Recent content by Like O2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    Vote for Interference!

    How could I not? <--- Voted! :yes:
  2. L

    Good Morning friends!

    Welcome to our little corner of the internet, glad to have you here! :yes:
  3. L

    IO how can you get rid of boredness?

    Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave. :eyebrow:
  4. L

    it's officially a prayer request

    Prayers, good thoughts, and :hug: for you, mom, and grandma.
  5. L

    happy birthday to the lovely sicy!

    Hope you had a wonderful day! Have a great year!! :yes:
  6. L

    I Smashed Up My Dad's Car

    Oh Katherine.....I'm so sorry. Thank God everyone is okay....and how awesome your dad is. He knows what's really, not a no worries, no tears. :hug:
  7. L

    IO: You can squeeze my peaches....

    I think I owe him an email. :reject:
  8. L

    MERGED ----> Anyone interested in GMail? + The Great GMAIL Lemming Rush- Sign up HERE

    So how does someone get invites?? I've been using my gmail daily, but no invites yet. Anyone know the secret?
  9. L

    MERGED----> happy birthday LikeO2! + happy birthday LikeO2

    Eliv8, ABEL, and everyone else....thank you so much for the birthday wishes. :wink: :hug: to you all!!
  10. L

    Happy Birthday Salome

    Here's to a great year!!
  11. L

    MERGED ----> Anyone interested in GMail? + The Great GMAIL Lemming Rush- Sign up HERE

    Sicy rocks!!! :applaud: Thanks! :up:
  12. L

    Let's lose some weight!!!!!!!!!

  13. L

    Happy Birthday jesseu2!

    :dance: Hope your birthday was great!! :dance: Now get back to those books!! :wave:
  14. L

    What the f***?

    You can do it, I know you can! Don't give up! :hug:
  15. L

    Another death

    Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:
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