of frustration. I thought I was being accused of being a hoarder. Believe me, if I had the taper's consent, I would share it. I am more than willing to do b&ps of anything I have that hasn't been limited by the tapers. Again, I apologize if I was out of line. I don't want to start any more arguments. :silent: - :shame: on me

No problem :up: , sorry if I came off as confrontational in my post.

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