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  1. Michael Griffiths

    Outside in the rain is a roaming storm / Inside, inside, the sun is born...

    Who here thinks the unreleased demo version is by far the best thing since sliced bread? Happy Valentine's Day! YouTube - U2 "THE SWEETEST THING" (demo, audio only)
  2. Michael Griffiths

    U2 To Sell Five Versions Of New Album - One With Almost $100 List Price

    U2 To Sell Five Versions Of New Album - One With Almost $100 List Price | U2 news article from @U2 U2 To Sell Five Versions Of New Album - One With Almost $100 List Price listings show formats ranging from standard CD to full Box Set @U2, December 19, 2008 Matt McGee U2 will...
  3. Michael Griffiths

    Realistically, how many songs could end up on this album?

    According to, here are some contenders. I have a feeling only 3 or so of these will actually appear on the album in anycase. Nonetheless, U2 have been recording now for so long, I still feel this album could have the most songs on any U2 studio album to date. Here are 13 songs we know...
  4. Michael Griffiths

    The true classic of ATYCLB

    'In A Little While' Everytime it comes on when I'm around other people, everyone says they love it. It's the song they all want to turn up, the song that grabs their attention. Yes, 'Beautiful Day' may be the commercial hit off the album, and yes, I may prefer 'Kite' on a personal level, as...
  5. Michael Griffiths

    "Best" Eno/U2 songs

    Brian Eno's recent comment that the new song, 'Moment of Surrender' is "the best thing" he's ever done with U2 got me thinking of which U2 songs are truly "the best" with Eno (not necessarily "favourite, but "best"), and I think they would make a great album! Here's my list... Feel free to make...
  6. Michael Griffiths

    Could be their most diverse album ever made?

    Just realized this could be U2's most diverse album, given the comments about how they've recorded it. Apparently only a few songs were written in Morocco, yet they have many other songs written over the past few years that could also make the album. My guess is a fusion type of album, perhaps...
  7. Michael Griffiths

    Why have they NOT recorded this song??? Simply breathtaking....

    I hadn't heard this in a long while, and just found it on youtube... Once the song takes off, it becomes a pure classic. Imagine if they actually recorded this and put it on their next album? The next great U2 song is born. Is it a cover or is it completely original? The melody just sounds too...
  8. Michael Griffiths

    The sophisticated background violin/keyboard in 'So Cruel'

    Just listening to Achtung Baby for the first time in about 3 months, and getting lost in the sounds of 'So Cruel'. There's this violin that beckons, if not implores our molecules to vibrate to a higher order. It's a high society without any pretense. There's a sort of warm sophistication about...
  9. Michael Griffiths

    Are these possible clues as to the name of the next studio album?

    This just in: A Fall Release? Could U2 Be Cleaning Up Their Yard For Next Winter? U2 to release full length LP next fall. No word as to the official title, but according to these domain names, perhaps herein lies some clues:
  10. Michael Griffiths

    Amazing songs Bono/Edge have written that THEY need to record!

    I was thinking of some of the songs Bono (or Edge) have written that I wish U2 would have recorded, and I thought of a song called 'Conversations on a Barstool'. It's probably the best thing Bono and Edge have ever come up with that they haven't actually recorded themselves (it could even be as...
  11. Michael Griffiths

    Great interview - "Bono on the New Album" (Unforgettable Fire, that is)

    Found this great site with a bunch of cool articles from U2's early days. Articles seem to be coming from something called U2 Magazine: Here's just one of the great interviews/articles: Bono on the New Album The new album is likely to make...
  12. Michael Griffiths


    Just downloaded the unreleased digitial songs, and 'Smile' is by far the best of the lot I'm thinking. 'Levitate' is good, too, but not classic like 'Smile'. This song comes to you from a far, sounding sort of flirtatious, not revealing itself at first, a bit coy, and then.... Bamb. It hits...
  13. Michael Griffiths

    Anyone else have/seen the 3 game final Canada Cup 1987 DVD? Gretzky and Lemieux, wow

