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  1. JanuaryStar

    Secure insecurity?

    The thread title may seem a little paradoxical to you, well, I guess in a way it is. Everyone in their lives, men and women alike, all run into some insecurity issues at some point. Whether it be about appearances, at work, in a relationship, over smaller things... And then when we feel at our...
  2. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday, Vincent Vega!!

    I know it's still a while until it's December 25, but I'm a little impatient :wink: So, here's a very Happy Birthday to you already!! :hug: I love you very much :heart: ...Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :)
  3. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday, cruzila!!!

    What's this? I haven't seen a thread for cruzila yet?? Well, a very Happy Birthday then to a very sweet person :heart: Have fun tonight and party on Cari!! :hug: Your present and card should get to you somewhere this week :) He's all yours... :shifty:
  4. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday, GaleonGirl!

    I know it's not 22 hours and 50 mins or something until it's your actual birthday, but it's almost August 6 so I will make this thread already anyway :p Sorry I can't be at the bbq but I hope you will have fun on Friday anyways :) So, a Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!!!! :hug: I have a special B...
  5. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday BonosBaby12!!

    I know I've already wished you a happy birthday elsewhere, but you deserve a thread in here too! :hug: Hope you're enjoying your day at the beach, Happy Birthday sweetie :kiss: :heart:
  6. JanuaryStar

    July 20, 21 - Amsterdam Arena

    Searched but saw no other 'official' thread on this yet, if there's already one please forgive me and close this thread! So, who's going? Just ordered my tickets about 1,5 hours ago and the transaction went really smooth through LiveNation :)
  7. JanuaryStar

    Tbpm #20

    True, though I have A LOT of reading to catch up on :sigh: TBPM has looked in the new TBPM thread yet :wink:
  8. JanuaryStar

    The "Big Hug Thread" Pt. 7...!

    ...and we're already at part 7! :D Keep on sharing those hugs, everybody :hug: :hug: :hug:
  9. JanuaryStar

    Best wedding wishes for BonosBaby12!!

    I'd like to use this thread to wish Shannon (BB12) a very special, beautiful day on September 6, because that is the day she is going to get married! She and her beautiful man deserve to have the most happy day possible. And why? Because they are meant for each other, and love is a word too...
  10. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday, kafrun!!

    What, no birthday thread for Kaffy here yet?? Happy Birthday, sweetie, enjoy the good life and relax :kiss: Love ya :heart: The well-known, all-famous send you their best wishes too :sexywink:
  11. JanuaryStar

    The "Big Hug Thread" Pt. 6

    Wanted to give everyone a hug, but saw the other thread was closed, so I thought I'd posted a new one again, hope you guys don't mind :) Weekend hugs to Shannon, Kaf, Mia, Diana, Cari, BD, Wayne, Carlos, Zuropa, Carek, Comet, FB, Ava, MsPurrl and anyone I'm forgetting right now! :hug: :hug...
  12. JanuaryStar

    IO: Guilty pleasure Christmas songs

    Ok, so confess... What Christmas songs do you love (and listen to a lot this time of year) which other people totally dislike, which are overplayed, corny, or just downright wrong? ;) I admit, I like Christmas songs, so my list would be long I think :uhoh:
  13. JanuaryStar

    The "Big Hug Thread" Pt. 5

    Only starting this because I really feel those hugs can make a difference, even though they're only virtual. So here's some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: Here's the post I posted in the last thread, in case you guys thought I didn't thank you for all your warm wishes. "Thank you Shannon, Kaf, Diana...
  14. JanuaryStar

    Popmart Exposition (in Holland)

    Hope that this hasn't been posted before... I just got an e-mail message from Universal Music that there's going to be a Popmart Exposition in Rotterdam starting on September 6 and lasting for a month! It's like a celebration for the release of the new Popmart Live from Mexico DVD, there will...
  15. JanuaryStar

    IO: I passed my driver's test!!

    ...I did! It took me some time to get it (nerves you know :grumpy: ), but hell yeah I got it now!! :hyper: Another danger on the road... :wink:
  16. JanuaryStar

    The suffering...

    I really don't want to rant, but what is it lately with all the misery surrounding us?? A lot of you are going to say that death and illness and war etc. have always been around, but lately it seems like there's much more of it going around. And that makes me sad, and very angry at the same...
  17. JanuaryStar

    Happy Birthday BonosBaby12!!!

    To one of the sweetest and nicest persons around here, I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday, with lots of nice gifts :sexywink: So, Happy Birthday!! :dancing: :hug: :heart: Hope you had a great dinner with Diana and the boys :) :wave:
  18. JanuaryStar


    I don't know if this has been posted somewhere on the forum before... If so, please feel free to remove this thread mods! Doesn't it annoy you when you have a song/tune stuck in your head and you just can't seem to remember which artist or song it is? If so, here's a cool service to help you...
  19. JanuaryStar

    Prayers needed... For BonosBaby12

    Hi everyone, I want to ask all of you to send thoughts and prayers out to BonosBaby12 (Shannon). As some of you might know, her father has had a heart condition, and this has turned fatal just recently... Shannon, I'm thinking of you, and sending you lots of love and strength... Hang on in...
  20. JanuaryStar

    Try to visit Interference without DESCRIBING... Can ya do it?

    New thread I guess.... Before the other one gets moved to the archive and we won't have a DESCRIBE thread at all in here... :wink:
  21. JanuaryStar

    Feel the vibe, join the tribe… DESCRIBE!!

    I'm so corny... :lol: :reject:
  22. JanuaryStar

    IO: Paragliding!!

    Ok, so today, I was supposed to watch my cousins go up in the air with paragliding, but I also ended up doing it!! :ohmy: :hyper: At first I was like, no WAY I'm doing that!! But seriously, it turned out to be soooo much fun... We were so high up in the sky, I could see cities and the people...
  23. JanuaryStar

    I know it’s difficult to describe how to DESCRIBE, but keep on describing anyway!

    Describe describe describe...!! :hyper: You lost the idea... :sad:
  24. JanuaryStar

    No sleep club II

    Hope it's fine I made the new thread!! Ok, I didn't really have a brand new title for a second thread, so I called it 'II'. How is everybody sleeping lately? I slept pretty lousy for a while, but now things are turning better again :) :hug:
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