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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    U2 packing it in?

    And Another sidestepped question. You have nothing but smug wise ass comments and no forthcoming facts. If you want to shut me up and make me look like a shithead that you obviously think I am then lay it out for all to see. Then I will gladly kiss your ass and praise your name. Until then...
  2. J

    U2 packing it in?

    Right, another sidestepped question.
  3. J

    U2 packing it in?

    No I'm still waiting for you to explain what you apparently know about the live tracks. No hard disc? (Meaning ANY kind of computer generated file; NOT a sequencer outboard piece of gear) Terry playing HOW MANY keyboards live? School me dude. I'm waiting. But you won't. You dance around it. You...
  4. J

    U2 packing it in?

    In fact, let's settle this once and for all: How does u2 make all those other sounds live gvox?
  5. J

    U2 packing it in?

    1. Then show me that post. 2. I said who fucking knows to end the debate because you're obviously gonna keep going round and round with no proof about your claims u2 does not use backing tracks live (meaning playing to a hard disc)
  6. J

    U2 packing it in?

    Oh fuck this....what a waste of fucking time. Bye.
  7. J

    U2 packing it in?

    No, they listen to Kraftwerk records obviously. Don't you?
  8. J

    U2 packing it in?

    And I also like how you sidestepped my post before that.
  9. J

    U2 packing it in?

    You inferred Ableton pretty strongly so don't be cute. Secondly, I know EXACTLY what they use and it ain't sequencers.
  10. J

    U2 packing it in?

    Really? Here's your post: It's both, it depends on the song. But lets not forget U2 owns these loops and sounds and has them recorded and individually tracked from way back. Some differentiation in terms is helpful here too: tapes are not loops and loops are not tapes. Loops can be part of a...
  11. J

    U2 packing it in?

    It means I respect your opinion since I liked your post. Secondly, this is between gvox and I and it's because of his apparent work in the same industry. So therefore I'm asking about credentials because of his hollier than thou attitude. It isn't the first time and now I'm tired of it. It's not...
  12. J

    U2 packing it in?

    If I came off as a blowhard which I would say it probably sounds that way for anyone on this forum from time time when they're passionate about what they're saying, then sorry to have offended you. All I remember is you insulted the shit out of me for saying u2 plays to backing tracks and you...
  13. J

    U2 packing it in?

    Dave, it's between me and gvox/ has been going on for awhile...please remember I liked your post 2 days ago or whatever and don't stir the pot.
  14. J

    U2 packing it in?

    I didn't "study" Kraftwerk, no....I did study Bach, Mozart, Miles, Coltrane, Zeppelin, ....should I go on? I don't have a problem with someone calling me out on not know fucking Kraftwerk....whatever.....I have a real problem with your attitude towards me and the way you've expressed it in the...
  15. J

    U2 packing it in?

    Umm yeah...let's hear about your credentials..... And really, since you think you're the shit, it shouldn't be a problem. I'd LOVE to hear your resume.... You've done nothing but try to take me down for months, and you can keep trying; why? because I said U2 plays to backing tracks? You can...
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