Recent content by UberBeaver

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. UberBeaver

    Downton Abbey

    This cracks me up way too much. So I'm watching Downton Abbey, and like mid way through the Wedding episode, I just stopped the DVR and thought, "Why am I watching this show? Nothing ever happens...I don't like most of these's kinda cheesy...and it's just friggin boring." And then I...
  2. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    I think this may be his last chance to prove he can stay healthy. If he makes it through this season in tact, I don't think they buy him out. If he goes down again, I'd say he's done. And in the end, the contract is not as atroucious as everyone makes it out to be. $60m over 15 years - too long...
  3. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Thought I have accepted this season is going to be bad. I mean, I like Radek Martinek as much as the next guy, but did we really need him back? Is he going to help? Ugh.
  4. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    This is one of my favorite highlights of all time. Right up there with this: Darcy Tucker gets hit by Alex Kovalev! - YouTube
  5. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Yes. But they need some vets to help out, and they are lacking that sorely right now. But the future pieces are looking good, agreed.
  6. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Over / Under on reminiscing about how awesome the lockout was: I say mid way through the first period of Game 1 will bring back those wonderful memories of Islanders Not Getting Beaten by Being Stupid And Goddamn They Suck Time.
  7. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Rangers suck.
  8. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    If, God forbid, the Rangers won the Cup 10 years in a row, they'd still suck.
  9. UberBeaver

    David Bowie.

    It's black and white though. Probably more of an homage to Rattle and Hum. Though I guess he could be trying to do a double homage and rip U2 off twice.
  10. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    A.) Conf Final is not a Cup. B.) 1 Since '40 is a lot of ball sucking. And for the 20-25 years after 1940 there were only six friggin teams. C.) Rangers suck.
  11. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Question: If the Toronto area got a 2nd team, would a lot of Maple Fans defect? I mean, and I mean this in no way offensively, but considering that the Leafs and Rangers may be the only teams to suck more balls then the Islanders over the years, would people just be like, "Hey, F You, I'm...
  12. UberBeaver

    NEW YORK song effects

    Follow up: What is Bono using to get his voice to sound like Alicia Keys?
  13. UberBeaver

    National Hockey League 2012-13

    Question: If the Greater Toronto area got a 2nd team, would a lot of Maple Fans defect? I mean, and I mean this in no way offensively, but considering that the Leafs and Rangers may be the only teams to suck more balls then the Islanders over the years, would people just be like, "Hey, F You...
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