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  1. Swingn2thaMusic

    Genesis Reunion!

    I just saw The Musical Box on their "Selling England by the Pound" tour... apparently, i'm not a Genesis fan! I don't know if it was because Tower Theater's sound system wasn't great, or the music was just not my style, or the man on an acid trip dancing like a fool in front of me! whatever the...
  2. Swingn2thaMusic

    Top 10 Fav. Songs.

    I wanna play! :D no reapeats, in no real order: U2-Mysterious Ways Dave Matthews- So Damn Lucky Dave Matthews BAND- Two Step John Mellencamp-Small Town Brice Springsteen-Blinded by the Light Tom Petty-Mary Jane's Last Dance Ben Harper- Steal My Kisses Jack Johnson- Mudfootball Dispatch- Open Up...
  3. Swingn2thaMusic

    Road to Hell Chp 5 ~ Bono does drive

    wow...i lose the internet for 3 days and come back to find out i'm making bad puns! :D that just made my day! my life guard instincts come into play even when i'm on a bus to hell :wink:
  4. Swingn2thaMusic

    Road to Hell Chp. 4 ~ Pleba's revolt

    :lmao: the "shiny quotiont " oh that's good stuff right there! now if we could only get bono away from the wheel...
  5. Swingn2thaMusic

    Road to Hell Chp 3 ~ Jail

    :lmao: bono_212, this is pure genious right here!
  6. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    I'm soo excited for this bus trip story! :hyper: i'm sure this is NOT what Joe the surfer intended to happen when he made that awesome little video of his. oh Joe, when will you learn, nothing you can say will turn us away from our boys...NOTHING
  7. Swingn2thaMusic

    Road to Hell Chp 1 ~ The Beginning

    i looove it! i can't wait for more! :D
  8. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    My oh my...this bus trip is getting pretty full, we might eventually even need 2 buses! ;)
  9. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    :shifty: That's because secretly...he's really a U2 fan :shh:
  10. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    Of course you can sit next to me! we'll be like those bus buddies everyone had back in kindergarten...only we won't be going to school, we'll be going to hell (and enjoying every sinful U2 minute of it!)
  11. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    Well...If Kirk supports him then I'm in! You can't go wrong when listening to Mike Seaver. (i wish there was some sort of sarcastic font:wink: )
  12. Swingn2thaMusic

    Apparently U2 are awful people...who'd of thunk it!?

    So I was watching some videos on AOL when i found this one i searched back a few pages and didn't see it posted anywhere else...forgive me if it's old news, but i actually found it funny. does that mean i'm going to hell?:eyebrow: i know there's some...
  13. Swingn2thaMusic

    Question about ONE bands...

    Thanks for answering that random question was just one of those things that was bothering me!:D
  14. Swingn2thaMusic

    Question about ONE bands...

    I figured if anybody would know this it would be PLEBA people (you guys know everything! :wink: ) so the random question of the day: did they change the ONE bands? I got mine last may and the ONE that is written on it is indented, but now it looks like the ONE is raised on bands. (hope that made...
  15. Swingn2thaMusic

    Bono On Nbc News Now!

    "There's no midnight pleas, you're just on your knees, there's a harbor in a safe port, what was is now not, there was no price to pay, thank you for today." Could be interesting to see how those lyrics sound in a song or how they change (if they even get used, and by chrissi's calculations...
  16. Swingn2thaMusic


    ^:lmao: that WOULD make sense if you from any other family than my own...however, maybe it's just the water in jersey or something, but my family tends to do things the hard way sometimes:wink:
  17. Swingn2thaMusic

    Bono On Nbc News Now!

    It was a really good report! And Bono dropped an F bomb!:ohmy: :giggle:
  18. Swingn2thaMusic


    So i just said that to my mom and she gave me one of those 'did i really raise you? are you really my kid?' looks and then walked away :lol:
  19. Swingn2thaMusic


    So about that paint brush! for some reason i have to wait for new carpet and furniture to come in first. i thought this was crazy...but when you're still 16 and live in your parents' live by their rules. however carpet comes this week and then furniture sometime soon after...then...
  20. Swingn2thaMusic

    looking for fans in new jersey

    Hey all! I live in SoJo...Burlington County
  21. Swingn2thaMusic

    U2 on ABC...

    No prob! I highly enjoyed edge explaining why he's called 'The Edge' :giggle:
  22. Swingn2thaMusic

    U2 on ABC...

    I'm watching celebrity Debut on ABC right now and they just showed what's coming up...and our boys are gonna be on the show :D just a lil f.y.i if anybody reads this in the next 10 mins :wink:
  23. Swingn2thaMusic

    Bono on World Cup commercial

    I was just watching ESPN and all of a sudden i heard the opening notes to COBL...then a few moments later Bono's voice starts talking about soccer (or football for the rest of the world:wink: ) just a little f.y.i. so all you U2/soccer fans keep an ear out for that commercial :D Edited...
  24. Swingn2thaMusic

    Out Of Control - Chapter 17

    This was so good! i love how you write S_G however, i did chuckle when i read about how you compared Larry to a cat :wink: "She’d suspected it lay within him, a sleeping cat which it was potentially dangerous to waken":giggle:
  25. Swingn2thaMusic

    It's official: The Broad St. Run is in a week

    thanks guys! i'm really nervous...there's over 15,000 people running in this thing! (it's the 2nd largest 10 mile race in the U.S.)
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