Recent content by KevLW

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  1. KevLW

    Setlists for a hypothetical late 2019 tour of Australia, NZ, Asia

    I said jokingly to the Mrs months ago “let’s go, I may never see them again”. A quick look at the flights being about £500 and it suddenly gained some legs. It’s now become a family trip of a lifetime, with my kids turning 21 and 18 around that time. Will cost me a couple of extra years on the...
  2. KevLW

    Setlists for a hypothetical late 2019 tour of Australia, NZ, Asia

    The stage is sideways on, in front of one main stand and opposite the other.
  3. KevLW

    Setlists for a hypothetical late 2019 tour of Australia, NZ, Asia

    Over half the seats in the stadium will be in use (or at least available for use). It is odd they have chosen to do it this way though.
  4. KevLW

    SOE 32: let there be no leak puns..

    I’ve put the Q review into the reviews thread...
  5. KevLW

    SPOILERS - Vancouver Rehearsals Part 2

    Exactly what I was thinking. I saw the first UK Vertigo show in Manchester and they didn't seem to have the timings worked out. Changed it on second night to put a couple of extra songs in the daylight section. Hope they are ahead of the game this time as I am at Twickenham 1! Pre JT section...
  6. KevLW

    SPOILERS - Vancouver Rehearsals Part 2

    If the setlist stays roughly as we see it then things will need to change in Europe otherwise they will be playing Streets in the sunshine!
  7. KevLW

    SOE 18: New Tour, New Despair...

    New edition of Q arrived today. Decent U2 article, including interview with Adam. Explains the SOE process a little and suggesting an Autumn 17 release likely. Suggestion of trying to update the album for what's currently going on in the world comes up so it's a theme they keep repeating. Most...
  8. KevLW

    Songs of Experience - Part V

    Yes. I am a subscriber - it arrived today. Some lovely photos of Bono in the sea!! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  9. KevLW

    Songs of Experience - Part V

    No news at all folks in the Q feature I'm afraid. ? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  10. KevLW

    Songs of Experience - Part 2

    Article in latest Q magazine.... No definite release date. Song titles listed (did we already know all these?) are: Instrument Flying The little things that you give away Much more better Civilisation Landlady Where the shadows fall Red flag day Get out of your own way The morning after...
  11. KevLW

    I&E VIP souvenir gift

    A very kind hearted Scot (one of many I came across at the weekend) was amazing enough to give me his VIP package gift on Saturday. It's a really impressive item and one that sits proudly in my collection of U2 memorabilia. However, I have now had a good look through it and it is riddled with...
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