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  1. TheLoungeFly

    Photo question

    Hello! It looks like this is the place to go to talk about pictures, so I was hoping somebody could help me identify this photo: (I really hope that this picture actually shows up when I post this, but I'm technology challenged, so if you can't see it, please let me know.) I found this and...
  2. TheLoungeFly

    Question about tagging

    What exactly is the etiquette for tagging posts? Are we encouraged to use tags, or discouraged? Should we use multiple tags, or just one or two? I'm sure that probably sounds like a dumb/odd question, but I don't want to mess anybody up without realizing it. :D
  3. TheLoungeFly

    Odd Question about The Lounge Fly (Mix)

    Hello! I'm not really sure where this is supposed to go, since I just signed up a couple days ago, but this seems like the place to get answers. I just tracked down a copy of The Fly single and I've been listening to it on repeat for days now, and in doing so I've found myself with questions...
  4. TheLoungeFly

    ZooTV Live from Santa Barbara

    Hello! I'm brand-new to this site, but I have started writing a MacPhisto crossover with the TV show Psych. (PsychPhisto!) Basically, the premise is that people dressed as devils are getting murdered, and one of the victims has a connection to MacPhisto, so the police wind up in his lounge...
  5. TheLoungeFly


    Which is "hello" in Vulcan. :bonocrab: These smilies make me chuckle. :mac: I am the Lounge Fly. I like to write. I've been kind of stalking this site for a while, but it took me some time to get up the courage to sign up! :lol: I'm still not 100% sure what I'm doing, but it's great to meet...
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