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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. tpsglick2424

    help!! okay, i am having a contest with all of my friends, all you have to do is sign up. it could just be a random account. Once you sign up it will give me a point. The contest with all of my friends are, the person wit most points wins. i'm telling everyone on my buddy list to do...
  2. tpsglick2424

    IO: what's your favorite kind?.......

    of cheese?:sexywink:
  3. tpsglick2424

    Kiss 2007?

    Anyone know if they will be officially touring this year?
  4. tpsglick2424

    That 70's Show "foot in ass" Appreciation (even after cancellation)

    An appreciation to all the foots in ass jokes!
  5. tpsglick2424

    The "Post One Word Per Post To Make A Story" Game!!! Part II

    Kick your mother, "and don't be afraid to listen when Bono says that you are cruel. So take his advice and shoes eat chicken for lupper until you are sprouting broccoli instead of going under the bridge carrot is first next is not is but possibly never quite the sexy wowza I think this shouldn't...
  6. tpsglick2424

    Tryin To Throw Your Arms...

    Does anyone have the actual tab for this? All I could find are chords that you play, not the strings he plucks... Thanks! -Zach
  7. tpsglick2424

    Creating GIFs

    Does anyone know a good application where I can create GIFs that would be suitable for my Mac? Thanks -Zach
  8. tpsglick2424

    Bono's siblings

    Hey guys! Im trying to find out if Bono has siblings..I think he has a brother but I don't know..Does Bono have a sister?
  9. tpsglick2424

    Zoo TV vest

    Does anyone know where I could find that vest that Bono was wearing during half the song of Bullet The Blue Sky and Running To A Stand Still inthe Zoo Tv Tour.. Was it custom made just for him?
  10. tpsglick2424

    Zooropa vs. Achtung vs. Pop

  11. tpsglick2424

    44 Grammy request

    Does anyone have the pictures of the 44 (or something like that) Grammy's of Bono wearing the red glasses? Also Gwen Stafani is wearing his in some pictures...If anyone can post any of those photos that would be amazing! Thank you:wink:
  12. tpsglick2424

    Desire solo

    Can someone please tell me the tab for the solo of Desire when edge plays the two strings back and forth? I've been looking everywhere for it but can't find it. All I know is that he plays two strings at ones at one of the top threads...
  13. tpsglick2424

    Sicy's b-day!

    Happy b-day Sicy!
  14. tpsglick2424

    Slane Castle or Boston?

    What do you think is a better concert? Slane Castle Elevation or Boston Elevation?
  15. tpsglick2424


    Hello fellow Plebans! I think we should have a thread on the band and their glasses! Let's post!
  16. tpsglick2424

    Plane crash this morning

    This happend this mornin, someone I know friends were on this flight.. Only the co-pilot lived and he is in critical condition..
  17. tpsglick2424


    I think we should have a thread about pictures of the The Edge's and Bono's kids..Start posting pictures!
  18. tpsglick2424


    Hey guys, can you please post some pictures of the Line 6 Variax? I can't really see a view of what they really look like.. Thank you
  19. tpsglick2424

    Calling guys of all ages!!

    Ok since a few hours ago some brave men have tried to overcome pleba..It was unfortanetly unsuccessful..So we need men of all ages to post their hearts out and take away the pics of the boys bums and put in their wives bums! I have offered to take the job of captain of this situation...any...
  20. tpsglick2424

    Custom avatars...

    Hey everyone, Im guessing this might be the right forum but if i'm wrong please move it to the right forum but... When I put in a custom avatar i need to find a picture that is very small to fit the proportions for it to be a avatar... My question is that can I get any picture and shrink the...
  21. tpsglick2424

    Bono's phone

    Can someone please post me Bono with his red rzr? I might want that but the only photos I could find of the red rzr are the ones that have looked like they have been putted on a poster...I need to see what it looks like with a person with it:wink: and yes, im a dude posting in...
  22. tpsglick2424

    Happy B-day Waynetravis!

    Happy b-day waynetraivs and thanks for all the help!:up:
  23. tpsglick2424


    Does anyone else like U2 as much as KISS?Kiss is my favorite band besides U2 and I have been to 3 concerts of Kiss...
  24. tpsglick2424

    GA indoors

    For the people who were in the GA for the INDOOR arena (USA) shows, what time were you there to be in line for? Or what time do you think is greatest to get front row center in line for the indoor arena show?:eyebrow: Im thinking about doing it next time they come around:wink:
  25. tpsglick2424

    The Stuff you never knew about Yoplait Yogurt..

    Hey guys! a few days ago I discoved many disguting things that I saw on AOL, here are a few.. 1. Do you ever wonder what the beautiful coloring in Yoplait yogurt is? crushed beatles and their eggs...I know very disgusting but true.. 2.The same chemicle in house paint is in cake frosting...
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