Recent content by starsforu2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. starsforu2

    The Temple Bar - It's Fall, Yo! UYMFA!!

    I can't believe the bar is still open! I was one of original bartenders at the Octagon Bar back in 2004. I met my wife there and she's upstairs taking care of the youngest of our two daughters. Incredible!
  2. starsforu2

    Seeking advice from Christians and non-Christians

    There are Bibles online to hold you over. Full Interpretations, absolutely free. I like the ESV because it's easier to read (for me) than the NIV or King James version. Here's a link to the ESV I recommend the Gospel of John if you want to jump into something right...
  3. starsforu2

    HAWAII: Lining Up Two Days Early

    During the tour, I thought that U2 should employ at least one person on the day of the show to handle the line. If you wanted to cut down on queueing, you have to make queueing up almost a fruitless endeavor. What I propose is that U2 have Ticket Master put one word from a U2 album name on the...
  4. starsforu2

    Forum Name

    Thanks! :up: You very well could be right, and we might have wasted a week, but really what's the hurry? Do we have any other pressing business? Any actual U2 news to discuss and argue over? It seems like this is the neatest thing going, even non-chatters are having fun with this. I think it's...
  5. starsforu2

    Forum Name

    I actually think this thread is fun, :cute: I'd keep it going for a few days more. I would probably repost the poll, run it all week long and pronounce a winner next Friday. I'd definitely vote for tangle of a conversation, I mean come on, look at us! :blahblah:
  6. starsforu2

    Forum Name

    Here are a few pertinent lyrics. And when you talk, you talk at me - Stay It's a different kind of conversation - Your Blue Room My favorite is Take this tangle of conversation... - Do You Feel Loved? but I voted for Talk without Speaking
  7. starsforu2

    Any on-line love stories?

    Oops : off-topic
  8. starsforu2

    SURVIVOR 12: Panama - Exile Island

    :hmm: I think that I remember Mad Dog from Survivor Australia using the patch when she went on the show. runs off to google... Ha ha! I found this chat transcript with Jerry So either they changed the rules and banned the patch, or they don't...
  9. starsforu2

    Happy Birthday, Cydewaze!!!!

    :applaud: Happy Birthday! :applaud:
  10. starsforu2

    How much can "Bomb" bounce back after the Grammys?

    It can't hurt that Best Buy has HTDAAB at $9.99 this week as well as the Best of 1980-1990
  11. starsforu2

    Can we have the option of disallowing comments in Journals?

    I respectfully disagree. Member induced censorship already exists. As the "owner" of the Journal, you have the ability to privatize your journal, essentially censoring the offending comments, and if you really want to censor comments, you have the ability to delete the entire entry. Granted...
  12. starsforu2

    Can we have the option of disallowing comments in Journals?

    Thanks Elvis So what I'm hearing is that Journals are NOT meant to be any different than any other part of the site. So, given your reply. I must apologize to all those people that I got annoyed with because I assumed (wrongly it appears) that journals were slightly more private than threads...
  13. starsforu2

    Can we have the option of disallowing comments in Journals?

    I understand that it's public, that people have the right to make comments about what they disagree with, but journals aren't threads are they? Aren't the journals something that you pay for as a premium member? So then is it unreasonable that you have some degree of control over something...
  14. starsforu2

    Can we have the option of disallowing comments in Journals?

    Thanks! Just checking. I might check out Live Journal. Thanks for the link IWB :)
  15. starsforu2

    Can we have the option of disallowing comments in Journals?

    I think I might want to start a journal, but I don't want to give people the ability to comment in it. If they have a problem with something I write, I'd prefer that they either report me (because it's against the rules) or PM me directly to disagree. I dislike having a public squabble where...
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