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    U Talkin' U2 To Me Podcast

    Very funny, digression-prone podcast with Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman who nerd it up pretty good over the band. U Talkin' U2 To Me? podcast on Earwolf Also easily found on iTunes podcasts.
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    Music Industry Revelations in Flanagan's book

    I've been re-reading U2 at the End of the World. I expect everybody here has read it at some point. The last time I went through it was when it originally came out, so it's been interesting to read it again. Anyway, I was knocked out by the amount of space given to the idea that the music...
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    Did U2 Really Play a Reverse Setlist?

    I've been re-reading the End of the World U2 book. There was mention that the band had become a "jukebox" and that touring (JT and Lovetown, I guess) had become a numbing experience. So, Flanagan claimed that U2 once played a setlist completely backwards to try to shake things up. Did this...
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    Next album an app?

    Not much time, sorry if this has been posted elsewhere. AppleInsider | Record industry to pit proprietary CMX against Apple's Cocktail
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    Yahweh (Alt Version)

    So, I've been listening to the Medium, Rare & Remastered set and revisiting some of the alternate versions - they're not something I get to that often. Good or bad, I can see why the band redid SYCMIOYO and Native Son and ABOY. I actually prefer the versions that ended up on HTDAAB, but that's...
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    Different Sessions? Old vs. Newish Songs?

    Sorry if this is a redundant thread. After a quick initial listen to the beach clips, I didn't really return to them. I recognize some of the material from those pieces. But could anyone enlighten me about the oldest songs on the album vs. the most recent ones? Seems like the band had some...
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    JT (the tree) pics
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    My fridge plays So Cruel

    So, not much happening at the moment besides 3D, which I am seeing tomorrow night with the wife. I'd like to point out that our fridge - an older model to be sure - emits a ringing sound. I have pretty good pitch, and I am sure that it is the exact same tone and note from So Cruel around 3:50...
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    Fortunate Son/Paint It Black Question

    Always dug the covers from the AB-era singles, especially Paint It Black. But does anyone know the story of their recording? Were they recorded alongside AB stuff? Were they thrown together expressly for b-sides? They always seemed mysterious, especially given that U2 was attempting to move...
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    New Lanois release/download

    Interesting article here at Paste I dig his other solo stuff, so I'm enthused about this. Now, didn't somebody mention that Edge is on there somewhere? Big-ups on making it available at CD quality sound. Let the people compress it how they see fit.
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    Live in Paris is a Revelation

    As much talk as the last few concert videos have sparked, this JT bonus DVD is a reminder of what a great band U2 were at this stage. Really, just four guys on a stage bashing through an already superb canon of songs. And that's it. Bono's charisma (in all its un-selfconscious glory)...
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    Release Methods - Radiohead v. U2

    Check out the radiohead site. We've mentioned before how U2's release schedule/business decisions, etc. are a bit maddening and that there are maybe more novel ways to release your music. It appears that radiohead are putting out their new record in 10 days (!) through...
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    Image '08

    You know what was pretty badass about AB-era U2? They didn't rush around trying to embrace every promotional opportunity that came along. You could call them aloof, but they definitely cultivated a stand-offish cool to deflate the earnestness of R&H. The front-loaded their sets with a good...
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    Eye Contact...

    This has been swimming around my head since the Elevation tour. So, after years and years of being a fan with lousy seats, I find myself on the tip of the heart, right? And one thing that I couldn't help noticing was that Bono seemed to take special care not to really engage anyone around the...
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    Heard the faux-Vertigo commerical?

    I think it's Dodge. Anyway, they have a generic instrumental track that gets pretty close to the sound of Vertigo without being lawsuit-worthy. The guitar is chunky with lots of rhythmic palm-muting with that whole D to E riff. The dirty bass and drum tone is pretty dead-on as well. The only...
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    Vertigo Conspiracy Theory!

    OK, I've already shot this full of holes, but it's been kinda fun to play around with. The iPhone is coming out at the end of the month and it will be huge, blah, blah, blah. It looks like Apple was working on this thing as far back as 2002 or so. Doesn't "Vertigo" make more sense as a pitch...
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    Next Tour Predictions

    Super early, I know. They've obviously milked the circular catwalk layout for two tours. So they can't do that three times in a row. And after that, they can't go back to a static standard stage. What do you think they could do to keep pushing the envelope? In the round? That sonic...
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    Contract's End

    So with all this talk of contract fulfillment, does anyone want to hazard a guess about U2's next business plan? Couple things jump to mind: 1.) Paul McG recently slammed Universal's plan to offer its catalog for free based on an advertisement model. 2.) U2 like to believe that they are...
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