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  1. Catlady

    Bono in Chicago 10/12

    PERSONALS: WHO'S WHO & WHAT'S UP Bono set to expand AIDS project here James Warren, Mark Caro Published October 12, 2006 Bono, with the help of some equally famous friends and top business leaders, is expected to announce here Thursday the expansion to America of his creative corporate...
  2. Catlady

    I am going to Berlin...

    ...and would love to see Hansa Studios. Does anyone know where exactly it is? I know it is near where the wall used to be but that's not much to go on. Sorry if this is already posted elsewhere or if I am posting in the wrong forum, I did a search and didn't find anything....
  3. Catlady

    Pets affected by Katrina

    Time is running out for these poor animals. Every hour that passes means more pets, locked behind closed doors in the disaster zone, will die of starvation. Rescue teams are working as hard as they can to reach as many pets as they can, and though they have rescued thousands, there are...
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