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    Songs of Experience 37 - now with bonus orchestra

    Really dislike the aesthetic of the liner notes video - just one shadowy ponderous image after another. Looks like a video for a some kind of neo-prog rock band. Some of the concert clips are cool, I guess.
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    American Soul.

    Yes, Blake wrote about similar subjects from different perspectives. Good examples are “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” and the “Holy Thursday” poems. I get the sense that this concept has fallen apart over the course of these albums though.
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    Tipping Point - Sexual Harassment In America

    Yeah, no amount of evidence will cut through the tribalism in this country. Some people would rather vote for a pedophile than a democrat. There can be mass shootings in schools, churches, and a goddamn country music festival and people still won’t consider gun control.
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    Tipping Point - Sexual Harassment In America

    At this point, I have no reason to doubt any of these accusers - not that I'm anybody. And a lot of these accused men are acknowledging their assholery. But - and to keep this close to the board - what if someone accused a Bono, for instance? For whatever reason. There are pictures of Bono...
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    Tipping Point - Sexual Harassment In America

    "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." - the President of the United States As much as I am gratified to see creeps go down and would like to see Trump face the same kind of pressure based on pretty clear evidence, this speedy public trial of celebrities via social media...
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    American Soul.

    :D I don't think anybody will ask him about this - or care really. Despite the early traction of the first single, this album will achieve zero cultural relevance. The tour will be a money machine, though.
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    American Soul.

    This band has gotten dangerously proficient at polishing subpar material.
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    American Soul.

    This feels like something they could write in their sleep and the production doesn't really suit it. Sounds like b-side material. I imagine it will be better live. As a concept, I like the partnership with Volcano, although I think it works better as a breakdown/bridge than a chorus. If...
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    Montreal #3 Setlist Party

    Clowns in shorts on their phones stealing setlists. Very rock and roll.
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    2015 U2 Tour - General Discussion Thread V

    Yeah, pretty full-throated there at the end.
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    2015 U2 Tour - General Discussion Thread V

    I can't even figure out what is happening in MD. I thought Bono goofed up the chorus by forgetting the "I've seen enough I'm not giving up" bit but I guess it's an intentional change? Seems like they have an idea to add a little build up in the chorus, but the Bongolese makes it sound tentative.
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    Pop on Spotify: Missing songs

    It's missing Discotheque, LNOE, TPM, and WUDM. Don't know why. Discotheque is also missing on the best of. I listen to a ton on Spotify and I've never come across this.
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    2015 U2 Tour - General Discussion Thread V

    I haven't really listened closely to the fan videos - how is the live/sequencers/Terry mix? It seemed like some of the early promo stuff was more live than what I would've expected given the glossy nature of the SOI production.
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    2015 U2 Tour - General Discussion Thread V

    Springsteen did this on his last tour too. And you could buy a package of the bet shows too I believe. He's even released some classic shows from the vaults.
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    Vancouver #1 Setlist Party

    Sight lines are amazing with no speakers banks.
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    Vancouver #1 Setlist Party

    That's got to be the smallest onstage rig Adam has ever used.
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    Vancouver #1 Setlist Party

    It would be Bono's inclination to mention it, but I could see Larry shying away from using it in the show.
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    *Spoilers* Rehearsals Part 2

    I like Miracle more than most people it seems, but I agree that it seems stretched too thin. There's some cool studio stuff going on, but by the time it breaks down to the quiet chorus ("I woke up the moment"), it's out of gas for me. It's like a 3:15 song rattling around in a 4:15 box. I've...
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    Spin's 300 best albums of the past 30 years (1985-2014)

    Kind of surprised that Spin is still a thing.
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    *Spoilers* Rehearsals Part 2

    And I guess these multi-night stands could afford them way more time to work in new songs. You don't have the daily tear-down and set-up.
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    *Spoilers* Rehearsals Part 2

    Well put. The band almost certainly feels the air get sucked out of the room when they pull out a rarity. They'll tolerate a certain amount of this, but they are looking to conjure widespread transcendence, not cater to a tiny percentage of the audience.
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    *Spoilers* Rehearsals Part 2

    But he has recently walked this back - maybe in the NYT article? Something about not wanting a particular night's audience feeling like they didn't get the best possible show. To me, that sounds like the cornerstone warhorses stay in with a separate rotation of co-starring songs that can...
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    What will the stage look like?

    The single hanging bulb idea could lend itself to an interesting un-U2 opening with a solitary Bono starting things off in a quiet way before the band explodes in the customary fashion. Can't really think of an appropriate "innocent" song for this, though. I've seen this used pretty...
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    *Spoilers* - Rehearsals in Vancouver

    It's the chorus chords and riff. I like the song well enough, but the intro always reminded me of Crumbs from Your Table. Eh, just play the chorus kind of slow and moody at the top before kicking in. Not the most imaginative arrangement on the album. I think the song has plenty of nifty...
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    What will the stage look like?

    I picture something like that NIN footage where the screen comes over the catwalk and flashes images over the band - I immediately thought about the New York scrims from Vertigo but with way more potential. If you can get Larry out from behind a kit like in Crazy Tonight or Yahweh, they could...
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