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  1. bammo2

    Mo Mowlam dies

    This is really sad. She was only 55
  2. bammo2

    U2 announcement before 11 30am GMT on BBC Radio One

    Jo Whiley has been saying that there's going to be a big U2 announcement before 11 30am (within the next 25 minutes) I have no idea what it's going to be about, or whether it's going to be something we already know, but I thought I'd give you guys a heads up. I know it's not about the TOTP...
  3. bammo2

    Happy Birthday, Meggie!!

    :hyper: I hope you have a lovely day with lots of smiles (and presents :wink: ) :hug:
  4. bammo2

    IO# I've got a job in Ireland!

    Someone has actually given me a job! It's working the bar at the Trident Hotel in Kinsale It looks lovely there :drool: I get basic accommodation for when I first arrive, and all my food too :up: I start on June 21st, and the job is initially for the summer season, up till the end of...
  5. bammo2

    It's Official# Beware of Low-Flying Snails...

    My mum is such a liability............. Yesterday she was doing some gardening and came across a snail. she didn't want this snail in her garden, so in her infinite wisdom she decided to throw it over the garden fence into next door's garden (apparantly she always does this......... )...
  6. bammo2

    It's Officially Pengie-Nappers

    From Police hunt penguin 'abductors' A rare penguin called Piglet has been rescued after being stolen from a North Yorkshire sea life centre. Piglet and her partner George are among seven Humboldt penguins at Scarborough Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary. She was taken...
  7. bammo2

    For Meggie

  8. bammo2

    Peter Kay's Universal Truths

    :laugh: 1) Triangular sandwiches taste better than square ones. 2) At the end of every party there is always a girl crying. 3) One of the most awkward things that can happen in a pub is when your pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger. 4) You've never quite sure...
  9. bammo2

    100 Greatest Riffs Ever?

    from The Guns N' Roses rock anthem Sweet Child O' Mine has the greatest guitar riff of all time according to a poll of music fans. The famous track came top of a poll of 100 Greatest Riffs Ever voted for by readers of Total Guitar magazine. Hits by Jimi Hendrix, Ozzy...
  10. bammo2

    IO# In a month I will be unemployed.........

    As today I handed in my notice for my crappy Marketing Assistant job :hyper: The unemployment aspect doesn't bother me, as after I have done my final exams in my Certificate in Marketing course, I will be moving to Dublin! :hyper::hyper: The flights are booked - June 15th............That gives...
  11. bammo2

    I just took a slice off the end of my finger

    So I'm at work (I'm a marketing assistant) and it's the start of the new season, so we're printing out and sending out a load of point of sale posters and showcards to send out to stores. I'm downstairs cutting posters out with a craft knife, using a metal ruler. And my finger slips off the...
  12. bammo2

    Fancy a job at the Clarence???

    Look at this, posted on the other day: blimey. Wish I had the experience they want....... :up:
  13. bammo2

    It's Official # Have a Hoffy Christmas

  14. bammo2


  15. bammo2

    It's Official #In Demand!

    I'm being headhunted :ohmy: !!!! When I got my new job (as a marketing assistant) I also had a few interviews for a job as a PR assistant. But the job I got offered me the position first, so I took it. Today I recieved this email from the people who I didn't go to work for: "Dear Lucinda I...
  16. bammo2

    UK residents - Vote for U2!!

    Yet another poll to vote in, this time for the Capitol Gold Legends Awards. You can vote for U2 in a couple of categories - legendary album and legendary group. If you vote, you get entered in a draw to win tickets to the awards ceremony. I've got no idea who's going to be there, but it's...
  17. bammo2

    Fish-Flavoured U2

    I brought tuna mayonnaise in tupperware to work today for my lunch. In the same bag as 3 of my U2 cds. I just went to get my lunch out and the tuna oil has leaked into the bag. My best of 1980-1990 and my U2-7 are now fish-flavoured. They stink of fish. :scream: Anyone think of any way to...
  18. bammo2

    'Bono's Million's' on UK tv last night

    I've had a search and can't find any other thread on this, sooooo.... Anyone in the UK watch this programme last night, or when it was on the other week? It was pretty cool, going right back to the beginning. They filmed in Mount Temple school, Bono's bedroom from 10 Cedarwood Road (childhood...
  19. bammo2

    the deer/elk/caribou mystery solved......kind of

    hello people I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, but I couldn't find it in any old threads, so...... I just bought the best of dvd, and there's a little blurb written by the director about each video in the booklet that comes with it. Anyway, for Electrical Storm it says: 'Oh, and...
  20. bammo2

    Bono in VH1 '100 greatest men' question

    hey guys I was watching VH1 today here in the UK and they're doing a battle of the sexes week with 100 greatest men and 100 greatest women countdowns. I don't know if they're new or what, and I presume they're only to be shown in the UK cos they've got Martin Kemp and Denise Van Outen...
  21. bammo2

    Help me! I'm a cretin who doesn't understand boomspeed!

    hey there Today I decided to get myself a boomspeed account so I can link pictures to my posts instead of having to post attachments which are really irritating and use up bandwidth... so I go to the boomspeed website to sign up for a free 1mb account, and on the registration page it asks me...
  22. bammo2

    the funniest website EVER!

    my brother has just introduced me to this website: there is some truly hilarious stuff on there, eg: (although beware this one has a lot of swearing!!) there's some really quite horrid stuff on...
  23. bammo2

    MERGED-->The Fly is on UK Best Of + the Fly is Officially listed (not hidden)

    The Fly is on UK Best Of Hey guys don't know if we all already know this, but I got my best of today, and it has The Fly as Track 17. Its not a hidden track, but is listed as track 17 on the sleeve. Did we already know this - am I just being slow?!! I've read that the fly isn't on the...
  24. bammo2

    wish my sister (and me!) good luck!!!

    my sister is getting married tomorrow :heart: And I'm the bridesmaid! She's just gone to bed and is pretending she's not nervous :lol: I just checked the weather forecast and it looks like it may rain in sunny old Nottinghamshire, England. :no: ah well, I'm sure it will be a good day, and...
  25. bammo2

    U2 songs for my sister's wedding reception

    hey there My sister's getting married on Saturday (I'm the bridesmaid - aaarrgh!) and she's asked me to burn a CD of U2 songs to play as people arrive at the reception. So I've made a list of songs I think I'm going to put on it: Stay Running to Stand Still All I Want is You One With or...
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