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  1. C

    Daniel Lanois in Toronto...

    Saw Danny Lanois pull up on his big motorbike tonight for dinner at Teatro restaurant... no chance to chat with him though as he met a young woman for dinner. Guess his work on the new album is done for now
  2. C

    Willie Williams leaving the tour

    One bad thing Bono announced tonight was how this was the last show for Willie Williams, and he's told the band it's for good, but Bono doubts it, and says that once you're in U2's family, there's no getting out...hopefully it's not the last we've heard from Willie
  3. C

    Crumbs Tabs anyone??

    Has anyone got the tabs to Crumbs from your Table yet?
  4. C

    U2 Making a Video

    It was on MTV Canada last night at 10p. Showed them filming and editing several weeks later
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