Recent content by zooropamanda

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. zooropamanda

    Red Wings vs. Mighty Ducks

    Im going to be told off by mods for coming into this thread because seeing as I dont post much anymore, I apparently dont have a right to offer my view, but right now I really dont care. Angel you are an intelligent girl but you are wrong in this case. Wanderer has already stated the kind of...
  2. zooropamanda

    NHL Play-Offs - ALL First Round Discussion HERE

    People need to earn respect, and they can only earn it if they respect others. What goes around comes around. I always wondered why there are a different set of rules for mods and members here. You're allowed to say what you want, yet according to this theory, members should then also respect...
  3. zooropamanda

    it's official #my journal sucks balls

    damn, now everyone is quoting frogbat
  4. zooropamanda

    'The Space To Find Another'

    :( i wish you never had to write that
  5. zooropamanda

    salome, sicy, and u2bama have demanded a q and a with bear

    ive been gone for 2 weeks the only question i ask of u and u ignore me :madspit: i didnt miss you at all
  6. zooropamanda

    ZA's Final Fashion Poll

    Once again kiddies, Im off to go rockstar stalking, so I need help with the do and the crew. This time its Mr hunka hunka crooney boy with the hariy arms, Chris Isaak. Oh how I admire his surfly pecs... Help me! I can't decide what Amanda to go for...
  7. zooropamanda

    im off to be rockstar stalker again

    forgive me father bono for i am about to sin.. im being forced to follow around the man with the big fat do and jaw to nowhere it is not i not i that wants to drool and sit front row like the boston u2eys not i that feels the need to dress up in silly outfits not i that goes "squeal! ooh! its...
  8. zooropamanda

    Time for a new thread...

    this is probably my last post in this thread as im going on hols tomorrow its been wonderful dahlings i love you all :) Bring Back Deano RIP The Don
  9. zooropamanda

    freedom, peace and all that shit

    be nice to each other kids ive lurked here on and off for a long time, sometimes i posted, but not a lot. im off for a holiday just wanted to give u a mandasayonara be good to your mothers, drink your milk, speak your mind for its your greatest asset, be nice to each other and happy days to u...
  10. zooropamanda

    be there or be deathbear

    gee thanks martha! you rock lol better bloody believe it sounds like fun, americano boy!!!! goodbye u2ey gatherings forum :wave:
  11. zooropamanda


    i feel so loved :D goodbye babyface forum :wave:
  12. zooropamanda

    Deathbear, I have a present for you and all Creed fans

    skeeker..i think that was one of your bestest ever posts :laugh: :giggle: :teehee: :guffaw:
  13. zooropamanda

    I know 'the place' in Sydney 4 the best U2 stuff, rare & new

    that'd be red eye right? my fave record store :)
  14. zooropamanda

    progrock? It's FROGROCK really!

    one of the best poems this place has seen
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