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  5. whitehead

    wouldnt want this seat

    I can see the screen just fine. Bono, Edge, Adam are almost always moving around. Sounds pretty good. A U2 show is more about the sense of community than visibility anyway. U2 never said it would be a perfect solution for all in attendance. Advantage of more people in the audience and...
  6. whitehead

    Magnificent video is out, what do you think about it ?

    It's not bad but certainly not MAGNIFICIENT. Where'd our Bono that couldn't stop looking at the camera go?? Is he brushing up on his acting skills now?? Will the sheets make their way into their concert performance? :hmm:
  7. whitehead


    I guess I'm most disappointed that Bono's lyrics provide a lot of imagery that I was expecting to see brought to the screen. Sorry, but I don't think of eating salad when I hear "Being Born". :huh:
  8. whitehead


    No sir, didn't like it. :down: Glad I didn't splurge for the DVD like I was thinking of doing. I'm sure the only reason Larry approved was because it has motorcycles in it. As he said about Passengers, this film is very "art for art's sake" and not very creative art IMO.
  9. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    I got 4 GA tickets! Seeing the row G1 and seat 4xx-5xx in my receipt scared me but pretty sure its just for tracking reasons.
  10. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    I have a Horizon status and have to compete with the "Bears Club" members during the pre-sale??!! :huh:
  11. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    Where do I find a seating/price chart??? I'm 90% sure I want 4 GA tickets (~$50 right?) but if "good" seats are available at a reasonable price (say $100 or less) I might go for 2 of them and 2 for GA. Oh, the stress is mounting! :crack:
  12. whitehead

    Will they sell out stadiums in the USA?

    I predict that they will have trouble in the majority of the cities. If the new album wasn't such a "grower" and more instantly appreciated by the tweeners and frat boys then I'd have no doubt. Plus this economy is not on their side either. (Curious to see how the public reacts to Magnificent.)
  13. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    Simple enough mistake Kelly. :hug: At least you would have been earlier rather than later! PLEASE let Kings of Leon be an opening act for the Chicago show!!! :hyper:
  14. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    Umm...I think you mean 11 a.m. on the east coast (including Ohio time).
  15. whitehead

    September 12, 13 - Soldier Field - Chicago

    I wish they would add a stop in Detroit on their way from Chicago to Toronto! :sad: Maybe next year along with Columbus, Indy, or Cincy! :hmm:
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