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  1. BoyOnTheHorizon

    The greatest moment on SOE

    "When the painted glass shatters And you’re the only thing that matters" Little things.
  2. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Early Song Rankings

    Have you already heard American Soul on the car, or on loud speakers? It's a rocker, with a nice guitar riff and a soaring chorus. It's not the best song ever, but so isn't Landlady, a nice ballad, sometimes a little bit cheesy, but with a nice ending. This album doesn't have a bad song.
  3. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Early Song Rankings

    Changing for the 3rd time: 1 - Red Flag Day 2 - Summer Of Love 3 - Lights of Home 4 - Love is Bigger Than Anything 5 - Little Things 6 - The Showman 7 - Love is all We Have Left 8 - Get out of Your Own Way 9 - 13 10 - Blackout 11 -You are the Best Thing 12 - American Soul 13 - Landlady
  4. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Songs of Experience 36 - Now with 20% fewer acronyms

    Something just ocurred to me. The fact that people keep repeating that SOE is far from the heights of JT or AB just shows the quality of these records. JT may well be the best album of time for christ sake. At least to me it is. And AB for me is the best album since it was released at least...
  5. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE FAN + industry reviews only

    Here the brazillian press has been harsh to the band. One review ends with: "U2 is getting tiresome". But i don't give them too much credit, they supported a coup just last year.
  6. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE FAN + industry reviews only

    I remember when both os those albums came out, i liked them both, and although i prefer Bridges, Voodoo Lounge was specially well accpeted expect by some trendy people that were still thinking grunge was the only kind of music that was worth listening to. Love is strong, Out of tears and Anybody...
  7. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Early Song Rankings

    I am changing mine already: 1 - Red Flag Day/Lights of Home (tie) 3 - Summer of Love 4 - Love is bigger than Anything 5 - The Showman 6 - Little Things 7 - You're the best thing 8 - Love is All We have Left 9 - The Blackout 10 - American Soul 11 - Get Out of Your Own Way 12 - Landlady 13 - 13
  8. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Early Song Rankings

    And yes, i think American Soul is a great tune. Great rythm, great guitar and vocals. Volcano good, American Soul better.
  9. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Early Song Rankings

    My turn: 1 - Lights of Home 2 - The Little Things 3 - Red Flag Day / Showman( Tie) 5- You're The Best Thing 6 - Summer of Love 7 - The Blackout 8 - Landlady 9 - American Soul 10 - Get Out of Your Own Way 11 - Love is All We Have Left 12 - Love is Bigger than Anything 13 - 13* *The only skipper...
  10. BoyOnTheHorizon

    The Showman (little more better)

    A thread for a song that still doesn't exist.
  11. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Ruin a U2 Lyric: The Blackout Game

    Are you sure you understand what makes a rhyme?
  12. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Ruin a U2 Lyric: The Blackout Game

    I want to run, i want to hide, Clyde i want to tear down the walls that hold me inside, Mike I want to reach out, and touch the flame, Blade Where the streets have no name, Jake
  13. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    I said already and i will say it again, this song very nice, but couldbe even better and maybe become a post 2000 classic if they repeated the " tonight tonight" whole section at the end.
  14. BoyOnTheHorizon

    Get Out of Your Own Way

    I just can't understand why the hell they don't repeat the "all night all night" post chorus section at the end of the song! Why, why??? It would certainly make the song more complete and more epic.
  15. BoyOnTheHorizon

    The Blackout - Request Thread

    please please me!
  16. BoyOnTheHorizon

    You're the Best Thing About Me - Song Discussion Thread #2

    Sorry, lazy video. In such tuff times for rock bands to stay relevant maybe they should have tried to do something more remarkable. More elaborate or creative. The images dont add anything to the song, we dont get more excited seeing the video. The Beautiful Day video is a perfect example to...
  17. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE 28 - This is Meaningless. We're not getting anything newsworthy for a while

    Spot on, No Line is maybe the most souless U2 album of them all. And the songs you mentioned are the exact songs i like. Winter should be in the album, the "punk" version of No Line should too. And Magnificent is made better only by its execelent production. To me SOI is a much better, more...
  18. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE- 27: And SOE it Begins

    :lol::lol: Not to mention that i simply HATE acronyms!
  19. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE- 27: And SOE it Begins

    I was just watching The Blackout video.... We can't deny they sound revingorated since SOI. And this particular video brings me back to POP. After all that talk about POP sounding incredible, provisional title Expect Nothing But the Best, new sounds, etc... i think The Blackout sound exactly...
  20. BoyOnTheHorizon

    You're the Best Thing About Me - Song Discussion Thread #2

    A week later i can safely say its the best single since Beautiful Day. Maybe a tie with Stuck in a Moment.
  21. BoyOnTheHorizon

    You're the Best Thing About Me - Song Discussion

    Totally agree. SOI is the sound of four men chopping down NLOTH.
  22. BoyOnTheHorizon

    SOE- 27: And SOE it Begins

    The shorter hair means worse music. Pop and No Line are the proof.
  23. BoyOnTheHorizon

    You're the Best Thing About Me - Song Discussion

    This song, together with the Blackout, have more energy and lifeness than the entire NOLTH. I like post 2010 U2. They are well into their 50s, and they are still trying not to repeat themselves. As much they say they want a hit i think it keeps them out of their comfort zone. People just dont...
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