I Found out THe Vertigo rig!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
ok, I was on a website and this guy went to a u2 concert and all he did was study what effects were used for the songs played on the vertigo tour, he even said what a lot of the settings were for the effects! I also have a file from the same website that has of where the effects are placed in the skrydstrup! Email me if you want both files of the settings of the effects for songs and/or the skrydstrup file.



Thanks Muad!

Hello. Do you have this file yet? Could you send me to jalberto.ochando@gmail.com

It's both weird and fun to read this old thread that apparently I was the source for this file when I can't even remember having done this, or that I even had it. Memory can be a weird thing.

Especially mine.
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