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  1. agentorange

    Sunny Day Real Estate reunion tour

    I'm sure there are some fans scattered around here, and I haven't seen any mention yet, so I wanted to pass along this monumental news. SDRE is reuniting for a tour with the original members, coinciding with the rerelease of the first two albums, remastered, repackaged, etc. Sadly, since this...
  2. agentorange

    U2 Elevation Tour hoodie on ebay

    Hey guys, I remember that some people posted a few weeks ago, trying to find a hoodie from the Elevation Tour. Well, if you hurry, there's a used one on ebay right now. It's size medium. Unfortunately, it's not the zip front. I think it's on for a couple more days. Just search for U2...
  3. agentorange

    File sharing services

    Since winmx shut down some weeks ago, I lost my downloading capabilities. Are there any decent file-sharing software services still out there? If so, are they gonna devour my hard drive with spyware? I'm honestly pretty clueless as to what's out there, since I had been using winmx for a...
  4. agentorange

    Denver shows

    Hey guys, I'm going to be making the trip to Denver for the two shows next month. If anyone has any suggestions on affordable lodging in the downtown area, I'd appreciate any ideas. My tickets for both nights are GA, so I'm coming with the expectation of maybe spending the night on the...
  5. agentorange

    Unexpected Larry sighting

    This would probably be best in PLEBA, but I refuse to post there... Anyway, I was at a friend's house last night, and we were messing around and watching tv. We happened to stumble across some boxing on Showtime that looked like it was being broadcast from some local community college...
  6. agentorange

    Phoenix, AZ

    If any of you guys is very familiar with the Phoenix/Tempe/Scottsdale, Az area, could you please help me out? I'm going to be spending about six days there next month on business, and I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on: Excellent, unique (preferably locally-based and non-chain)...
  7. agentorange

    Elevation tour merch

    If anyone has one of those navy zip-front Elevation Tour sweatshirts that is collecting dust in the closet and not producing personal satisfaction returns commensurate with its $65 price tag, I'd like to consider buying it if it's a size M or L.
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