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  1. X

    Zoo Station

    word up!....thanks for bringing that up....too much negativity around here..... love that opening riff...
  2. X

    In Praise of Bitch Lists...

    Can we complain about the people defending the people who complain about the people complaining about the set lists? Complaint lodged! that WAS fun...
  3. X

    In light of the Euro leg, do you think.......

    if any one out there is the type who's life depends on a new stage setup or setlist for leg 3, i would start by keeping my hopes waaaayyyy down, and expectations veeeerrryy low.
  4. X

    Song highlight of vertigo tour

    I agree with Zoo station....never thought i'd ever here it or see it live again....awsome....but despite all the criticism, no song brings down the house like streets....i never felt a building shake like that...
  5. X

    The Fly Messages

    i used to have a screen saver that did the fly text thing, it was a screen saver that allowed you input the words, and set the timer, so...a friend u2 freak actually watch the video footage and tried (as best he could) to write down all the was really cool, especially when the FLY...
  6. X

    City Of Blinding Lights (live)

    Haha... i'm tempted...but i wont... it is a realy great performance....may go down as a classic
  7. X

    U2 on the belgian news

    thank you!
  8. X

    After Looking Over Photos of Stage....

    thanks for the reality check... as cool as it would be...
  9. X

    miralce drug

    can't read this without thinking about the song...
  10. X

    MERGED->Running... - Military connection?+Bono's Dedication on "Running to Stand Stil

    I think this is the second thread like this, there was one aways back…but I think we all on the right track. It made sense to me the very first time I heard the dedication…people stuck In a situation where they are doing a lot (sacrificing) just to make minimal if no progress.…running to stand...
  11. X

    The Fly Messages

    my intital suspision is that they were the same as Zoo tv, anaheim2 also had letters missing but i thought that was from technical problems
  12. X

    MERGED -->irritated by reviews? + type of review my posts are aimed at...+coincidence

    why do you guys suppose the reviews on, overwhelmingly postive?
  13. X

    What do you love about Vertigo 2005?

    The lighting for Vertigo, and Zoo Station... Will never leave my memory...
  14. X

    The Rolling Stones got it right.

    Assuming you meant "weren't"... I think you summed up the discussion nicley Again, FOUR of us got to see an awesome U2 show in April for $225. Still can't beat it.
  15. X

    The Rolling Stones got it right.

    True-dat! Even though i think we can all agree that this was the exception and not the rule as far as this band is concerned. I am lost though...are we saying we WANT stadium tours? U did two nights in Anaheim and Two in LA. The could have done one show at the Collisuem or Dodger Stadium and...
  16. X

    MERGED--> When do they take the stage & other questions?

    i'm reliving it my mind right now!
  17. X

    The Rolling Stones got it right.

    are the accountants done? Well...if you guys think the membership thing was unfair, here in So-CAL (i dont know about the rest of the country) ...American Express memebrs get a PreSale......AMERICAN EXPRESS CRAD OWNERS GET FIRST DIBS!!! ha ha!....the tour brought to you by MCJagger HOME...
  18. X

    Chicago webcam!!!

    judging by the lights COBL?
  19. X

    does New Year's Day just seem ackward?

    as long as the crowd goes berserk on the first few bass notes..i dont see it going anywhere... trouble is..night by night most people in the crowd havent watch RH, ZOOTV from sydney, Popmart from mexico and Elevation Boston hundreds of times like us. so they are not tired ofr it... same goes...
  20. X

    MERGED--> Kings of Leon Verdicts + How about someone give a review of Kings of Leon

    i think: KOL blew chunks in Anaheim. I went eith my wife who had never seen U2 and KOL served as a perfect reminder of what an ordinary rock band with no personailty of uniqueness (i'm talking about their performance because audio wise i couldn't hear or understand a note or lyric)...
  21. X

    Time to Retire Bullet The Blue Sky

    love those U2 fans!
  22. X

    Time to Retire Bullet The Blue Sky

    As you guys were bickering...i was thinking...why do they keep playing that song. I like it, but why is it played at every concert. well..i think because its so relevant to the theme, always. Well in JT and RH it was off the current album and was still timley with what was going in central...
  23. X

    Biggest gig on this tour?

    i cant remember exactly but the SD sports arena holds about , 12800 for hockey, figure a few thousand (if that) on the floor..and i think its the smallest venue on the tour. At least in the US. I saw them on the elevation tour and THE ARENA ANOUNCED that it was the smallest venue on the tour...
  24. X

    How does the production side of vertigo compare to elevation?

    check out the videos and pictures on this board, they'll give you a good idea...
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