Recent content by jaimearodriguez

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  1. jaimearodriguez

    The List Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way - All GA Line Drama Discussions Here

    Yeah, I have very rarely seen shady stuff going on at the top of the line. Its happened once in a while, but if I had to guess, I'd say 97% of the GA people are there without cutting a line or doing anything weird. I don't know, this tour everyone is just chill and mellow in lines.
  2. jaimearodriguez

    The List Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way - All GA Line Drama Discussions Here

    Typical 'Check-In' times. (Example: Day before the show from 6-8 pm and day of show 7 am)
  3. jaimearodriguez

    The List Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way - All GA Line Drama Discussions Here

    Came back home over the weekend after doing the first 4 shows all with GA. There was literally ZERO drama in any of the lines. Everybody understood, respected and followed the rules in Tulsa, St Louis and San Jose. What is this drama that this forum talks about? Seriously, what drama?
  4. jaimearodriguez

    Any chance of any other tour dates in Europe?

    You guys are so naive. Live Nation is a publicly traded company. The only thing that matters is the shareholder value. And in the past 5 years, the stock has doubled in price. So why would they change what is working perfectly?
  5. jaimearodriguez

    How are the tickets selling?

    I was 14 when elevation happened. Sadly, more into Green Day and Blink 182 at that point :doh: See you in St Louis then. Bring your Dwyane Wade Miami Vice jersey.
  6. jaimearodriguez

    How are the tickets selling?

    Hey Mc_Fly, Im a Miami fan too. Im sure we must have crossed paths in 2005, 2011 or last year. Curious which shows you are doing this tour? Im heading to Tulsa, St Louis and NY3 but yeah, still bummed they aren't playing home.
  7. jaimearodriguez

    How are the tickets selling?

    Same in Miami. They played a college basketball arena (10.000 seats) and it was half empty. Too bad because it was an amazing show.
  8. jaimearodriguez

    Quincy Jones: U2 is Over the Hill

    Tried to edit the post title and it wouldnt let me :/
  9. jaimearodriguez

    Quincy Jones: U2 is Over the Hill

    Music Legend Quincy Jones opens up in a new in-depth interview. Knowing the respect he has in the music industry, it holds weight. Not just another 'hater'. Link: "Is U2 still making good music? [Shakes head.] Why not? I don’t...
  10. jaimearodriguez

    eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour 2018 - Rumors & General Discussion

    I got an MSG3 GA in like two minutes. In and out, no problem. Arrived yesterday. Still have 2.5 codes left. Hoping for an extra leg.
  11. jaimearodriguez

    *Rumor* - Larry to retire after E+I tour

    Based on what/who ? What sources? What quote? Unless there is some ‘meat’ to this rumor, then its the same as me saying the toothfairy lives in Adam Clayton’s home.
  12. jaimearodriguez

    eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour 2018 - Rumors & General Discussion

    New code. Got my MSG3 GA's yesterday with it.
  13. jaimearodriguez

    eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour 2018 - Rumors & General Discussion

    I just want to say that now that the dust is settling on most of the pre-sales, I found a new development this tour. The Mobile App from Ticketmaster, which was working much better than the website the past few tours, became A LOT less reliable. Maybe more people caught on, and traffic...
  14. jaimearodriguez

    U2 to perform at 2018 grammy awards

    You are correct! They keep breaking their low record year after year. This year they were down 24% from the final viewership of the 2017 edition.
  15. jaimearodriguez

    U2 to perform at 2018 grammy awards

    The only thing that is inarguable is that ratings for the awards dropped dramatically from a year ago, reportedly reaching “an all-time low.” People tunning out in droves.
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