Recent content by ReFan

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  1. R

    The Electric Co.

    Anybody have a bass tab for this?
  2. R

    The All New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Heck yes I want pix haha... Plz and thank you much!
  3. R

    The All New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    What payment method did you use, if you don't mind me asking? I wanna buy the fly shades, but I'm not too willing to let go credit card info to the shady-looking payment site they use...
  4. R

    Does someone have a list of every music video?

    What about The Electric Co. (Live From the Lyceum Ballroom) YouTube - U2: The Electric Co. (London 1980)
  5. R

    The All New Incredible Bono Shades Thread

    Hey so has anyone bought shades off of I'm interested in getting a pair, but I don't wanna get ripped off...
  6. R

    Girl trouble... Again.

    So what do you suggest? Find someone else to attach to?
  7. R

    Girl trouble... Again.

    Here's the deal. Out of nowhere, I've started to become attracted to my best friend, who I've known for three years. Alot of our friends and people we know think we make a cute couple. She doesn't. I asked her if she'd get with me, and she said no, later stating that she'd like to STAY my...
  8. R

    iPod Issues

    I guess that's all I can do... Worth a try, since either way I'd have to put my entire library on there again anyway...
  9. R

    iPod Issues

    Ok, here goes. Yesterday my sis, in a fit of rage, knocked my iPod to the floor. Hard. Today, while I'm TRYING to listen to some tracks from Zooropa (in this case Lemon), only the first ten seconds play, and my ipod briefly freezes, and skips the rest of the track. Some other tracks refuse to...
  10. R

    Guess what? It's another help-someone-with-a-girl-problem thread.

    well i guess this is the right place to put this. I met this one girl around july last year. I've really only just begun to get to know her. I REALLY like her, but I dont want to mess this up like I've managed to do with other girls. And by that I mean that I don't want to say the wrong thing...
  11. R

    Hello all from L.A.

    Heylo there 4rm eastlos!
  12. R

    All MySpace Discussion III

    AH, FINALLY sum U2 lovers on myspace...
  13. R

    Who out there are the Youngest and the Oldest U2 Fans?

    Im 14, started when I was 10
  14. R

    What song makes you "sentimental"?

    Stay (Faraway, So Close), live in Dublin. Bono puts his heart and soul into that song that night, and THAT makes me sentimental. especially considering that the song holds other sentimental value for me.
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