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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. B

    Songs between the opener and U2

    Not sure if this is the right forum for this question, so I apologize if it isn't! I was wondering if anyone knew the standard set of songs that they play between the opener and U2? I recognized some of them ("Wake Up," "Somebody Told Me," "Take Me Out," etc.), but I was wondering if anyone...
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    Corbijn photos

    In honour of Anton Corbijn's new book coming out, I was wondering if we could post our favourite Anton photos? (not photos of Anton, of course...this is, after all, PLEBA ;) )
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    Bono on the cover of "Uncut" magazine

    Does anyone have the photo of Bono from the cover of "Uncut" magazine? It was relatively recent (within the past few months), but the photo was AB-era. If anyone has it without all the words on the cover, that'd be great.
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    Garden State on DVD

    Great DVD. The commentary with Zach Braff and Natalie Portman is priceless...
  5. B

    où sont les francophones?

    et de quelle partie de la francophonie venez-vous?
  6. B

    Question about Bono from an awards show....

    I'm trying to recall an awards ceremony that was televised a few years back (not sure how many years) in which Bono's cigarette and drink had to be taken away from him before he could make a speech. It was aired in the States, and I think it was an American awards show, but I'm not positive...
  7. B

    need stills from "One" (Bono in bar version)

    I've looked everywhere for stills from this video, and I can't find anything. Does anyone have any, and if so, could you post them? I'm especially interested in the ones where Bono interacts with the model because that would really help my design project. Thanks!
  8. B

    A photo search made for PLEBAns...

    I am putting together a AB lyrics book for my design class (just as a project, of course)...and I figured who better to ask for the best photos from this time than...PLEBAns :) If you have great AB-era photos, particularly in b&w, that you think capture the moods of the following songs (or...
  9. B

    1st leg US tour....rumored dates?

    I've been seeing random suggestions about tour dates for the 1st leg, and I was wondering if there was a more condensed list with just dates and locations?
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