Recent content by dgirl

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  1. dgirl

    Bono and I Have Known Each Other for 150,000 Years!

    Ummm No Tiger is not 22 now. She is 9 And it is public fact on Tina Hutchence site that Bob has made it very hard for them to see her. The band has'nt even seen her in a few years either. No, im not in the "circle" some of this is just public knowledge.
  2. dgirl

    Bono and I Have Known Each Other for 150,000 Years!

    Yeah Bob is a GREAT man, he won't even let Michael's family see Tiger Lilly..Anyways...
  3. dgirl

    I am the girl that lost 75lbs to dance with Bono

    Re: Re: I am the girl that lost 75lbs to dance with Bono Even if she says that she did it to dance with him what is wrong with that? Some people need that extra push to help them get through something like that, and someone like Bono is a pretty good thing for. Good for you and i love that...
  4. dgirl

    Looking for a website..*help*!!

    No, no and no... I know it was an american run site. It was just a page and had a list in order of all the vids. Not live stuff just the regular videos. Thank you all for you help tho. I'm sure i will find it. This gave me more links to look through as well. For the life of me i can't remember...
  5. dgirl

    Looking for a website..*help*!!

    :hmm: Not that one.. This was one with the videos they made. thanks everyone for trying.. I'll find it sooner or later.
  6. dgirl

    Looking for a website..*help*!!

    Thanks Neutral, but this was a U2 fan site.. i didnt even think about
  7. dgirl

    Looking for a website..*help*!!

    Someone here posted a link to a site that had tons of U2 videos. Does anyone know the link or know what im talking about? Thanks, im having a brain fart at the moment..
  8. dgirl

    Bono's Dancing Girls VI - Were you one of the chosen? Wish you were? Post/chat here

    I ment the girl that was pulled up, a friend says she thought it was the same girl from MSG (ALI).:laugh:
  9. dgirl

    Bono's Dancing Girls VI - Were you one of the chosen? Wish you were? Post/chat here

    Yeah in Houston during WOWY she thinks..
  10. dgirl

    Bono's Dancing Girls VI - Were you one of the chosen? Wish you were? Post/chat here

    Ok, did Ali get pulled on stage last night? I know someone who says the girl looked just like her.
  11. dgirl

    Fast Cars dance: Appreciation thread

    Well here is my "FC" pic..
  12. dgirl

    Article-Behind Bono's sunglasses

    Well it is possible. The guitar player from Duran suffers from the same problem.
  13. dgirl

    IO: Dane Cook is a funny shit!

    Dane is a funny bitch.. First CD is better than the new one tho..
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