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  1. Hoodlem

    Beach clip #1 - Moment of Surrender or NLOTH? *Discuss Clip 1 Here*

    I figured that if "Sexy Boots" gets its own thread, why not MOS? A Couple of Things: 1) I am 95% sure that Clip 1 is "Moment of Surrender". I don't think it has been brought up yet that the word "Surrender" leads off each section of the verse. Listen at 1:03 and 1:21. ("Surrender...what you...
  2. Hoodlem

    Question for 00's Bashers/90's Lovers...

    ...of which I consider myself one of. (Although I can appreciate a lot of the 00's material it is just not as exciting or artistic, IMO...but this discussion has been done to death and is not the point of this thread. So on with the question.) If U2 put out an album now that was truly...
  3. Hoodlem

    Make "Passengers:OS1" into a 10 track U2 Album

    I'm sure this has been done before, but I don't remember it so here we go... How would you "trim the fat" so to speak, off of Original Soundtracks 1 to make it into a release that might have been able to be called a "U2" album? Create a version 10 tracks long using only songs from the...
  4. Hoodlem

    An Even MORE Unforgettable Fire

    This has probably been done before but I have been inspired by the recent "Survivor" series. I was reminded what an absolute gem of an album TUF is, but I also realized that it could have been even better. So with the magic of playlists I came up with a new version. Check it out and let me...
  5. Hoodlem

    I Feel Like I'm Going Crazy!

    I have an incredibly important question to ask the members of Interference regarding the intro to Vertigo. Every quote I have ever seen on this board is quoted saying "turn it up loud, Captain". How do you get "loud" when listening to that? I have always heard "turn it up there, Captain". I...
  6. Hoodlem

    Cringe-worthy lyrics from WITS

    Which lyrics make you cringe the most from WITS? And I already know that many of you probably love all of the lyrics and if so then you may be sure this thread is not for you. My Choices: "The bullet quit the gun" "the soul in its strip tease" "did everything but murder you and I" "and to...
  7. Hoodlem

    MERGED--> Now this is hilarious! (Bono's home movie on yahoo homepage)

    Now this is hilarious! HA HA HA LOL Enjoy (sorry if this has already been posted)
  8. Hoodlem

    Grandaddy Fans...

    As you may or may not have heard, Grandaddy have officially split. This news is quite sad as they are one of my all-time favorites. Their music is absolutley amazing and genius. But the good news is that the new album, "Just Like The Fambly Cat" is available through illegitimate sources. Has...
  9. Hoodlem

    The Forgotten Decade of U2...

    ...THE 70's!!! The 80's and 90's and the 00's get far too much attention. There actually another decade in which U2 did exist. Lets here it for the decade that no one remembers! Who can forget such highlights as these? That first Practice in Larrys Kitchen! Dik Evans getting the ax! winning...
  10. Hoodlem

    Rank the Albums by iTunes Stars

    Do you guys rank your songs in iTunes with stars? I do. So I got this bright idea. Why don't I average out the amount of stars I gave to all of the songs on the albums and see how they all stack up. So basically what you get is a ranking based on the quality of the songs and not just whether...
  11. Hoodlem

    The "Best Of" the 90s in a Perfect World

    I know this has been done several times before, but not for a while. Pretty much everyone agrees that the Best Of 1990-2000, was a missed opportunity for U2. It is pretty obvious that that album does not acurately represent the band during that decade. I have come up with a tracklist that is...
  12. Hoodlem

    Singer/Songwriter James Gillice

    I think if you like U2 and other quality music, you may like this guy. Check out James Gillice. Recommended songs: Road Less Travelled That Night Back in June Lyla in the Middle Keep It Safe Waking Up Dream With Me Heck, they're all good! Check it out.
  13. Hoodlem

    "U2 Places" You 've Been

    This thread is simple. What U2 Places have you been to? Here's my list. The Joshua Tree Red Rocks Sun Studios That place in Memphis along the river where Edge slides down the hill in Rattle And Hum. Embarcadero Center - "Rock and Roll stops the traffic" One Tree Hill
  14. Hoodlem

    "North and South of the River" Appreciation Thread

    I can't remember ever seeing a thread for this song so I made one. This song is great in every form I have heard it in. So let's hear it for this overlooked gem of the 90's.
  15. Hoodlem

    Elevation vs. Vertigo...which is the better tour?

    IMO Vertigo wins hands down. - Better setlists - More variety - Bono sounds a lot better - Better performances of songs - The new material is better (HTDAAB) - Better looking Stage with the curtains and especially the european setup (the "ellipse" has all the benefits of the "heart" but without...
  16. Hoodlem

    Rank The Albums...

    ...from "most experimental" to "least experimental" This has nothing to do with how much you like them or not. Only rank them on how "experimental" they are. Studio albums only. R&H and Passengers included. This should be interesting because "experimental" can mean a lot of different things...
  17. Hoodlem

    Best 30seconds (or so) in the U2 Catalog.

    I am going to go with this one...(for now) the part in acrobat from "oh, save me..." all the way to when the chorus comes back in at "and I must be an acrobat..." That is one of the most powerful moments I have ever heard in music, period. Let's hear yours.
  18. Hoodlem

    Best Album Opening...

    ...not necessarily the best song but best opening song to an album. I would guess the top contenders would be WTSHNN - TJT ZOO Station - AB Zooropa - Zooropa Discotheque - POP Those are all my favorites. But I would choose Zooropa as the ultimate U2 opening track. WTSHNN is a close second...
  19. Hoodlem

    I like the new take on BTBS

    I was reading all of the posts about how people didn't like the new bullet version. I heard that the solo at the end was not exciting or as good as on previous tours. I just finished listenning to it for the first time and I totally LOVE IT. So mellow and bluesy! They have changed it up...
  20. Hoodlem

    ATYCLB and HTDAAB...mix them.

    I am a person who was a little put off by the soft and sometimes cheesy sounds of ATYCLB. That said, I find it easier to listen to now that it is not the latest thing they have done. I was listenning to it tonight and it really is not that bad. Most of it is quite good. But when it is bad it...
  21. Hoodlem

    I really HAVE done it! - PERFECT ORDER! (not kidding)

    I know therer is a thread already discussing track orders. BUT... I dont want this to just be another post in in that thread. The reaso why is because this is THE REAL DEAL!!! I have been thinking about this since the album first leaked on the internet. The original order was OK but...
  22. Hoodlem


    can someone email me fast cars? I own it already but I am at work and need it to finish my NEW PERFECT TRACKLIST for HTDAAB! (i will post that shortly as well) thanks in advance!
  23. Hoodlem

    New Doves Leaked...

    I am listenning for the second time right now and it is very good. More consistent than there other albums. Has some really amazingly beautiful moments.
  24. Hoodlem

    Album trajectory

    This is just for fun and probably impossible to tell, but... Assuming the pattern of three album trilogies that U2 seems to follow. Look at what U2 did with ATYCLB, then look at where they are now with HTDAAB... If they continue in this same artistic direction, where does that put them...
  25. Hoodlem

    What are the chances of...

    ...Love Is Blindness making a return in all its full band glory? They have gone 2 major tours now (and over a decade) without playing this song which was an absolute show stopper (literally:wink: ).
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