In a Bad Relationship, crush on a Coworker(?)

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Jan 22, 2008
Hello All,

Hope everyone is doing well!

I have to start by saying I'm sorry to be so terrible at summarizing things w/o writing novels. I would appreciate it if some of you could try and read this!

I was reading through the confessionals for the 1st time in ages and was inspired to make this thread by the "recently married, crush on a co worker" thread by coach. Awesome thread, everyone gave him such great insight, and it sounds like it ended extremely well for all involved!

My situation is a bit different. I've been with my girlfriend since January 2011 now and it's a complete mess. I knew she had issues coming in, but I have a case of nice guy syndrome and it was(and obviously remains) my 1st relationship.

Well, without going into the details, she is a type A perfectionist of the 1st order and extremely controlling. She doesn't even approve of me seeing long time friends(male) and family without her and even when I go to work or do other obligatory tasks like laundry, she's questioning me like I'm lying or cheating. I feel like I have a tracking device on me that would be more appropriate for a just released high risk sex offender..........

This past January, I started work with a Police Department in an affluent suburb next to Boston. I do dispatch for now(some interest in the street at some point, but we'll see) Love the job- answer 911, keep track of Cops, Firefighters, Paramedics and get paid pretty damn well.

Job requires extensive training, 1st at an academy, then on the job. That's when I met Natalie. She's my age, attractive and was assigned to training me probably 65% of my days at work. I liked her at 1st glance, but soon wrote her off as a Jekyl/Hyde type who could be very unpleasant and unreasonable at the drop of a hat. At the same time, she can also be very pleasant, friendly, generous with compliments and quite flirtatious. When I got that side of her, I developed a little crush, but it always got off set by the other side of her, which would come out quickly and without warning and usually as a result of her misreading what I had actually been trying to do in a situation.

Once I was off training, I found out that Natalie was in a relationship with a Superior officer about double her age(this was the 2nd such relationship in 3 years) and was an extremely polarizing figure among my co workers. I heard some things that made me think worse of her.

Then one day in August, Natalie texted me to give me a heads up that my boss, the civilian dispatch supervisor, was after me for something he was claiming I did and talking to my co workers about it. I appreciated it very much(as my boss is a major bully who goes after people who do their jobs and coddles people who don't because they're his drinking buddies). She said she thought this was unfair, represented the same pattern that they try on all new, not part of the establishment employees and gave me a lot of advice in the days that followed.

Since then, we've become close at work. Though assigned to different shifts, I see her at shift change and she does a lot of overtime on my shift. I'm the only one of 16 coworkers she goes out of her way to talk to and she often laughs/flirts openly in our conversations. People have recently started to notice and ask me about this.

It's fair to say I have developed a crush on Natalie myself by now, but it's a crush of emotion and the heart. In my head, rationally, I know to stay far, far away from someone who is in a relationship(however strange and from some accounts, strained) with one of my sworn officer superiors, who is already a polarizing work figure and who has shown herself to be a little bit on the crazy side herself.

I also have strong feelings AGAINST cheating in relationships and wouldn't do that as long as I still had my girlfriend. Rationality vs emotion applies here too; I know rationally I should get out of this controlling relationship, but I'm afraid of hurting her emotionally. I've lost countless hours of sleep and exercise and activities I enjoy to this controlling relationship. My family and friends are worried about the greatly increased stress this puts on me, yet I am hyper concerned for her.

I'm just extremely worried that my feelings for Natalie are really about a lack of a healthy relationship with my girlfriend and also that, despite this, every smile, laugh, flirtatious conversation with her is pulling me closer and closer to doing what I know I SHOULDN'T DO.

I've never seen a work relationship end well, and I think it's an even worse thing in a politically charged environment like a Police Department.

I know my ideal is to get out of this and move on to someone completely different and truly right for me, not just someone who seems tempting only in my current box.

Anyone ever have a similar situation??

What do you think of someone like Natalie?

What advice, if any, do you have for getting out of controlling relationships?

Thank you in advance!
You need to get away from your girlfriend. She's abusive and you are not responsible for her feelings. No one deserves to be controlled as you are.

As for Natalie, something is not right there. If your co-workers have warned you about her, than heed the warnings. She may seem nice but she may seem that way because she's treating better than your girlfriend. But the grass is not always greener on the other side.

You need to back away slowly but firmly from your girlfriend. Get your male friends to help you. If necessary, go to the police if she gets really out of hand.

I wish you all the best :hug:
I agree with Pearl. Get the hell away from that girlfriend. She may be your first, don't let her be that last.

Anyone as controlling and abusive as your girlfriend shouldn't be in a relationship. I'ts just not healthy.

But for Natalie, if she's a nice girl, then perhaps she can be the change you need. But if she's involved with someone else like you said, especially your boss, don't do it. It'll screw up far too much stuff, as what I'm gathering is you enjoy your job a lot. But, perhaps you can confide in her.
If she cares about you, you could try talking to her about your girlfriend. Sure, it's not the kind of thing girls want to hear if they like a guy, but she's in a relationship herself. So it might show you're both in one, yet yours isn't going very well. She could perhaps offer some advice, and you can see where you're going from there.
I don't have any experience with that, but you're not helping your girlfriend by staying in the relationship because you don't want to hurt her feelings. That's admirable, that you care about hurting her- but not good for you or for her. I don't know what the best way would be to get out of it, because I've never done something like that. She's probably a perfectionist and controlling for much deeper underlying reasons, but that's not your responsibility either. I think it's great that you care for her so much and worry about her and want to help her-but ultimately that's all up to her to do for herself. Being in a relationship with someone who is so unhappy and can't tell her that, not good for her either.

