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  1. RioRhodes

    If venues ran GA properly

    What would you like to see them do? On my last thread, I caught a lot of posts about "if venues cared..." or "if venues were more involved..." So what can a venue do to better the GA experience? What can a venue do to keep things in order? Oh yeah, and what venues have had your favorite GA...
  2. RioRhodes

    The big uncomfortable question no one wants to ask

    How is the numbered system going to work when GAers who bought tickets later on had to buy them from someone, and will need that person to join them in line because of this paperless fiasco? How good are those in line going to be about this issue, because it's going to come up every day of every...
  3. RioRhodes

    360 Pedals Shirt... Still looking for one!

    If anyone has one I would still really like one. Preferably a size Small, but at this point I'm open to a Medium or even a Large, I just want one that badly.
  4. RioRhodes

    Still want the 360 Pedals shirt...

    Still hoping someone might come through for me and sell me one! The smaller the size the better! I fell in love with it at both 360 shows I went to but I never made it to Merch Booth for it.
  5. RioRhodes

    Bono on Steve Jobs

    Exclusive QA: Bono on Steve Jobs' Rock and Roll Spirit | Music News | Rolling Stone "Sandal-wearing, anarchic music-lovers from California invented the 21st century," says the U2 frontman Steve Jobs came out of a Sixties rock and roll ethos...
  6. RioRhodes

    Songs that played before U2 hit the stage.

    Sorry if this thread already happened but I can't seem to find one so I'm going to make this one anyway. Again, sorry if it already exists! But what songs do you remember being played at your U2? Particularly songs that you heard between the opener and U2. I want to compile a list so please...
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