I Attract Wackos!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Dec 1, 2003
I always seem to attract wackos and weirdos. I never really seem to attract a decent, normal guy. It's like weird guys are the ones more likely to hit on me than a guy who is not socially inept.

I know we all have dealt with the wacky person trying to date us, or turns out to be weird after a couple of dates - but sometimes I feel that is all I get. It's like I have a big sign over me that says, "Wackos Welcome!"

Yes, I've dated normal guys but it seems wackos are everywhere.

Is it me or them? It may not be me at all, but I feel like it is.
Know the feeling. only the creepy, sick, insane or downright weird for me the past couple years. :crack: Thank feck there still exist normal people though!
Yeah, there are normal people out there, thankfully!

Sorry that I seemed whiny, but I dealt with two wackos in one weekend. I've relaxed, but holy crap!
Pearl, don't worry. One day you find a normal guy that him and you will be attracted to each other. Instant chemistry will build up and you'll have a successful and long lasting relationship.

I know I might sound like a wacko too by saying this but it is the truth. ;)
You don't ;)

I'm sure guys have had their fair share of looney girls!
You didn't sound whiny at all! Sure as hell know how it feels, so it's not whiny at all! :lol:

:hug: Hope things work out for you soon. I've waited 8 years, but it was worth it!
There was a guy in his 50s that used to come to the restaurant I work at who tried to ask me out to play pool with him at the Senior Center. (My coworkers joked about that for months.) And there was the creepy truck driver at work that stared at me while he was eating and told me he was "stuck in this town all night" with a creepy grin on his face. And then there was the guy selling funnel cakes at the fair who asked me for my phone number. I was not expecting that, but I hemmed and hawed my way out of there. He had bad teeth and a beer gut and was probably just looking for a good time while he was in town.

So, yeah, wackos are everywhere.
There's this guy who does nothing but stare at me when I get onto the train I take home after work. He actually thinks that would get him anywhere? I've switched cars to avoid him.

I went on a second date this past weekend with this guy who seemed normal, albeit a little quirky if that's the word. Whoa boy, this guy was actually a nutcase. He kept saying he was so excited to meet me and thought this may be it. After the date, he sent me a text where he literally asked me what I thought of him and if I told any of my friends about him. :coocoo: I texted back that this wouldn't work out and he apparently got the message. But I'm still nervous that I might find him parked outside my house. Oh boy. It's always the second date, I swear!

That's what made me start this thread.

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