And yes I think Natalie is a diversion for you because of what's going on in your relationship. And the fact that she's a coworker can only spell all kinds of trouble. I see a big giant stop sign there.
You need to get away from your girlfriend. She's abusive and you are not responsible for her feelings. No one deserves to be controlled as you are.

As for Natalie, something is not right there. If your co-workers have warned you about her, than heed the warnings. She may seem nice but she may seem that way because she's treating better than your girlfriend. But the grass is not always greener on the other side.

You need to back away slowly but firmly from your girlfriend. Get your male friends to help you. If necessary, go to the police if she gets really out of hand.

I wish you all the best :hug:

Thank you very much!!

I really appreciate it, and I like especially what you said about Natalie looking more attractive as she treats me better than my girlfriend.

I just have to walk away and not look back. I know I'll be better for that in the end.
I agree with Pearl. Get the hell away from that girlfriend. She may be your first, don't let her be that last.

Anyone as controlling and abusive as your girlfriend shouldn't be in a relationship. I'ts just not healthy.

I know. I've let almost 2 years slip by, lots of things have happened, others I know have gotten married, into/out of relationships, U2 completely overhauled and then finished a tour, Presidents have been elected, countries have changed hand, etc, etc.

I can't let life pass me by, which is what I'm doing now.

I'm convinced I've aged 6 years in 2.

But for Natalie, if she's a nice girl, then perhaps she can be the change you need. But if she's involved with someone else like you said, especially your boss, don't do it. It'll screw up far too much stuff, as what I'm gathering is you enjoy your job a lot. But, perhaps you can confide in her.
If she cares about you, you could try talking to her about your girlfriend. Sure, it's not the kind of thing girls want to hear if they like a guy, but she's in a relationship herself. So it might show you're both in one, yet yours isn't going very well. She could perhaps offer some advice, and you can see where you're going from there.

This would probably be a good way of doing things should things go further and the topic of "how do we define this thing" comes up w/ Natalie and I.

Thank you very much, never looked at it like that before!
I don't have any experience with that, but you're not helping your girlfriend by staying in the relationship because you don't want to hurt her feelings. That's admirable, that you care about hurting her- but not good for you or for her. I don't know what the best way would be to get out of it, because I've never done something like that. She's probably a perfectionist and controlling for much deeper underlying reasons, but that's not your responsibility either. I think it's great that you care for her so much and worry about her and want to help her-but ultimately that's all up to her to do for herself. Being in a relationship with someone who is so unhappy and can't tell her that, not good for her either.

And yes I think Natalie is a diversion for you because of what's going on in your relationship. And the fact that she's a coworker can only spell all kinds of trouble. I see a big giant stop sign there.

You're right about deep underlying reasons!

Yes. She had a difficult childhood (owing to abuse from family friends) but otherwise stable. Her parents never did the right thing by her, never noticed signs and never got her help.

I know that my girlfriend's insecurities aren't my cross to bear for the rest of my life, and I know rationally that I've never done anything to cause her to reasonably suspect me of cheating or otherwise mistreating her.

Thank you for for reaffirming the rational side of my thinking regarding Natalie! I really do know that's a bad idea, it just looks good in comparison.

I keep reminding myself that my dating pool has shrunk from very large in college and somewhat large just afterwards to very small as I've become isolated w/ my current situation. It's in that context that Natalie looks like a legitimate prospect.

Thank you again, very much! I appreciate it!

and if you don't see things lasting with your girlfriend, just end it. better to just cut ties now and have the heartache now than prolong it. it will only be worse as time goes on.

100% true.

You should read the Love and Relationships chapter of Tolle's The Power of Now. It pretty much lays out all the problems that can happen in relationships with ego satisfaction. Control freaks look at their partners as objects that are solely there to satisfy their egos. Narcissism is a big problem in modern society.
Dump your current girlfriend, but don't date your crush at your job. You've got a good paying job. Finding chicks shouldn't a problem.
Guys, and U2387, this is going to sound like pot-stirring, but it isn't intended that way.

I didn't say it before, but I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that it's extremely - extremely - bad form to dump on a mate on an internet forum to people you don't even know.

She can't defend herself, and your side of it is, well, your side of it. It's just a tad unfair. Personally we could have heard none of any of the excrutiating details of why you want to break up with her, and our advice would probably have still been the same re this gal at work.

I just think it's bad form. I know that our mates probably talk to their bffs about us or whatever, but...on an internet forum? I dunno man...

just my two cents
Guys, and U2387, this is going to sound like pot-stirring, but it isn't intended that way.

I didn't say it before, but I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that it's extremely - extremely - bad form to dump on a mate on an internet forum to people you don't even know.

She can't defend herself, and your side of it is, well, your side of it. It's just a tad unfair. Personally we could have heard none of any of the excrutiating details of why you want to break up with her, and our advice would probably have still been the same re this gal at work.

I just think it's bad form. I know that our mates probably talk to their bffs about us or whatever, but...on an internet forum? I dunno man...

just my two cents


You guys here also don't know my girlfriend and I made it a thing not to identify her by name. When one side of a relationship is irrational, there's no sense having a called out by name and identified debate- on a forum or elsewhere.

I'm just saying here, in confidence, (no one knows me in person, I know no one here in person), what I've been struggling with.

If I had put something on the front page of the Sunday paper, ok, unfair to not let her defend herself.

If I went somewhere and talked about her to others who knew her, or who didn't know her but I used her real name, certainly unfair.

But I just don't make the leap to where you do, as much as I respect your opinion.
I don't think there was anything wrong with you venting on here at all, fwiw.
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