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  1. U2SJ

    U2 Bono guitar pick with kite

    Hi U2 fans! It's Marisa here the girl that brought you Mercy many years ago. I lost my favorite guitar pick and I'm pretty devastated I was just about to frame it but since we moved I have not been able to find it. I know it's a total longshot but if anyone ever receives an extra that year of...
  2. U2SJ

    Still looking for ONE single GA for Rose Bowl 1

    Hi all! I am still looking for a single GA for Rose Bowl 1. Please let me know if you have one. Thank you! Marisa U2SJ
  3. U2SJ

    Still desperate for 1 GA for Rose Bowl 1, from the girl who leaked Mercy years ago :)

    Hi all! Due to Ticketmaster canceling my order by accident for Rose Bowl 1, I still find myself looking for one GA for this show. GA's for that night are going for 375 on Stubhub so I am getting very nervous that I won't find a ticket. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I would be...
  4. U2SJ

    TM canceled my Rose Bowl tickets.. need 1-4 GA's for Rose Bowl 1, please!?!

    Hi fellow fans! Well, after 30 years of hearing horror stories about TM, my day finally came! I was lucky enough to get 4 Red Zones for the Rose Bowl show on the 20th.. i used my presale code right at the dot of 9 and got in right away and was thrilled. Later that day, I decided to use my...
  5. U2SJ

    Filming anywhere this time?

    I was fortunate to be at the Roxy, and there were camera men on the left side of the stage definitely filming the show from that angle.... and I also met 2 photographers that had said they were freelance but had met Bono like 15 years ago, and Bono still asks them to photograph them at various...
  6. U2SJ

    U2 KROQ Show

    Thanks!!! I am beyond thrilled and still cant believe. I have never won anything and try all the time! Im taking my good friend since age 5, she gave me my first U2 tape (Under a Blood Red Sky") and she and her Dad took me to my first ever U2 show on 11/15/1987...!!!
  7. U2SJ

    U2 KROQ Show

    Somehow, today, I won tickets to the Roxy about 330pm! A full week of calling non stop... lots of dreaming out loud.. I still cant believe it!!!!:hyper::hyper::hyper::love::love::love::hyper::hyper::hyper:
  8. U2SJ

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Yay! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  9. U2SJ

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Yea it is for tomm.. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  10. U2SJ

    TICKET DROPS thread

    U2 friends.. just scored a GA on TM.. go!:hyper:
  11. U2SJ

    TICKET DROPS thread

    Generally speaking what times are the GAs being dropped for each show? Day before? Night or morning? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  12. U2SJ

    U2 SF Bay Area shows- some pics

    Awesome pics!!! I had a similar experience, some of the best 2 days of my U2 life :) Cant wait for LA :D Here is a link to my pics and also a video I took!
  13. U2SJ

    May 18th, 2015 San Jose, CA - SAP Center at San Jose

    The water spitting was odd . Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  14. U2SJ

    Red Zone

    Anybody have RZ last nite? Can you tell us about your experience? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  15. U2SJ

    What will the stage look like?

    So, is the Red Zone against the main stage at all? Are there some front rail spots?
  16. U2SJ

    Tour merchandise

    Love the hat! I still wear my 360 hat all the time:) Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  17. U2SJ

    What will the stage look like?

    I have Red Zone 1 on one of my tickets and my friend has red zone 2 on hers..... Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  18. U2SJ

    What will the stage look like?

    Hmm, my SJ GA just say GAFLR... so this will be interesting since its CC entry only. Sure hope we dont get to the door and they make you go around to the other side of the Arena. :|
  19. U2SJ

    TICKETS: HARD vs CC-Entry Only

    But there are... lol
  20. U2SJ

    TICKETS: HARD vs CC-Entry Only

    Hi all! So how is it possible that there are tickets on Stubhub for San Jose, if it is only CC entry?
  21. U2SJ

    Here comes the press rollout...Time magazine cover

    Yea that sucks! However I did see an International Time at Safeway the other day so maybe they will get the U2 one sometime :) Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  22. U2SJ

    Here comes the press rollout...Time magazine cover

    Has anyone actually found U2 on the cover of time? I went to Barnes and Noble's and they have the 9/29 edition that has some football star on the cover but inside is the article about U2? Did they cut them from the cover? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  23. U2SJ

    Why isn't mercy on the new album

    Hi old U2 Interference friends :) A lot has changed for me since I was an active user on this board, I have had 2 little ones :heart:of my own since the last tour so my priorities have changed a bit :) but I still love U2 as always and every so often visit the board to read articles and such...
  24. U2SJ

    LP 13/Invisible: Please disperse, nothing to see here

    :hyper:Just a few more days now:hyper:
  25. U2SJ

    U2BROTHR the MOVIE !

    Hey Mark! Just saw the documentary and wanted to say I really enjoyed it. My dream was to meet Bono for years and when it finally happened it was truly amazing. I think its so awesome that as "adults" we can still dream. Dream out loud!!!!!!!!:love:
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