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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. R

    U2's following in the early years.

    This is a question especially for any fans who were into U2 during their early years - Were U2 ever considered a "cult" band prior to say, 1985? Before they broke into the "mainstream" so-to-speak - whether it be from the Live Aid performance or the release of The Joshua Tree. My idea is...
  2. R

    The Price of U2 & I

    I cannot belive how much it costs! $218.95 is how much it is in Australia... Looks like I have to wait a long while before I'll be getting it! :( Even for a die-hard fan such as myself (and not to mention a HUGE Anton Corbijn fan), this is too much. What are other's opinions? Especially...
  3. R

    The "feedback" at the end of Boy.

    Is the so-called 'feedback' which occurs at the end of Boy (after Shadows and Tall Trees) present at the end of others' CD copy of the album? Mine doesn't have it - I can only hear it at the end of my old cassette copy. Was it just one 'batch' of CD's that omitted this, or is it the same for...
  4. R

    Reactions To Bono - I Don't Understand.

    I seriously cannot understand those who attack Bono's efforts in relation to third world debt, and spew out such a negative attitude towards what is essentially a very good and positive act. Bugger the fact that he's a rock star and not a politician. WHO CARES! What he is doing is for the...
  5. R

    Corbijn's U2 & Depeche Mode...Similar Or What?

    I love both bands, and I also love Anton Corbijn's photography, which, although he has a distinct style, I find a lot of his work with both groups almost identical at times. See what I mean? If anyone finds others, post 'em. U2 in late '86: DM in '87: DM in 1990: U2 in 1990/91:
  6. R

    Depeche Mode's New Album...

    Is according to their official site, due for release before the end of the year...:applaud: Exciting times ahead!! :hyper: Where are all the Mode fans here? What are your thoughts?
  7. R

    Weighty issues!

    I'm not a huge person, but I'm no matchstick either. What I am is a person who has spent most her life trying to maintain a weight a few kilos lighter than what she is....but is (always) unsuccessful in doing so! :mad: Whenever I get close to the weight I want to be....NO MATTER WHAT I gain...
  8. R

    Fave non-single album tracks...

    I love asking these sorts of questions! What's your fave album track, excluding the singles released off each...? RULES: STRICTLY ONE SONG!! Hey, I know how hard that is!! Mine: Boy: (very hard!) An Cat Dubh October: I Fall Down War: Like A Song UABRS: I Will Follow (hey, this version...
  9. R

    Bad from Live Aid

    U2's performance of Bad makes me cry every time.....particularly during "the leap". Is this normal??? Can anyone relate?
  10. R


    Sorry! Just had to let out my pent-up U2 excitement!!! Anyone else over-excited??? :happy:
  11. R

    Hi from Melbourne, Australia!!!

    Wow! What a day to join the Interference forum - when Vertigo is officially released! My real name's Michelle. I'm a 26 year old female and have been a U2 fan since 1995. I'm particularly into U2's 80's era - any other 'old skool' fans here?!? Look forward to chatting with you on all things...
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