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    Restructure The SoE Tracklist!

    To not put Blackout up front is a major mistake IMHO. Both album and concert should hit the ground running. My own playlist opens with it and works just great! Try and see...
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    This is the best U2 album since......

    This album is without a doubt in my mind the very best since Zooropa. If not SOI my guess would be SOE and/or SOA. Right? My hope is that they burnt the lot and moved on. NLOTH session outtakes? No thanks. Sent from my GT-I9070 using U2 Interference mobile app
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    Responding to the haters

    Never said I didn't mean to - rather that I don't want to but can't help it. Right? Taking the piss... wtf. This place... Sent from my GT-I9070 using U2 Interference mobile app
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    Responding to the haters

    Your absolutely right. I just thought that was a tad bit too off topic. The compression at hand in op was lossy mp3 et al. Not flac. But, I fully agree. Smart ass! :-) Wav > Flac > Rar is your friend. Sent from my GT-I9070 using U2 Interference mobile app
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    Responding to the haters

    I don't want to come across as a smart ass, but I just can't help myself... :rolleyes:You don't have to compress a music file in order to send it. Uncompressed wav files travels quite safely over the net nowdays. No longer a reason for not downloading. Lossless is your friend. And, luckily...
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    Is The Edge Still U2's Best Guitarist?

    I'd say Dallas has a pretty good chance at outplaying Edge. Chords or not. Sent from my GT-I9070 using U2 Interference mobile app
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    SOI Hidden stuff, mistakes, obscure references and other odd findings

    Dropped drumsticks, altered cover art, fubbed lines, missed cues, voices in the wrong places, Larry cursing, super obscure references, messy editing, the odd whisper, Illuminati back masking and so on... I personally love this kind of stuff. And U2 have a wonderful long history of things...
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    I made a strange discovery on the SOI vinyl

    Because it's a cool thing to do. The CD version sure could do with a little bit of that also.
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    Should be, yes. Never heard a word about such a thing anywere else. Probably a mistake. Although, I must say, a more fitting description...
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    Where is the video?

    No, not a lost art form at all. In fact videos is getting better and more interesting IMO. And I do believe that, if you want to sell an album or two, it's good thing to be on top of YouTube around the time you are releasing it. U2 have the ways and means to go totally viral and right now...
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    I'm pretty sure they would have wanted to release the album later this year, closer to Xmas and that, but was forced due to that keynote thingy. The logistics of tour planning and booking is way above my head but I got a feeling that starting the tour in, say febuary, for various reasons, just...
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    Where is the video?

    The funny thing is that the album is already out around here. No problem picking it up on friday. Same thing goes for a lot of places I hear. What ever happened to synchronized worldwide physical release? No drop. It drizzels out slowly... If I had a say in this the video would be all over...
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    You can forget them.
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    I paid almost 20 euro... at my local indie store. Expecting more from a Delux set. A 2 CD set is just that, two CD's.
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    SOI physical release + tour info

    Rant. Picked up my copy today. Feels great to finally handle the real thing. Looks great from the outside but I'm really underwehlmed by the inside. Delux my ass! :angry: Just normal simple cardboard stuff and no real booklet even, just two very long and folded peices of printed paper... A bit...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    This:up: Hyperbole. It's hard to know your own tricks... I actually told a friend NLOTH was the best U2 album to date...:doh: But right now I'm enjoying the hell out of this one. And my better half is dancing around the kitchen on a friday night. Means something for sure...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    And, let's not forget. They did include it on the vinyl, so in a way it's actually on the album. They could have included any other track and choose this. There are tons of finished tunes in the vault I reckon. So it's not unworty in any way. I could even see them perform it during the promo...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    I would say that the very fact it feels a bit unfinished and Bono's delivery is a bit... eeh... I don't know.. lazy, makes it so appealing. Like Mercy in a way. Maybe that this takes away the album-inclusion-status but I absolutely adore it for just that. Most fun I've had with a U2 track since...
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    Songs of Innocence (Bonus Disc) Discussion

    I hear a lot of people saying that. So I went back and gave them another go. Aaaand - nothing... those versions are doing absolutely nothing for me. More than a little surprised actually as I was very much looking forward to them. Don't know if it's them or me but we just don't click. Could...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    Hmm.. I thought I did drop you a PM. Maybe that I missed you somehow. I'll try again :)
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    Well, it's longer. Yeah... longer. :) And a bit punchier maybe. Better.
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    :D BTW, To all those asking here; there is a request area on this forum. Just a hint. This i believe is thread for discussion only...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    The 12" mix is really good IMO. Given that you like the original mix this is even better than real thing. Rightly labeled as a Mix not a Remix. Basicaly it's longer with more of everything and the middle section even more out there. Like they did them in the 80's.
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    Songs of Innocence (Bonus Disc) Discussion

    Agreed, this is pure perfection. Well almost :wink: The first time I heard it Lemon came to mind. In parts it's very similar. Sort of like as if EBTTRT and Lemon had a lovechild that grown up. If that makes sense to anyone else...
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    The Crystal Ballroom - Song Discussion

    I can see your point... but I placed it between EBW and California and it works really well. Better than I thought it should. Sonically it's super smooth and kind of messes up the poppier first side a bit. Try it! :)
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