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    The entire South of the US were shafted!

    I just don't why they didn't book 1 show in the entire Southern US despite coming to North America. Living in Florida the closet show is NYC to the North or Phoenix to the west. This is ridiculous. Its a travesty to not have at least one show in Miami or Atlanta.
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    Cosmos Thoughts III: U2 "WTF were they thinking" moments

    I love U2 and all of their music but here are 4 wtf moments. 1. Naming the album "POP" "POP" I think a different title would have made all the difference in the perception of this album which I really like. Like maybe one of the titles they mentioned at the time as possilbe titles...
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    Songs of Innocence (Bonus Disc) Discussion

    The Best buy weekly ad this morning also has the title in the top left corner. I wonder if its the sticker or just part of the cover for the US.
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    Songs of Innocence (Bonus Disc) Discussion

    The weekly ad for Best buy stores that came out this morning is advertising the deluxe as having 22 tracks. I wonder if it comes with another new song or if they are counting invisible...
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    Man.. I've been checking for the Sunday newspaper ad's here at work on my lunch break in my office to see if any retailers here in the US have any "exclusive bonus tracks" with the new album but haven't found anything yet.... I found a scanned ad for "Target" for Sunday's newspaper (10-12 to...
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    I'm so glad they included the full version on the album even if it is just on the deluxe version and unlisted. It really seems to have great potential live in concert. I mean if you don't care for watch the RED video and/or commercial for it from the Super Bowl again. It will really pump...
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    I've held out for about 30 minutes since seeing this thread but can't take it anymore reading these great posts. Please help... (I will buy a copy of each version of the album Tuesday of course)
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    10 best U2 songs since year 2000

    1. Beautiful Day- classic, .. and song and record of the year Grammys in 2001 2. Vertigo- big rock song for U2 & last big single- Grammys for best rock song 2005 3. Walk On-- song of the year grammy in 2002. 4. Sometimes you can't make it on your own- song of the year grammy 2005 5. Iris-...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    In regard to the cover, I've been reading every news story about it and have not really seen all the negative reactions to it that I was worried might happen. I think that their statement clarifying what it was about and that it was Larry's adult son and not a child was very helpful and was...
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    I hope that's right man. If so I will be buying a copy from each store. :)
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    Does anyone know what the Busker version of The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) is on disk two? All the release info so far says 6 acoustic songs but this "Busker Version" would have to be the 6th but it is unclear. On a side note I really hope that a non edit version of Invisible is on the 2nd disk...
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    Why isn't mercy on the new album

    Getting the original Mercy out has to be one the coolest coups of this forum over the years. Maybe Lucifer's Hands is a reworked Mercy.
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    Rank the Album Among Others

    1. Actung Baby - (their best for me after going to first ZOO TV show of tour on leap day February 29 1992 after waiting 18 hours in line for tickets. The first 8 songs of teh concert were from the album) 2. The Joshua Tree- (Album of the year grammy 1987) 3. ATYCLB- (special album...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    As someone who has been critical of the album cover I feel that the title in the corner "son gs of innocence" helps put the photo in context. I'm starting to fell better about it with that addition. It seems to clarify to the observer what they are looking at. I can live it and I think that we...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    Your probably right about my overreaction Moser. Maybe since I have to work these cases every day I see it through overly focused lenses than normal. Thanks for the jolt of reality. Cheers man..
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    I am also concerned for Larry's son as well as Larry. He seems like a great guy who is protective of his family's privacy. I don't know if they realize what can of worms they may be opening up internationallly and at home with a photo such as this. I am surprised that Larry would allow his son...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    Investigating case of child abuse and neglect as a government worker the last 17 years in conjunction with law enforcement.
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    As a 17 year child abuse professional, the image is disturbing mainly because the young son's face is not shown in the photo particulary given the location of Larry head on the pose. This is a technique that child abuse monsters usually use.. which is obsure the face of their victims. If Larry...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    The larry cover is on the Barnes and Nobles website as the cover today..
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    Songs of Innocence - Album Discussion

    Crap the cover I found and posted above looks like a fake. Damn. U2 - Songs of Innocence Music Box Art Cover by TheQuickTech I'm a super fan for over 24 years and honestly really really love everything they've done and the new album but this possible cover with Larry and his son on the...
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    Album cover - Fanning - SoE

    Just found this online. I wonder if this is the "real cover" or if the other is..
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