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  1. Cin

    Type The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head, 05-28-19

    I have my own computer now so I've logged on properly for the first time in years. I'm so thrilled to see familiar faces and names still hanging around. :heart: It's a little different but it feels like home to me :shifty::D:hug: I don't even know what my avatar is :lol: Oh! I like that picture.
  2. Cin

    It has been over a decade – how has your life really changed?

    I downloaded the app yesterday after a long time away. It's pretty fancy these days! Back then I was co-managing a fabric store and in the midst of a marriage break up. This place was my home. Now I'm volunteering at an animal shelter, living in a little flat in my parents backyard and finally...
  3. Cin

    Survivor: Cagayan

  4. Cin

    Survivor: Cagayan

    The dude in the cap might be ok, but the other two....:ohmy:
  5. Cin

    Things I Hate, Spring Edition

    I lost my job as well. :sad: It feels like the worst heartbreak I've ever felt.
  6. Cin

    Survivor: Blood vs. Water

    Could not have said that any better.
  7. Cin

    Survivor: Blood vs. Water

    ^ this makes me happy
  8. Cin

    RIP RavenBlue

    Sad to hear. You always expect people to pop in and out but always return one day... She'll be missed. :sad:
  9. Cin

    ZOOTV Confessionals (Random Facts... thread)

    I'm 36 and do it all the time. I find it ridiculous to call myself a woman!!
  10. Cin

    Things I Hate, Spring Edition

    ^ It hurts..but timing is everything :hug: I hate that I lost my job. :cry:
  11. Cin

    Survivor: Blood vs. Water

    It'll be interesting to see how cutthroat and nasty they get with a loved one right there to either support or think they're power crazy. :hyper:
  12. Cin

    Survivor Caramoan - Fans Vs. Favorites

    I wanted to read about the folks, not watch a heap of videos... Still a bit excited..
  13. Cin

    New Manic Street Preachers Album

    Completely agree. Send Away the Tigers was on constant rotation in my car for months. :heart:
  14. Cin

    A decade of Interference

    :) It's been ages since I've been to the big smoke. Generally consists of setting up stores in bland shopping centres. But yes, I would like a bit of a catch up..a lot.
  15. Cin

    A decade of Interference

    Ax :heart: We should have had a ceremony or something to coincide with the royal birth! :doh: You welcomed me with open arms. About the only things we had in common were U2, blonde hair and an aversion to the sun. Didn't matter though. I hitched a ride up to see U23D with Jen, we picked up...
  16. Cin

    If Aussie dad-rockers The Reubens win the JJJ Hottest 100, I will literally talk abou

    I pop in for a few seconds before dinner and see this and I think I may want to marry yooou Vlad :flirt: Manic Street Preachers :drool:
  17. Cin

    Survivor Caramoan - Fans Vs. Favorites

    Best reaction for hearing your name read out at tribal council goes to... :gasp: lol
  18. Cin

    Arrested Development....THE MOVIE?!?!?!

    It's the only way to keep up with most shows here :shifty:
  19. Cin

    Survivor Caramoan - Fans Vs. Favorites

    I think Malcolm was in a panic. He would have felt like a huge chump after it had all played out :doh:
  20. Cin

    I Attract Wackos!

    I was in a relationship from 1996-2009. I've only had one decent bloke hit on me, lol. Kinda sucks eh?
  21. Cin


    Yoga is supposed to be great for healing the body and mind. Feeling good enough to leave the house to get there is another story!
  22. Cin

    Survivor Caramoan - Fans Vs. Favorites

    Food challenge :hyper: Love that they've brought this back :)
  23. Cin

    Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, We Love You, Amen!

    I admit that I'm not the smaatest at politics. but this whole Rudd vs Gillard issue is ridiculous. Shouldn't the people be the ones deciding and not a bunch of childish politicians?
  24. Cin

    Anybody watch this week's Bunheads?

    I saw the main actress with the long dark hair :reject: on Craig Ferguson last night. She seemed very Lorelei from Gilmore Girls, kinda makes sense though. Might wait til the whole season is out and smash it in one big girly day :D
  25. Cin

    Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, We Love You, Amen!

    ^ I'm not quite sure what to think about that.
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