    Just bought this DVD set, and game 2 has to be the best hockey game I've ever seen. Gretzky has scored 5 goals in a game a few times, and even though in game 2 he doesn't score one goal, Gretzky calls it the best game he ever played. Instead, he had 5 assists. Lemieux had 3 goals, all assisted...
  14. Michael Griffiths

    The Bono conversation that covers almost everything - from selling out, to Radiohead

    The best modern interview I've ever read with Bono came out in Hotpress just before the release of HTDAAB. Surprising how fitting it still is. A great read, very thought provoking, and touches on just about every subject you might want to know about the current U2 mindset... Should answer a few...
  15. Michael Griffiths

    Can anyone tell me about the Live Aid (1985) DVD with U2's performance of 'Bad'?

    Please forgive me if this has been discussed to death already, but I have been too busy to check this site the last few months. I know the performance of 'Bad' is supposed to be legendary...I just wish it didn't come with so many other performances! Can anyone tell me their thoughts on the DVD...
  16. Michael Griffiths

    You sometimes just have to fall in love with a different band (no, not a new song!)

    I am new to this forum (sort of....well, new again), and I've noticed many people agonizing over the fact that U2 just aren't the same band they were, say, 15 years ago. Some people seem quite depressed over recent output, style, Bono's hair, Bono's weight, U2's recording loacations, U2's...
  17. Michael Griffiths

    Did Bono contradict his 1993 self? Interesting ZooTV quote...

    Bono said around the time of HTDAAB's release that they have been interested recently in making relevant music that can fit into the fabric of the "folk" music of popular culture - ie, The Beatles, The Stones, and so forth. Music that resonates to the extent of becoming part of the public...
  18. Michael Griffiths

    Has anyone ever seen 'Rattle and ROLL' - 7 hours of outtakes from R&H?

    I just stumbled upon it in a little hole in the ground record store. It is supposed to have 3 or 4 full concert footages taken from the Rattle and Hum filming....all never seen before. Has anyone seen it, and if so, do you recommend it? What does it really consist of? It's about $50, so just...
  19. Michael Griffiths

    CD Interview - "Bono Speaks in Philadelphia"

    I remember about ten years ago a CD in the U2 section at one of the local record shops that simply said, "Bono Speaks in Philadelphia". It looked to be from around 1987, if I remember. This was a time when Bono very rarely did interviews (how times have changed!). I didn't ever buy it, but now...
  20. Michael Griffiths

    For all the selling out talk, and even without it, it has to be said....

    For all the crying, for the criticizing, some of it warrented, some of it not, but none of it all together valid in the grand scheme of things..... The kind of power U2 wields right now....when they are up on stage and moving individuals into a collectivity, creating a mass bliss, getting...
  21. Michael Griffiths

    'One Step Closer' segueing into 'Where The Streets Have No Name' this tour...

    ...will be breathtaking. Up there with 'Running To Stand Still' into 'Streets'. You heard it here first. :ohmy:
  22. Michael Griffiths

    Track order of my extended version of HTDAAB

    This is what I've done...anyone try this? It works brilliantly... 1. Vertigo 2. Miracle Drug 3. Sometimes... 4. Love and Peace... 5. City of Blinding Lights 6. All Because of You 7. Fast Cars 8. A Man And A woman 9. Crumbs From Your Table 10. One Step Closer 11. Original of the Species 12...
  23. Michael Griffiths

    It's now official....

    'One Step Closer' is pure genius and the best song on the album. 'Crumbs For Your Table' is the second best and is emerging as a U2 classic. And reviews called this a b-side???? Pefect tone, beautiful melody, guitar that moves in myserious ways throughout. "And you speak, of signs and...
  24. Michael Griffiths

    Average IQ stats of people in U.S. election states

    Warning: This does not describe all democrats and please don't take offence! I couldn't attach the file I received on email (too big), but found a website that has it. Interesting stuff....
  25. Michael Griffiths


    My review of the 3 out of 10 review I normally don't do this, as I believe matters of opinion should be left to that - opinion - but there are just too many glaring holes in this to turn a blind eye. Let's analyze his summary: I am currently very disappointed by this album. I did expect...
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